Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 706 Return

Chapter 706 Return

The morning sun had barely crept over the horizon when the noise of construction jolted Denise awake.

"Ughh… Why are they so noisy early in the morning? I should've brought Magnus' Formation Core…" Denise muttered, referring to the Formation Art that could stop any noise of a certain level from entering the protected area.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she peered through the window of her rented hotel room, observing the industrious scene unfolding below.

The Ruri Kingdom was undergoing a transformation, with the railway expansion project spearheaded by the new king bringing a profound sense of progress and prosperity.

Of course, this wasn't just happening here, but throughout the whole kingdom.

The once quiet villages and small towns were now bustling with activity, the railway lines weaving through them like veins of life, providing jobs, improving trade, and solving the age-old problems of food and shelter.

It was certainly a lot better when Vale and the others had just entered this kingdom.

'The air quality is still bad, though… I think we should do something about it.' Denise commented in her mind as she could see the thick black smoke belching out of various factories within the town.

Unfortunately, she couldn't think of a solution to that she only thought of solving it but she never really did anything about it.

Denise then turned away from the window, her gaze falling upon Arthur and Lancelot.

They weren't his male servants serving her during the night.

Instead, they were two metal golems—or androids, as Vale preferred to call them—stood sentinel beside her bed.

No matter how awesome she was and how reliable Lotus was, she was still a weak Alchemist. Her average physique was still a problem for her.

'Mhmm… I should try making them look more handsome…' Denise thought as she looked at the two.

Their gleaming metallic forms were still, yet there was an alertness about them that belied their inanimate nature.

Although they were not moving, Denise was confident that not even a mosquito would touch her skin with the two guarding her.

Nonetheless, what she liked about them was that they required no sleep, no rest, and no salary needed to pay them.

They will remain as her untiring guardians, ready to protect her at a moment's notice.

"Good morning, Arthur, Lancelot," Denise greeted them with a warm smile as she prepared for the day. The androids responded with a series of soft whirs and clicks, the only indication of their acknowledgment.

It was something that Denise had taught to them.

Denise couldn't help but smile after seeing them react this way.

Anyway, today, Denise had a mission.

The town was ripe with opportunities, and she intended to explore every nook and cranny for any interesting or beautiful magical artifacts that she might like.

Well, magic artifacts don't always have to be powerful, in her opinion. If they looked good on her, she didn't mind purchasing them as well.

The airship she had arrived in was laden with goods from Vale's castle. They were items that would fetch a handsome price in the markets of various towns and cities… There were only a few of them remaining, which were extras just in case they needed to sell more products. Of course, Denise didn't mind if they weren't sold.

But trade was a two-way street, and Denise was always on the lookout for unique products to take back with her. It was a mission that Vale had given to her to ensure that they weren't missing out on profitable business.

'Mhmm… Looks good.' Denise thought.

With a final glance at the mirror, she adjusted her cloak and strapped her satchel securely across her shoulder.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Arthur and Lancelot fell into step behind her as she exited the room, their heavy footsteps a stark contrast to her light tread.

The town was already alive with the sounds of merchants setting up their stalls and the chatter of early shoppers.

Denise's eyes were sharp, scanning the displays for anything that glinted with the tell-tale shimmer of enchantment.

It didn't take long before she found something that caught her eye.

She paused at a stall where a collection of amulets lay spread out on a velvet cloth, each one pulsing with a faint magical aura.

"Good day, miss…" The merchant greeted, following her gaze.

"Interested in protection charms, are we?"

Denise picked up an amulet, feeling the fluctuation of energy within.

"Perhaps. Tell me, where do these come from?" Denise asked curiously. The reaction she got from the item was quite unusual. It doesn't feel like the common Artifacts made by the Magic Craftsman of this generation.

She could tell this much since she was an Alchemist herself. She had been exposed to many kinds of magic items from Heinz's laboratory and collections.

The merchant leaned in, and an excited gleam showed in his eye.

"Ah, these are from the ancient ruins in the cold mountains in the northern region. They said that a corrupted Elementalist who was once a powerful being dwelled there, and his magic still lingers in these trinkets."

Intrigued, Denise considered the amulet in her hand.

It seemed that there was something in this item, as she could tell that it was sealed. This was precisely the type of item that would intrigue Vale—steeped in history and brimming with latent power.

She could still remember how Vale told her about the story of the corrupted shoes that were connected to a demon. Because of that, she couldn't help but feel quite interested in any items like this.

Anyway, she made a mental note to research the ruins before her departure. She also purchased the item trinket since it wasn't too expensive.

She would let Vale appraise this item once she was back.

As the day wore on, Denise's collection of intriguing items grew.

She found a scroll of Rain Summoning Spell from a wandering Summoner, a Potion of Clairvoyance from an old Sorcerer, who had a weird laugh that sent shivers down her spine, and a set of Enchanted Daggers from a blacksmith… What weird about this Daggers was the fact that Lotus could wield them!

Apparently this Dagger was made from a black stone that dropped from the sky! Indeed, it was from a meteorite, and Lotus had no issues wielding it!

By the time the sun reached its peak, Denise had already gathered a trove of treasures that promised to make this trip a lucrative one.

Her task in the town was complete, and it was time to return to the castle.

'Well… I am late by a few days, but it shouldn't matter since I sent the visitors to the castle. That took quite some time.' Denise thought, but the real reason was that she was enjoying her visits to the various towns and cities.

Soon, she stepped out into the bustling streets, her mind already on the journey ahead.

The airship, a marvel of engineering and magic, awaited her outside the town, its sleek hull gleaming in the sunlight.

The airship was a sight to behold, drawing curious onlookers from all around.

It was not just the size of the vessel that captivated them, but the intricate runes etched along its sides… As soon as she got near, she informed the Androids to start the engine and soon, the runes started pulsing with a soft blue glow.

The androids, her loyal protectors, stood guard around it, their exposed polished metal bodies reflecting the sun's rays.

As Denise approached, the crowd parted like the sea, a mixture of reverence and awe on their faces.

'Ohhh… What a nice feeling. I can't get used to this.' Denise giggled as she felt like a princess being welcomed by the people.

The androids then moved, forming a perfect line.

With mechanical precision, they extended the stairs, allowing Denise to ascend with dignity.

Of course, Denise taught these actions to them before they left the castle. She felt quite proud of this since Vale and the others were also surprised that she could command these androids like this.

Well, they really thought that they were just good for combat. However, she had a different thought about it.

With a nod of acknowledgment to the onlookers, Denise boarded the airship.

The engines, quiet until now, began to rumble, a deep, thrumming sound that grew louder, commanding the attention of everyone present.

The ground vibrated with the power of the airship as it prepared to take flight.

"Awesome… I wish that princess will visit us again."

"I wonder how much is that?"

"That will probably cost a castle or two…''

"The owner was also beautiful!"

The crowd watched, transfixed, as the airship lifted gracefully into the sky, its engines roaring exultantly.

Denise stood at the helm, her gaze fixed on the horizon, the wind tugging at her cloak.

'Yes… I really look like a princess… Hehehe…' Denise smiled widely as she heard the crowd's compliments.


The journey back to the castle was smooth. The Airship was able to travel fast since they weren't worried about any regulations that would stop them from doing so.

Upon her arrival, the castle's familiar towers welcomed her home.

After docking the Airship, she immediately thought of reporting to Vale about what happened to the products and the items she purchased.

But there was an unexpected presence—some visitors who had stayed in the castle.

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