Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 173 - Hierarchy Of Power

The drive to where the Vedova Nera residence was located was more pleasant than Samuel had expected it to be. Not say that he minded being around Jovanni or that he wouldn't make good company. It was more that it was a different experience from when he drove with Lena who seemed to prefer to keep a peaceful quiet between the two of them when they were together.

Compared to the princess, his cousin was far more talkative about the things that he didn't mind bringing up. There were still a number of things however that he didn't answer when Evalyn or her son asked about it. He put it in the category of having to wait until they got there.

The things he didn't mind talking about where related to family, what the residence was like, what to expect when they got there as far as manners, introductions and behavior.

It sounded like a lot to Samuel, but he knew that was because he didn't grow up in that kind of world. It was something though that he had to remind himself that his mother already knew about because she had spent eighteen years in it before she left. Of course she would already know about a lot of this stuff and not be affected by it.

"I also hope that you don't mind suits, Sam because you're going to be expected to be wearing a lot of them now once you're accepted into the family." Jovani commented, glancing at the navigation system to make sure that he was still going in the right direction. It was his first time heading back from this direction and he wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to end up getting lost on the way.

"I haven't worn a lot of suits, but I wouldn't say that I mind them all that much. It is something to do with being professional in appearance?" He inquired remember that Lena had mentioned before that once they were engaged as he was going to be showing his face more that he would need to change his wardrobe around as well.

"Something like that." He confirmed.

"Many of the families have a different dress code that needs to be followed. The one that the Red Scorpions follow is slightly different than ours just in that they aren't as much of a stickler for the professional look and shift in what they were depending on the situation and the job they are working with. Like the princess and that jacket she likes to wear." He said thinking of an example that he could give to the other to understand what he was saying.

"For the more legal side, they will dress in suits and similarly professional clothes that match the expected dress code for such things. When it comes to within the family and needing to show a display of power, they chose to wear jackets and other similar style clothes with their symbol embedded on them so that others are aware right away who they are messing with. Also a way of showing where they sit in hierarchy of power."

"Hierarchy of power?" Samuel repeated, asking for clarification by his tone.

"I'm sure you're aware of the fact that there are a number of different families with New Jersey. Even if you're not part of the mafia, they cover enough of that on the news and such that most of the prominent groups are known." Jovani started.

"In some cases they'll say that they don't know which group was behind some crime or other because no symbol or such was left behind to indicate which family they were part of. A lot of times that's because smaller groups are poking around in larger territories that they either don't belong to or they're looking to take ground in but don't want word to get out as whom exactly they are as they would risk getting easily crushed." Jovani elaborated.

"But if there's a symbol or in some cases referred to as a 'calling card' then you can guess that Mafia family most likely has enough power to be putting themselves out there without worrying about anything happening. Also in such cases, more powerful families will leave a mark behind if the incident is caused by a scuffle within the families, sort of like a warning to let others known that they're not to be messed with unless they want to face the consequences of such actions."

"So you're saying because Lena's able to wear that symbol on her jacket that it is a sign of the amount of power that her family has? And if so, how does that work within the Vedova Nera family?" Samuel then asked. He presumed at least that they had their own symbol of power by the way that Jovani had talked about them being one of the top three prominent Mafia families.

"That is indeed correct. As for us- we prefer to go with something that is a little less flashy than that. We wear ours on the cufflink of our suits." He replied Indicating with his left arm where his was.

"It's noticeable if one is looking for a symbol or such, but subtle enough that if one isn't paying attention, they wouldn't notice it. Great way to know what people really think about the family if they don't know who they're talking to or dealing with." There were people who argued that it wasn't a big enough of a flex of the power the Vedova Nera had, but Jovani liked it because of the sneaky element behind it. Plus, it was a great way to gather information and fit into crowds that wouldn't so openly talk if they actually knew Jovani was with the Vedova Neras.

"That's why the dress code is more strict though because our symbol is more subtle thus we can always wear it or have it on us without it easily being noticed hence the purpose of wearing suits in almost all situations unless at the residence where anything can be worn outside of business and other affairs." He clarified.

"Oh, plus whatever the code is at the Red Scorpion's estate. Since they already know who you are and you're marrying into the family, there's no reason for you to have to dress in such a stuffy manner there unless you wish to. That rule would only apply to business deals and such things that you did with them since you're representing both families at that point." He added on.

That was something Samuel would have to get used to. He could handle wearing suits every now and again, but knowing how things worked, he already understood that he would have to wearing them a lot which he knew would get troublesome after a while. He preferred a more casual dress attire to things such as suits.

"It's just part of what you have to deal with getting used being part of the family you were born into." Jovani commented when he saw the look that was on his cousin's face.

"We don't always get a choice in such matters, we just have to deal with them because it is what is expected and if we want to change anything- we have to rise to the point where we have enough power to petition or force it to happen." He explained.

"I wouldn't imagine using power on something like that though, not immediately at least. I'm sure there are much bigger things that would need to be addressed with that kind of power first." Samuel replied.

"Right you are. Some might consider such things as a sticking point if it had to do with a power display or wanting to draw more attention to themselves, but just as a matter of comfort over anything else, it would be pushed further down on the list of priorities." Jovani agreed with a nod of his head.

"Now though, I think it is time to draw our attention to what will soon be coming up in front of us and what I guess you will soon be able to consider a third home." He said as he came up to a gated entrance. It had taken over five hours, but they had finally reached their destination.

Samuel couldn't see much yet though because of the gate they were in front of it which seemed to span out on both sides for quite a distance. Far different from the way the Red Scorpions had setup their estate.

Jovani had to enter a pin and give voice recognition and explain that he was coming with two guests who were part of the family before they were allowed to enter. One could never be too safe in such situations.

Samuel was a mixture of impatient and excited to catch a glimpse of what the residence would look. The drive up felt like it was longer than when he had first come to visit Lena.. He presumed though this was due to the way the driveway wound around and the fact that they had to wait for the gate to close behind them before Jovani continued forward.

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