Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 731 Against the Vessels

Chapter 731 Against the Vessels

As the Demon Saint pondered his next move, contemplating a return to the Rift to regroup and strategize, a sudden disturbance in the air signaled the arrival of the Order of the Evanescent Vessels.

"They followed me? How foolish…"

The Demon Saint's crimson eyes widened in surprise as he sensed their presence converging upon him. He deliberately made known his intention to leave the Human Realm as he headed to the Rift.

He was telling them that he wasn't planning to continue fighting.

He wasn't afraid of them at all, and he was simply not in the mood to fight… After all, he had already received a message about the unusual events in the other Rifts.

It appears that the Shadow Immortal had made its move.

He was worried that this place would be targeted by the Shadow Immortal. He wasn't prepared to face that Immortal since he believed that he would need at least 10 or 20 Demon Fiends to fight against such a monster.

"Since you want to die… I'll give you that…" The Demon Saint muttered.

He knew about the Order of the Evanescent Vessels.

The members of this enigmatic organization possessed a unique ability as Arcanists—they could channel beings from various realms to inhabit their bodies, transforming into formidable Vessels.

Whether from the Fairy Realm, Spirit Realm, Giant's Realm, Shadow Realm, or other mysterious dimensions, they could draw upon otherworldly entities to aid them in battle, enhancing their strength and abilities.

They were quite troublesome opponents since even the Demon Saints had no idea what beings they would call upon.

Luckily for him, these Vessels couldn't sustain the possession for a long time. If they exceeded the limit of their bodies, they would become truly possessed by the summoned beings, and their life would cease.

There was no way they would want to end their life that way.

"Come, Vessels… Show me what you got…" The Demon Saint muttered.


There were a total of 12 members of the Vessels that had chased the Demon Saint.

Their leader, Tyler, took a deep breath as he saw the Demon Saint, who was capable of releasing the Demon Fiends. From the perspective of the Dark Arts Council, this Demon Saint was the most dangerous one.

They only knew that his name was Azzak, a high-ranking Demon Saint, who could summon Demon Fiends.

"Demon Azzak, don't think of escaping from us…" Tyler spoke with a grave tone while observing the appearance of what supposed to be a Demon.

The Demon Saint stood tall and imposing, his human-like form exuding an aura of malevolence and Corrupted Divinity.

His features were chiseled and sharp, with eyes the color of freshly spilled blood that glowed with an unholy light.

Two twisted horns protruded from his forehead, spiraling upwards like darkened obsidian.

Clad in regal attire befitting a nobleman, the Demon Saint wore a cloak of midnight black, trimmed with crimson accents that seemed to flicker like flames in the darkness.

His garments were reminiscent of an ancient era, with intricate embroidery and ornate details adorning his attire. There was also a silver amulet hung from his neck, pulsating with dark energy and casting eerie shadows across his pale, angular face.

Each step he took resonated with the power of corruption…

What was troubling the Vessels from approaching was the dark energy or swirling tendrils of shadow dancing around his form like serpents ready to strike…

Sensing that the Demon Saint was about to attack, Tyler made his move.

With a quick decision, the Vessels encircled the Demon Saint, their eyes ablaze with an otherworldly glow as they prepared to confront the malevolent entity.

The surrounding air was filled with Dark Arcane energy, a heavy tension building as both sides braced for the impending clash.

"Hahaha! Go and call whoever you can… I'll take them all! I will show you the difference in our strength!" Azzak said as he laughed.

"You know my name, but you're not aware of my powers?! You're courting death!"

The Demon Saint, sensing the imminent threat posed by the Vessels, unfurled his tattered wings and unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the battleground.


The surprise attack wasn't enough to deter the Vessels.

Nonetheless, this action allowed him to create a strong defense. Evil energy and Corrupted Divinity coalesced around him, forming a shield of malevolence as he readied himself for the confrontation…

Without hesitation, the Vessels summoned forth beings from distant realms, their bodies shimmering with ethereal light as they became true vessels for otherworldly powers.

