All My Beasts are Legendary

Chapter 157: The Fierceness of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock

Chapter 157: The Fierceness of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock

“Okay!” Bu Zi’ang said with a serious face.

No matter how strong Ye Xuan was.

On that kind of occasion, Ye Xuan walked into the field like a sharp sword that had just been unsheathed. Standing there, he was looking ahead without fear.

Bu Zi’ang was shocked by how Ye Xuan had lifted his head and chosen Bu Zi’ang to be his opponent.

He had seen many geniuses before.

However, none of them could do what Ye Xuan was doing.

He was standing there, without doing anything, but that vibe he was giving off was dominant.

On the other side, Meng Mingxu and Xu Yunying were also surprised by Ye Xuan’s status.

They exchanged a look when they had seen Bu Zi’ang walk forward. Then they both took a step back.

They were going to wait for their turn out of the field.

And they were also curious to see what the fight between Ye Xuan and Bu Zi’ang would be like.


In the distance, Bu Zi’ang called his three beasts out as soon as he walked into the field.

The first beast of his was a pitch-black demon with a pair of giant dragon wings.

The second beast was a mantis whose entire body was turquoise.

As soon as the mantis landed on the ground, it lay down on all fours and got its body tight, ready to launch an attack any minute.

As to Bu Zi’ang’s third beast, it was a little boy grasping an exotic golden bead in his hand.

The boy was only as big as a palm of a hand.

And he had a pair of golden feather wings on his back.

While circling Bu Zi’ang, he was giving off beams of golden light.

And he was treating Bu Zi’ang with extreme respect like a servant of God.

Bu Zi’ang, circled by those beams of golden light, was faintly giving off a condescending vibe.


Ye Xuan raised his eyebrow as soon as he saw the three beasts Bu Zi’ang had called out.

Ren Ya already told him about Bu Zi’ang the day before.

She said Bu Zi’ang was probably the strongest among the three competitors of Ye Xuan this time.

She also introduced Bu Zi’ang’s three beasts to him.

However, no matter how much Ren Ya had introduced to him, it was still different from seeing them with his own eyes.

Gazing at Bu Zi’ang’s three beasts, Ye Xuan shifted his consciousness and immediately identified all of their attributes.

[Dragon-Winged Demon: Three Stars

Beast Level: Silver (Low)

Abilities: Dragon-Winged Demon Aspect, Demon Whisper, Demon Flame, Demon Claw, Dragon Blood Boiling, Dragon Wings Hovering]

[Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis: Three Stars

Beast Level: Bronze (Peak)

Abilities: Blood-Feasting Field, Blood Evasion, Mantis Sapphire Knife, Hunting Instinct]

[Son of Stars (Premature): Four Stars

Beast Level: Silver (Low)

Abilities: Starlight Releasing, Star Beads, Multiple Star Bead Transformations, Star Circling, Shooting Star Fairyland

Evolution Path 1: Heavenly Maiden of Stars...]

“He is strong indeed!”

The attributes of Bu Zi’ang’s three beasts stirred in Ye Xuan.

He figured Bu Zi’ang was not any weaker than Qi Liangcai.

But of course, Qi Liangcai probably had achieved the Silver level by then.

So, if he had to compare the two, Qi Liangcai should be stronger.

While he was thinking, he shifted his consciousness and exerted the Beast Clone talent.

He got a replica of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock and called it out.


The replica of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock transformed into a giant black tiger. It growled and laid its eyes on Bu Zi’ang in the distance as soon as it showed up.


Everyone present was shocked at the sight of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock’s replica that Ye Xuan had called out.

“Rumor has it in the Tianshan Base that Ye Xuan contracted with a new beast yesterday. It is this one?”

“I bet it is. I heard about it too. It’s said that in the Tianshan Base, there was a beast that no one could contract with successfully.”

“However, Ye Xuan contracted with it as soon as he arrived here. And this is a five-star beast on the peak Bronze level.”

“A five-star beast on the peak Bronze level! I wonder how he made it.”

At this moment, everyone watching Ye Xuan and Bu Zi’ang’s fight was staring at Ye Xuan and the replica of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock in front of him—especially Meng Mingxu and Xu Yunying.

They were among the most talented youngsters too.

However, as peers of Ye Xuan, they were outshone by him.


In the distance, Wang Tianshan was also astonished to see Ye Xuan call out the Big Dream Sleeping Rock.

Then he noticed Ye Xuan did not make any other moves after calling out the Big Dream Sleeping Rock.

Based on that, he guessed Ye Xuan’s plan immediately.

He knew Ye Xuan must intend to do the same as what he had seen in the video.

Ye Xuan would use his Space-type beast talent to deal with Bu Zi’ang, just like how he dealt with that member from the Eternal Night Clan.

Therefore, he waved his hand as a sign for Ye Xuan and Bu Zi’ang to start the fight.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

When Wang Tianshan announced the start of the fight, Ye Xuan shifted his consciousness to call out two Tidal Treasure Snails, and they approached Bu Zi’ang in an instant.

Flying and buzzing around Bu Zi’ang, they were like two head-cutting compasses.

Every time they shook, they would leave a shadow behind.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, as soon as the Tidal Treasure Snails showed up, the Son of Stars hovering around Bu Zi’ang waved his hand.

He split the Star Bead in his hand into two and then into four and then into eight.

Then, with every two beads as a pair, they, with shining golden lights, were thrown over to the Tidal Treasure Snails.


At the same time, the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis in front of him flapped its wings slightly. Then it turned into a blood-colored light and flew toward Ye Xuan.

