Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 681 The Temporal Timepiece and The Strange Request

Chapter 681 The Temporal Timepiece and The Strange Request

?Vale and Faith decided to explore the Temporal Timepiece, one of the Artifacts, Arcana, or maybe Divine Tool, left by the Three Paragons.

Since it was already unsealed, they could do a thorough research on it. Although Faith already had findings on what it could do, it was limited by her capabilities, and it almost killed her in the process.

Vale had to ensure that his Soul wouldn't be eaten by this Artifact.

First, he wanted to find out its limitations and powers and how they could use them to their advantage.

They went to Magnus's laboratory, where he had various tools and instruments for studying magic and artifacts.

"Magnus, assist me here…" Vale said as he saw Magnus in the laboratory.

The Slave answered without hesitation. "Yes, Master…"

"Then, let's begin."

They placed the Temporal Timepiece on a metal stand and connected it to a device that could measure its energy output and frequency.

Of course, they also prepared some safety measures, such as a shield and a timer, in case something went wrong.

Vale activated the Temporal Timepiece according to Faith's instructions and observed the readings.

He saw that the Temporal Timepiece was emitting a steady and strong pulse of energy that he suspected as a Temporal or Time Energy.

This was obviously a rare and powerful form of magic that could affect time and probably even space.

He also saw that the Temporal Timepiece started working with its complex and intricate mechanism, which was composed of gears, springs, and crystals.

"It's really working… This is amazing, Faith." Vale muttered.

"Yes… At this time, it's only gathering energy… I need to spend my Soul Energy to make it work. You probably need to use your Divinity instead."

Faith paused for a moment before she sighed.

"This pocketwatch is really a masterpiece of engineering and magic. It has a perfect balance and harmony between its parts… You mentioned that it was repaired before but it feels as if it really integrated itself with this Artifact. It doesn't feel like it was repaired."

Vale nodded and looked at the Temporal Timepiece with admiration.

"Alright… Let me see what I can do."

He then decided to test some of its functions and features. He used his Divinity to trigger the Temporal Timepieces, and observed the effects.

After about an hour of exploration, they discovered that the Temporal Timepiece could do many things.

First, it had the power of slowing down or speeding up the flow of time in a small area or for a certain object, making it appear faster or slower than normal.

With that, it was also capable of reversing or looping the flow of time in a certain area or for a certain object, making it go back or repeat its previous actions. This was quite intriguing, but it uses too much Divinity…

Aside from that, it was also capable of creating of what Vale would like to call a temporal bubble or a temporal portal, which could isolate area and probably used for defensive or steathy maneuvers.s

Lastly, it was able to help them create a temporal distortion or a temporal anomaly, which could alter or disrupt the natural laws of time and space…

This last ability was what Faith had used to save Denise.

Nonetheless, Vale and the others were amazed and thrilled by the Temporal Timepiece's abilities and secrets.

"This is incredible, Faith. The Temporal Timepiece can do so many things. This will help us a lot against the Abyss Realm…" Vale muttered as he was already starting to imagine what he could do with this item.

However, their research wasn't over yet.

According to Faith's research and also based on the capabilities of the Artifact itself,

She theorized a few things it could also do once they obtained specific requirements.

According to her, this pocketwatch was supposedly capable of creating a time lock, which could seal or unlock a certain area or a certain object from the effects of time and space, making it immune or vulnerable to them.

She discovered this since the Timepiece seemed to have similarities with her Space Ring that could store or freeze objects in a certain space.

"So it was like that…" Vale muttered as he didn't expect that Faith would compare it to her Space Ring.

"Yes… I'm also thinking that it's capable of using a Temporal Vision or a Temporal Memory, in some Sovereign Artifacts I've seen before."

"Temporal Vision? Memory?" Vale repeated…

"Yes, I suppose it can help you show or recall a certain event on a specific place… It can be used for investigations by the detectives."

Vale's eyes lit up after hearing this. There was no way he wouldn't be excited by the Temporal Timepiece's possibilities and mysteries.

"Impressive work, Faith. You have truly outdone yourself in researching this Timepiece. I intend to experiment with it in a secure location. But first, as a token of my appreciation, I want to reward you. Tell me your heart's desire, and I will do my utmost to fulfull any of your request," Vale offered, acknowledging Faith's assistance to fully utilize the Timepiece.

Faith, intrigued by the prospect of a reward, contemplated for a moment before voicing her request.

"In that case, can you promise to rebuild the Dark Arts Academy in the future?" she inquired.

Vale was taken aback by the unexpected request.

"Rebuild the Academy?" he echoed, visibly puzzled by the proposition.

"Yes, I've managed to gather all the essential items from Vermont Academy – textbooks, scrolls, talismans, alchemical materials, and everything necessary to establish an Academy. It was originally my mission, so I had access to the Space Ring and kept it with me. However, I don't feel worthy of this responsibility. I want you to help me, or rather, take on this significant task in my stead," Faith explained earnestly.

Vale paused, considering Faith's unexpected proposition.

"This is quite a significant request, Faith. Rebuilding the Dark Arts Academy is no small feat. Why do you feel that you don't deserve this responsibility? And why do you want me to take on this role?" he inquired, wanting to understand her motivations and intentions.

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