All My Beasts are Legendary

Chapter 165: A Dragon’s Angry Roar

Chapter 165: A Dragon’s Angry Roar

“Mr. King of Tianshan, Elder Kasa, told us that if you and students from the Xia come, you can enter the Secret Realm we are guarding anytime.”

Seeing Wang Tianshan and Ye Xuan, the guards came up to receive them immediately.

“Well, please take this young man into the Secret Realm. Thank you.”

Wang Tianshan smiled and nodded at the guards. Then he said to Ye Xuan after turning his head, “Ye Xuan, you stay here and focus on cultivation. I will come back here in two days to pick you up.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wang.”

Ye Xuan nodded immediately.

This time, Wang Tianshan had really done him a great favor.

Those Diamond-level evolutionary resources alone were already beneficial, let alone the other things.

Without Wang Tianshan, he wondered how long it would take him to collect those evolutionary resources.

“Haha, not at all. As long as you don’t forget about me when you have grown into a mature Beast Tamer in the future.”

Wang Tianshan laughed.

Then he bid farewell to Ye Xuan and left on the back of the Golden-Winged Verdant Roc.

Ye Xuan would stay here for two days. Wang Tiansheng certainly would not stay here waiting for him.

As to risks... Knowing Ye Xuan on their territory, the current Dragon Horn Planet would only treat him as nicely as possible. No one would have the nerve to harm him at all.

At this moment, when Wang Tianshan had left, seeing Ye Xuan standing there alone, the Dragon Horn guards in the valley exchanged a look. A mysterious look flashed across their faces.

Then a guard came up to Ye Xuan. Looking at Ye Xuan, he asked, “Mr. Ye, when are you going to enter the Secret Realm?”

Kasa had spoken to them before Ye Xuan, and Wang Tianshan came here.

Therefore, they not only knew Wang Tianshan’s name but also knew Ye Xuan’s name.

“I want to go into the Secret Realm now if it is possible.”

Ye Xuan said.

Before coming here, he heard from Wang Tianshan and others that the Silver Star Fruits in the Secret Realm with the Silver Star Fruit Trees would be ripe in a few days.

He wanted to go there to take a look if he had the time.

Because this was a great opportunity for him, too.

Students were allowed to keep one-third of the Silver Star Fruits they got in that Secret Realm.

They only needed to turn in two-thirds of the fruits.

In addition to that, the two-thirds that they turned in would be converted to the Merit Points at their respective universities.

So, he did not have much time to waste.

“Well, then we will take you in there now, Ye Xuan.”

A guard responded right away.

Then he walked in the front to lead the way, and Ye Xuan followed him. They went into the valley together.

“By the way, Ye Xuan.”

However, when they were walking, the guard seemed to recall something all of a sudden. He said, “Since this visit of yours is unexpected, besides you, there are some people from the Dragon Horn Planet also cultivating in the Secret Realm. I hope you wouldn’t mind.”


Ye Xuan was surprised. It was beyond his anticipation that there were members of the Dragon Horn Clan cultivating in there, too.

However, this Secret Realm, after all, belonged to the Dragon Horn Planet. He would leave in two days, so he did not really mind that. Therefore, he nodded at the guard.

Seeing Ye Xuan’s nod, the guard showed a mysterious look that flashed across his face quickly. Then he led Ye Xuan to a space swirl at the end of the valley.

“This space swirl is the space channel leading to the Secret Realm. Ye Xuan, I’m gonna drop you here. I hope you will have a good time in there these days.”

The guard stopped there, smiling at Ye Xuan.

“I wish you could get what you want.”

Ye Xuan smiled. Then he bid farewell to the guard and jumped into the space channel in front of him right away.


Soon, Ye Xuan jumped out of the channel and showed up in a Secret Realm with many greens.

He lifted his head and saw two golden suns in the air, like two dragon eyes.

Of course, those were not really suns.

They were something created by the Secret Realm.

Ye Xuan saw a small steaming lake with clouds and sunglow over it about three hundred feet away from where he was standing.

Obviously, that small lake was exactly the Innate Spiritual Pool in this Secret Realm.

Ye Xuan was kind of excited to see the small lake. He headed for there as soon as he saw it.

However, when he had just started walking, he suddenly heard a few beautiful voices from the lake.

“It’s said there is a genius called Ye Xuan in the team the Cerulean Planet sent here this time. He even defeated Brook. Have you heard about that?”

“How could I not? The fight took place in the morning, and the news got about in only a few hours. I have never seen any Ceruleans before. I am inquisitive about them. I’ve got to see what they are like this time.”

“How different can they be? I heard that they are just the same as us. The only thing is they don’t have a small horn on their foreheads. I also heard that Ye Xuan is a quite good-looking man.”

What the hell!

What is that?

Ye Xuan lifted his head and looked in the direction where the voices came from.

