Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 149 - Let Me Be Here With You?

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Samuel didn't turn on the light but turned in the direction that he thought the voice had come from, he had only been in her room a handful of times but he was fairly certain that he still remembered where her bed was located which was where he presumed the princess was by how far away her voice sounded.

"Alright, but you do need to eat something, that's why I'm here." His statement was met with silence for a moment or two before the princess spoke again.

"You can leave the food on the table by the door and leave. I'm not interested in eating right now. I don't really want anyone around me either. We can talk later." She replied. Without being able to see anything, he wasn't quite sure where exactly the table was located, and he couldn't quite use his other hand to feel around too far in the darkness while he was holding the tray.

"Lena, you need to eat though and honestly, I'm not as familiar with this room as you are so I'm not quite sure how far the table is from the to be able to set the tray securely on it." he told as he tried to inch forward slightly in hopes of being able to find the table without dropping the food.

"Then you can just take the food with you and leave. I thought that my silence in the car would've been a good indication of the fact that I'm not in any kind of mood to talk." She replied, her voice sounding more sharp than it had before. This didn't detour Samuel however as he managed to find the table and feel enough to set the tray securely on it without dropping any of the food that he had brought with him.

"That was three days ago." He reminded her. His answer however was met with silence. He didn't know if this was because she didn't realize it had been three days already or due to the fact that she really didn't have an interest in talking with him at that point in time.

"I'm pretty sure that there's a lot that you wanted to talk with me about that you didn't say back in the car because of everything that was going on at the time." He continued not waiting for her to talk as he tried to slowly walk through the room to where he thought the bed must've been located.

"There's also a lot of things that I want to talk about that happened. One of which is to apologize to you for being so careless as to not realize the type of danger doing something as simple as trying to go pick up a gift could've put me in." Lena still didn't say anything as he continued to speak while inching his way further into the room. He was rather thankful for the fact that the princess didn't have a lot of stuff cluttering her floor as she navigated it slowly.

Once he was certain that he found the bed, he stopped in front of it. His eyes still hadn't adjusted to the darkness enough to be able to tell where Lena was. He still didn't have his cellphone back with him either otherwise he would have just pulled it out to turn on the light in order to be able to see despite the fact that he was fairly certain she would've protested to this action.

"It's fine. You can leave and we can talk about it another time. I already told you once that I'm not in the mood to talk no matter how many days have passed since everything happened." When she spoke although it was very faint, Samuel was certain that he could see the slight movement of the bed from where he was standing. It was going to be a bit tricky to do, but he was fairly certain of the fact that he would be able to get up onto the bed and shift near her.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to get on her bed without her feeling the movement, but he hoped that if he tried to get closer to her she wouldn't push him away even if she wasn't in that much of a mood to talk with him, there had to be something he could do to get her to open up to him.

"I know that you keep saying that, but even if you don't want to talk, perhaps I could just be here and keep you company for the time being?" He offered as he shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, partly to make sure he wasn't moving to quick and partly so that he could take his shoes off before trying to get onto the bed with the princess.

When she say anything or make a noise of protest he took that as a sign that it would be alright for him to move further up on the bed without her having a problem with it. He kneeled carefully on the bed in order to make sure that he wouldn't accidentally bump into Lena or lean onto her too hard.

"When people are going through hard things, sometimes it's easier to just have someone there with them to make it better." He told as moved so he was kneeling on the bed after he had taken off his shoes.

"I don't expect you to tell me anything right now, but just let me be here for you?" He half said, half asked as he reached his hand out to try and feel for where the princess was. She didn't respond to this of course and due to how big the bed was, it was rather hard to find where exactly she had curled herself up at.

"After everything, you think that I'm someone who would appreciate another person invading my personal space at a time like this?" She asked, her voice still rather soft as she spoke, but hint of annoyance to it. She would've rather preferred he wasn't there right now until she was able to sort herself out and deal with everything that was on her mind.

"You don't come across that way, no but I also wonder if anyone outside of your family has ever tried or if you've even had someone who would be willing to try." He replied as he shifted further onto the bed where he was certain her back rather than front must've been.

It was a bit awkward trying to shift up next her without being able to see her but he was determined that if he couldn't get her to talk with him about what was going on, he would at least be there to hug her and see if it helped to make her feel better until she opened up to him.

She didn't say anything again of course after what Samuel said. She didn't exactly know how to reply to it. He wasn't wrong, she never really did let anyone get close to her after what happened, plus with the arranged marriage it seemed a waste of time to let others in from the outside because they wouldn't be people who would be there for the long haul except for the few friends she had made but never really had time to keep up with because they lived in two different worlds.

She didn't even let her family beyond her father and brother be there for her either. Mostly because she didn't feel like they could relate to what they were going through. None of the mad experienced it, so why would they?

She tensed again the moment that she felt Samuel's arms wrap around her shoulders, it was a rather awkward hug. She could tell that he didn't quite know what he was doing, but despite that he was trying his best to be there for her. Somehow, this made want to go find Jovani and shot him even more than she had felt the last three days she had been alone.

Samuel didn't say anything else as he rested his head against her back. He didn't think that there was much else to say. Right now, he just wanted to be near the princess and hoped it helped with whatever she was dealing. Maybe eventually then she would be willing to eat something and then maybe she'd be willing to tell him what was going on.

The current situation wasn't exactly what he had agreed to with Zane, but Samuel could argue the fact that Lena didn't exactly reject him and want him to leave considering the current situation that he found himself in. The dark made it feel less awkward, but he did want to be able to see her face to know how she was doing. That could wait though for as long as she just let him lay there with her.

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