It was as quick as blood-colored greased lightning.


At this moment, Bu Zi’ang shifted his consciousness. A black ray of light flew out of his eyes and shone over the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis in the distance.

The Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis instantly disappeared into thin air.

The unknown formed the biggest terror.

The invisible was the most dreadful.

Compulsive Invisibility was a Beast Taming Talent that he had got.

When this talent had been exerted, he could impose invisibility on any of his beasts.

While the two Tidal Treasure Snails were hovering around him and launching an attack against him one after another, Bu Zi’ang lifted his head and looked at Ye Xuan in the distance.

He wondered how Ye Xuan would handle his attack.

Flap! Flap!

Simultaneously, the Dragon-Winged Demon, another beast of his, also flapped its wings and flew out.

It transformed into a giant figure between 23 feet and 26 feet tall with black demon flames burning. Taking advantage of its position in the air, it swooped at Ye Xuan.

A Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis on the peak Bronze level that was good at assassination was lurking in the dark.

A Dragon-Winged Demon, which was good at close combat, was attacking without hiding right under his nose.

One beast, aided by the other, instantly made this a final attack against Ye Xuan.

Outside the battlefield, Meng Mingxu and Xu Jing’s hearts sank when they had seen that attack.

Their teachers had told them about Bu Zi’ang before they came here.

They knew their biggest competitor this time was probably Bu Zi’ang.

By then, they had seen Bu Zi’ang’s powerful attacks with their own eyes.

His skill to impose invisibility on his beast was especially impressive. If his opponent could not find a way to deal with it, he would absolutely be killed.

Meanwhile, they were looking at Ye Xuan from far away, wondering whether he had any way to deal with Bu Zi’ang.

“Compulsive Invisibility?”

Bu Zi’ang’s Compulsive Invisibility stirred in Ye Xuan.

Just like his skill to call out a beast instantly from far away, Bu Zi’ang’s Compulsive Invisibility talent also got increasingly more broadly known as Bu Zi’ang exerted it again and again.

Ren Ya certainly told Ye Xuan about it the day before.

However, Bu Zi’ang’s Compulsive Invisibility might be able to subdue others.

But it could not subdue Ye Xuan.

Because as long as the Tidal Treasure Snails were still there, even if he closed his eyes, he would know every movement of the invisible Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis.


While Ye Xuan was thinking, the replica of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock was in front of him.

It got the coordinates of the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis’s position that Ye Xuan had sent to it.

It suddenly dashed forward overwhelmingly. As thick as a lash, its black tiger tail brandished and fell on the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis that was going to attack Ye Xuan.

It sent the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis flying right away.

The Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis was instantly heavily injured.

After giving the Blood-Feasting Turquoise Mantis a heavy blow, the black rock tiger that the Big Dream Sleeping Rock’s replica had transformed to lifted its head and transformed again when the Dragon-Winged Demon was flying toward it.

To everyone’s surprise, it exerted the Big Dream Future Image in an instant and transformed to a Dragon-Winged Demon too.


After having transformed into the Dragon-Winged Demon, the Big Dream Sleeping Rock’s replica roared at the sky right away.

The Dragon-Winged Demon it had transformed into was obviously taller and stronger than Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon.

Its dragon wings became even bigger.

Silver-level five-star Dragon-Winged Demon!

That was the real form of the replica of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock.

“That guy...”

Back there, Ye Xuan was also surprised after detecting the transformation of the Big Dream Sleeping Rock’s replica.

This was the first time he sent the Big Dream Sleeping Rock out after contracting with it.

When he saw its attributes, he thought the Big Dream Sleeping Rock would go down to four stars or even a lower star level after exerting the Big Dream Future Image and transforming to those Silver-level lives in its dream.

It was really beyond his expectation that what it finally transformed into turned out to be a Silver-level five-star strong life.

He could not help but give more credit to the Big Dream Sleeping Rock.

When the Big Dream Sleeping Rock had transformed to the Dragon-Winged Demon, it roared and flapped its wings to approach Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon.

It started to fight against the Dragon-Winged Demon in the air with two bigger Demon Claws and black and red flames burning.

Standing at the back, Ye Xuan could see the Dragon-Winged Demon—transformed by the Big Dream Sleeping Rock—not only outshone Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon basic attributes but also peaked in combat skills.

It was as if the Big Dream Sleeping Rock had particularly worked on this kind of combat skills in its dream.

In only a few exchanges of blows, the Dragon-Winged Demon transformed by the Big Dream Sleeping Rock grasped the wings of Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon and tore at them hard.


In an instant, Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon screamed in a tragical voice.

While the Big Dream Sleeping Rock was tearing at its dragon wings without showing any mercy.

A big part of the dragon wings was torn off.

Then, the Dragon-Winged Demon transformed by the Big Dream Sleeping Rock, staring at Bu Zi’ang’s Dragon-Winged Demon fiercely, threw its body away as if it was a broken sack.

Flap! Flap!

After that, flapping its dragon wings, the Dragon-Winged Demon transformed by the Big Dream Sleeping Rock flew toward Bu Zi’ang, dumbfounded at sight and with the Son of Stars circling him, condescendingly.

“That guy...”

“What was that...”

At the same time, when the Big Dream Sleeping Rock had shown its power, one after another, shocked and doubtful exclaim came.

Even the King of Tianshan, the dean of Qingyun University, Ren Ya, and others started to talk about it.

What Ye Xuan’s Big Dream Sleeping Rock had just shown was really incredible.

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