As he lifted his head, he immediately saw a few shapely wet-haired teenage girls from the Dragon Horn Planet, who dived out of the lake in the distance some time ago, but he was not sure when exactly.

They were talking while playing with the water with their fair-skinned hands then.

“Darn it!”

This scene made Ye Xuan breathe faster.

The Dragon Horn Clan looked really quite the same as the humans from the Cerulean Planet.

The only difference was the small horn on their foreheads.

However, their horns were not as big as those of the folks from the Silver Horn Planet or the Gold Horn Planet.

The male members of the Dragon Horn Clan had longer horns.

As to the female members, their horns were so small that those were almost just some pink round bumps, which did not look any ugly, but cute instead, like a dainty ornament on their foreheads.

“Don’t they know I am coming here? Or they are not afraid that others will be here, too? Or, the folks from the Dragon Horn Planet are simply open?”

Ye Xuan looked at them, struggling to shift his gaze. However, he could not help but look at them again. He took a deep breath and then finally looked away, feeling dry in the mouth.

“I will have to go to another place.”

He shook his head. Then he turned around and walked along the lake towards a different place.

He knew at first glance that this small lake was not round.

Instead, it had a zigzag periphery.

Therefore, he just had to go to the other side of the lake to avoid those teenage girls from the Dragon Horn Planet.

Ye Xuan walked ahead while pondering. At the same time, he told the Tidal Treasure Snail to open its small map, and he started to examine the terrain around the lake.


However, when he had opened the Tidal Treasure Snail’s small map, he found those teenage girls were not the only visitors in this Secret Realm.

There were some others from the Dragon Horn Clan on the other side of the lake, too.

“Who are they then?”

Ye Xuan was rendered helpless.

All he wanted to do was to find a quiet place to cultivate.

Complaining to himself silently, he started to take a closer look at the other few members from the Dragon Horn Clan on the other side of the lake on the Tidal Treasure Snail’s real-time map.


Ye Xuan swore to himself immediately after that closer look.

Of course, it was not because he was angry.

It was simply because he was feeling helpless.

Because after checking the Tidal Treasure Snail’s small map, he found one thing instantly.

That on the other side of the lake, there were a few women a little older than those teenage girls from the Dragon Horn Clan. Those women were chatting to each other, either sitting or lying in a lethargic relaxed manner in few clothes, thus showing their beautiful curves.

What is this again?

Are you on a group trip in the Secret Realm?

I only want to find a place to cultivate quietly. Why is it so difficult?

Ye Xuan felt very helpless at the sight of that.

And he lingered there a little longer to look at those women, just like earlier with the teenage girls, hence more time was wasted.

“No. They are doing this intentionally!”

However, when Ye Xuan had calmed down, it suddenly dawned on him what this was about.

“The Dragon Horn Clan is using this to cozy up to me, or rather, to build a good relationship with me? If it is possible, they are even expecting me to do something to them...”

That speculation suddenly flashed across his mind. He instantly realized what the Dragon Horn Clan wanted.

He knew the Dragon Horn Clan did not intend to harm him or anything. However, after seeing how great his potential was, they wanted to use this trick to draw him to their side.

So that in the future, when he had been strong enough and had a say in things, he could speak for the Dragon Horn Clan to some degree.

“That is how helpless the natives are after other species occupied their planets?”

Ye Xuan took a deep breath at this thought.

He was not disgusted by what the Dragon Horn Clan intended to do.

He knew if it were the Cerulean Planet occupied by other species, some would do the same.

He felt sorry for the Dragon Horn Planet.

He felt sorry for these women sent here, too.

But that was all.

“This is driving me crazy.”

Ye Xuan let out some foul air slowly.

Then an idea occurred to him. He immediately called Lil Wan and the Tyrannosaurus out of their Beast Lairs and sent them into the Innate Spiritual Pool three hundred feet away.


A blare came as soon as the Tyrannosaurus’s giant body entered the water.

The lake rippled, and the ripples traveled far away.


Then, the Tyrannosaurus growled when it had sensed the change of the environment.

Its voice carried.

As if a dreadful fierce giant beast showed up in the Secret Realm all of a sudden and was going to capture some people to be its meal.


In the distance, some women cried with fear.

They literally jumped out of their skin.

However, it was not a problem for Ye Xuan.

You were driving me crazy. Can’t I revenge myself just a little bit?

Humph! Humph!

Then he took out a pill and swallowed it.

When he had been under the pill’s effects, he started to practice the Ape and Dragon Honing Fist there.

“With my feet on the earth.

And my back facing the sky.

I practice and practice.

My heart is as firm as a rock.

Wildflowers along the road, fuck off.

Leave me alone and stop shaking my invincible will to study the Tao...”

Ye Xuan threw one after another fist over, humming a song he composed himself and murmuring to vent his anger.

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