Wisps of magic swirled around them, a kaleidoscope of colors and energies converging to augment their strength for the battle ahead.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the Vessels launched their first salvo, unleashing a torrent of elemental magic and spiritual energy at the Demon Saint.

The 12 members of the Order of the Evanescent Vessels had channeled their unique abilities, drawing upon beings from diverse realms to enhance their powers in the confrontation with the Demon Saint.

Six of the Vessels summoned similar entities to possess their bodies, while the other six called upon different beings, creating a diverse and formidable array of allies in the battle against the malevolent entity.

The first group of six Vessels summoned beings known as "Luminous Sylphs."

They were ethereal creatures from the Spirit Realm infused with the essence of light and air.

These graceful entities imbued the Vessels with agility and speed, allowing them to dart across the battlefield with unparalleled swiftness and grace. These beings were their Vessel's favorite when dealing against quick opponents.

"Block all the enemy's escape route!"

"We'll end this in 15 minutes!"

"Kill the Demon when an opportunity rises!"

Their forms glistened with lustrous hues, casting a radiant glow that illuminated the battlefield.

In contrast, the second group of six Vessels called forth were different types of "Shadow Sentinels" from the Shadow Realm, enigmatic beings cloaked in darkness and mystery. These shadowy entities granted the Vessels the power of stealth and deception, shrouding them in a veil of shadows that rendered them nearly invisible to the naked eye.

They were the Umbral Stalker, Duskblade Wraith, Nightshade Phantom, Twilight Specter, Shadowweaver Shade, and finally, Tyler, the leader, called for the Eclipse Assassin. The strongest Shadow Sentinel he could call forth in the Shadow Realm.

'We'll win this!' Tyler thought. The Eclipse Assassin of the Shadow Realm was a silent and deadly foe, able to move with supernatural speed and accuracy to eliminate high-priority targets with ruthless efficiency… This was his favorite Being to have when tasked to eliminate certain individuals.

As the clash between the two forces intensified, the Vessels infused with the essence of the Luminous Sylphs soared through the air!


With a chant, an electrifying shockwave was released as sharp wind blades danced around them…


Their attacks formed a dazzling display of power that destroyed the surrounding field! The sheer power of their spells destroyed the earth and trees!

Meanwhile, the Vessels possessed by the Shadow Sentinels moved with silent purpose, their movements masked by the darkness that enveloped them.

As soon as the Sylphs created an opening, they struck from the shadows in a blink of an eye! They did not waste any chance at all!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Unfortunately, their attacks were blocked by a thick layer of Corrupted Divinity!


Nonetheless, this defense was still destroyed after the final attack landed!


The Demon Saint was thrown to the ground and blasted several trees after getting hit!

However, Azzak didn't seem to be that hurt as he quickly stood up with a smirk on his face.

The surrounding air grew thick with tension as the forces of Darkness, Corruption, Shadow, and Malevolent aura clashed. Each side vying for supremacy in the heart of the chaotic battlefield!

"Hahaha! Not bad, Vessels! Not bad! If we could teach this technique of being vessels to the Captains, we would surely become a lot stronger." Azzak laughed as he seemed to be enjoying seeing the power of the Vessels.

It was as if he was analyzing them!

"Shut up, Demon!" Tyler shouted as he signaled the others to continue with the attack.

Arcane blasts collided with the shield of Corrupted Divinity that was surrounding the Demon Saint.

"Hmph! Is this everything you got, Vessels?!"

The Demon Saint laughed and retaliated with equal ferocity, his crimson eyes blazing with unholy fire as he summoned forth dark tendrils of energy to ensnare his foes.

Shadows danced and twisted around him, lashing out at the Vessels with evil intent as he sought to overwhelm them with his dark powers.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The Vessels fought valiantly, their bodies infused with the essence of beings from distant realms, each wielding unique abilities and strengths.

They countered the Demon Saint's attacks with their own spells, weaving intricate spells and incantations to disrupt his defenses and weaken his grip on the battlefield.

However, the Demon Saint's Corrupted Divinity was causing them too many problems... They had no choice but to have the others sacrifice themselves to activate the Arcana they had borrowed from the Dark Council!

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