Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 170 - Don't Think Too Much About It

"When you mention the other guest who was sneaky, where you referring to Genson?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, the guy exuded so much fake charm and pleasantness that I wouldn't be surprised if it made most of the staff around her uncomfortable." Ryan grimaced as he spoke.

"Probably didn't think that I noticed much of anything though since I'm just the cook around here."

"I would expect that if you're making that comment that you did notice something?" The princess then asked, finishing the rest of her coffee before setting the glass down. She wanted more but she doubted that Ryan would be so willing to refill her cup quickly.

"Aside from the fake that he's fakest person that I have ever met in my life?" He asked glancing back at the princess with a small smirk as he continued to gather ingredients for breakfast.

"Anything." She replied. Had Genson really banked on the fact that everyone would be too distracted to notice if he nosed around the estate? Or was that he didn't think that it would be that big of a deal since he had been invited here?

It had been a spur of the moment decision for Lena to do it because she went for someone that easy to contact in order to gather information about the Vedova Nera as soon as possible, but perhaps it'd turn out to be worth it if it did turn out he was working with someone else aside from her.

"Well, I can't say that I heard everything that was going on, but he made at least two different calls while he was here. One out in the hallway, I caught him on the phone hiding near one of the corners when I was coming back from moving some things around in the cellar. He seemed nervous about whoever he was talking to because he kept glancing around himself to make sure no one was around. If that isn't suspicious, I don't know what would be." Ryan answered as he tried to remember everything that he saw that he felt would be important to reiterate.

"The second call was made in the dining room when I was getting his food. I decided to bring it out myself because I wasn't sure what kind of person he was. He hung up though the moment that I entered the room and put his phone way before I could see if there was any ID on it. One of the other staff saw him nosing around on the east wing of the building. No clue what he was looking for."

"That sounds like the kind of job that would be for Hester to figure out." The princess mused. She doubted that Genson would be foolish enough to make such calls unless he had a way to make it hard to be traced. Didn't mean though that people even as skilled as him didn't make mistakes at times.

"You think that it's somehow connected with everything else that's going on?" Ryan asked. There was a lot he didn't know within the family, but if there was one person who would be likely to tell him anything, that would be Lena."

"It's hard to tell. It's something my father would jump on if it turned out to be anything important. He already doesn't like him. Probably something to do with having worked with him in the past."

"Is there anyone that could actually stand him? I would be surprised if there was." Ryan replied with a small laugh.

"He's good at his job so on a professional level, it's less about like and dislike and more about the fact that he can get the job done." The princess replied.

"How long his luck will last is the question though." Genson was quite a lucky person from what she knew. Most of his past before he got into the job was a mystery, but he was one of those who somehow managed to land on his feet in the business and pick up good business rather quickly.

"I doubt that it would extend very far for much longer if he ends up double crossing your family." Ryan commented. Taking a plate, he dished up some of what he had made.

"You should eat something though before you leave here. I know you're going to say you're not hungry, but if you don't try everyone is going to keep worrying and fussing over you and I know you don't like that. So eat." He insisted as he handed her the plate.

Lena didn't reject the plate, but she did give him a look that said she wasn't thrilled about it. The food did smell good though and even if she wasn't hungry, she could reply on Ryan to make something that tasted pleasant so eating wasn't was slightly less of a chore in that way.

"You don't want your fiancé worrying too much about you while you're going anyways. Don't think that I haven't seen the way that he has been glued to you since you two came back." Lena made a huff sound in response to this as she picked up the fork to start eating. Ryan had made quiche, biscuits and fried potatoes.

Lena had wanted to argue that 'glued to her' was a rather strong way to phrase how close Samuel had been sticking to her, but she couldn't actually deny that he wasn't that far off the mark with that when she thought about it.

Samuel didn't seem to leave her alone all that much, not even at night when she was trying to sleep.

"Is that something that you would refer to as concerned affection?" This question caught Ryan off guard and he had to look over at the princess to make sure that he had heard her question right. In all of his years working there, she had never brought up such things before.

"I would think so. I wouldn't call it an action out of obligation or pity from this perspective. Sam doesn't seem like that kind of person. Not to mention you guys did have a bit of a rough start to the relationship with the way you reacted to him." Ryan replied.

"If you asked me before I would've said that I think he'd have been more likely to avoid you during this time or be very particular about what he did so that he didn't annoy or upset you." He continued.

"Considering the fact now though that he doesn't seem to care about your ruff attitude or whether he's invading your personal space too much but how to say in a more gentle and caring manor considering what happened. I would say it's because he cares about you." Lena was quiet after he explained this which he wasn't sure if that was because she was processing what he was saying or if his explanation didn't make sense to her.

"It's one thing when it's family doing it and another when a stranger tries. Sam doesn't really fit into either one of those categories yet though so I'm not sure how to react to what he's doing." Lena explained as he looked up from her plate to see Ryan's reaction. He was one of the closest people she had in the estate that she would consider a friend who she could discuss this type of stuff with without him either teasing her about it or having bias opinion since he was outside of her family.

"I think that you should take it for what it is. Sam isn't a bad person that much we can both agree on. So I don't think that you have to worry about there being any hidden ulterior motives behind what he's doing. Maybe just take it for what it is and see how it turns out. You guys are going to be getting engaged soon after all." Ryan pointed.

"I know that. A lot more than was expected is going to be changing with that. Some of which is going to require Sammy-boy to leave for a few days." The princess. Thinking about that wasn't exactly helping her appetite.

"Leaving for a few days?" Two surprised in one morning felt like a lot of Ryan who usually was used to not hearing much about events unless kitchen staff where gossiping about things they heard which generally wasn't anything that surprising.

"As it would turn out I'm not getting engaged to someone from outside of this world. Instead it's to someone that didn't know that he was a part of this world until recently." Lena replied as she set her plate down. She had managed to eat half of what was on it, but she was no longer in the mood to finish the rest of it.

"So that's what all of this recent fuss is about." Ryan mused.

"Yeah and that means it's going to be turning into more than simple engagement party." The princess replied with a sigh.. She still had to wait to find out what exactly was going to go on with that until after the next few days passed.

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