Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 745 Cheat

Chapter 745 Cheat

'He's here…' Vale muttered as his eyes narrowed. He could sense the descent of another being into the surroundings.

Well, it wasn't as subtle as the Evenescent Vessels's technique, but it was most likely due to the strength of the Seven Sins. The power that the "Greed" possessed was something that couldn't be contained so easily.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

Malrath's form contorted, his wounds mending with unnatural speed as an inky blackness enveloped him.

"Gahahaha!!! All of you will die!"

His laughter grew louder, more unhinged, as the essence of Greed fused with his being. His eyes, once a fiery red, now glowed with a cold, golden light—the mark of Greed's possession!

The Beast Arts Practitioners recoiled, their instincts warning them of the new, more potent threat that now stood before them.

"Something's wrong… This Demon Saint is completely different now. We have to retreat and get our weapons to receive more blessings. It's not enough now."

Sylvana declared as she steadied her stance, her eyes narrowing with realization.

"I can still fight… He might be bluffing! Maybe this is his last-ditch effort." Korvax replied as he clenched his fists, the tattoos on his skin glowing with renewed vigor.

Lyra and Tyro exchanged a glance, before agreeing to Korvax's words.

"We think the same! He's spending so much energy… I'm sure this form wouldn't last!"

The other Beast Arts Practitioners, on the other hand, agreed to Sylvana's decision! They also wanted to flee right now! The strength that the Demon Saint was showing was too much!

Furthermore, it was less likely that this Demon was bluffing at them after hearing his previous words.

Sylvana wanted to scold the three people, but she had no time to explain. A huge burst of malevolent energy spread outwards, pressuring them as they almost kneeled even with the power of Beast Marks protecting their bodies.

Malrath, now a vessel for Greed, rose to his full height, his power magnified beyond measure.

"I am reborn!"

He declared, his voice filled Malrath's rage and Greed's cold ambition.

"This realm shall be mine to claim, and all shall bow before the might of Greed! Ughh… No! This realm is for the Demon Lord!"

Well, there seemed to be disharmony between them as Greed had just taken the body.

Vale's Avatar, witnessing the rise of Greed, knew that inaction was not an option.

Although it sounded extreme, the fate of the realm was hanging in the balance with the appearance of the Greed. Because of that, he prepared to join the fray!

He bided his time, waiting for the precise moment to strike. He had a perfect spot to launch a surprise attack, and he could not waste such an opportunity.

Vale remained patient as he watched the two forces getting ready to make their move…


As Greed reared back, preparing to unleash a devastating blow upon Sylvana, Vale's Avatar made his move. With his Presence Shift, he instantly appeared close to Greed and intervened, his presence became a sudden shield between Sylvana and the Sin!

"Back, foul creature!" Vale's Avatar thundered, his voice also called the Divine Lightning above!

Boom! The creature was hit, but the damage was not enough… It only briefly surprised the Creature for the attack that came out of nowhere.

However, it didn't end there, Vale used his Vampiric Fist to suck out his opponent's life!


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work against his opponent…

"Mhmm? This scent… A true Immortal?" Greed's eyes narrowed as he hesitated for a moment…

On the other hand, seeing Vale's strong appearance,?the Beast Arts Practitioners rallied at his side, their energies reignited by the arrival of this unexpected ally.

Sylvana, regaining her footing, nodded to Vale's Avatar.

"I heard a lot about you, Shadow Immortal… Your arrival was perfect. Let's show this embodiment of avarice the strength of our combined might!"

These words actually surprised Vale. He didn't expect that Sylvana and the Beast Arts Practitioners would immediately accept his assistance.

They were barely surprised at his appearance at all! It even seemed as if they were waiting for his arrival.

"Very well…" Vale could only reply with their unexpected immediate acceptance of the situation.

"Hahaha! Let's see how you can stop me!" Greed laughed as he felt challenged by the situation.

Then, the battle that ensued was a spectacle of divine and primal forces clashing against the Corruption of Greed.

Vale's Avatar triggered his Divine Arts, unleashing a?Holy Smite?that seared the air with its brilliance. While bolts of?Divine Lightning?forked down, seeking to purify the tainted essence of the Sin!

However, the Greed wasn't a being that could be compared to Demon Saints! They were Special Beings that not even the Demon Lord could command them at will!

Seeing that the Corruption was too strong, Vale continued unlesashing strong Spells!

He summoned aMeteor… It was like a celestial hammer aimed to crush the malevolence before them.

"Ah…" Sylvana and the others who wanted to summon their Beast Marks to help and attack the enemy, immediately backed off as they realized that the level of this fight was beyond their capabilities!

Instead of helping, they might just become a burden for the Immortal!

Instead of dying from the Demonic Being, they might die from Vale's Celestial Arts!

Yet as the Beast Arts Practitioners were fleeing for their lives, Greed absorbed the onslaught, its laughter a mocking gale amidst the storm of attacks.

"Is this all you have? Your feeble attempts are but whispers in the wind to me!" It seemed as if the Greed's power was getting stronger as time passed!

'We must find another way…" Vale's Avatar thought... 'This Sin feeds on battle… We need a strategy, not just brute force.'

Vale's eyes narrowed as he spoke soflty.

"Buy me some time…" Vale said as he summoned his Moonlight Specters and Shadow Soldiers to attack the enemy…

Sylvana and the others also decided to cooperate.

The elite members of the Order of the Valiant Scourge were filled with courage as soon as the Shadow Immortal spoke.

Sylvana channeled the ferocity of the Black Lion, her strikes imbued with the savagery of the king of beasts.

Korvax invoked the might of the Scaled Bear, his blows resonating with the weight of the forest's guardian.

Lyra and Tyro, swift as the panther, coordinated their attacks to strike the enemy!

The other practitioners did the same, but unfortunately, the Greed was on a different level!

"Not good… Call for backup!" Sylvana shouted while looking at Korvax, who had the ability to send long-distance messages.

"We need all the strength we can muster!"

Of course, there was no way their backup could arrive instantly, but it was better to tell others about their situation here!

"Hoo~ The Immortal is preparing something?" Greed muttered seeing Vale was unmoving.

Even if he was being attacked from all sides by the Beast Arts Practitioners, he stood unyielding like a monolith of Sin. With each attack it endured, it seemed to grow stronger, feeding off the very conflict it was embroiled in.


With a wave of his hand, two Beast Arts Practitioners lost their lives… They very life seemed to have been drained by the Corruption.

"No matter what you do… You can never win against me!" Greed laughed as he saw the faces of the Beast Masters.

In this dire moment, Vale's eyes snapped open, revealing an iridescent luminescence that had not been there before.

A confident smile graced his features as an aura of formidable power erupted from him, a stark contrast to the Avatar's previous displays of strength.

Sylvana and the rest of the Beast Arts Practitioners were certainly happy at this development… They already reached their limit and as a matter of fact, they used their Forbidden Spells already!

They exceeded their limits of two or three Beast Marks usage and decided to use five or six of them!

All of them are no longer in a good condition!

If this goes on, all of the Beast Master here will die for sure!

Thankfully, Vale seemed to be ready to fight once against and end this fight once and for all.

Greed, taken aback by the sudden surge in Vale's presence, faltered. He couldn't understand how the Immortal's Divinity which was only the size of a fist, suddenly filled his whole body!

That's right, Greed could see Vale's Divinity filling all of his body right now!

"What's happening? An Immortal at your level shouldn't be staying here in the lower realm!" He stammered, his composure shaken.

Vale's response was a cryptic smile as he vanished from sight, only to materialize behind the startled Sin. Greed, realizing the peril of close combat with this newfound adversary, turned to flee.

But Vale was swifter.

Utilizing hisPresence Shift, he teleported behind Greed once more, immobilizing the Sin with an unyielding grasp.


The force of Vale's hold slammed Greed into the earth, creating a massive crater.

In a calm yet authoritative tone, Vale whispered, "Extract…"

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