Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 230 My students are bastards?

Chapter 230 My students are bastards?

If I don't post before 5 p.m. by my time, I'll post 3 chapters tomorrow. Electricity is a problem in my hometown.

(POV: Lumiere)

I stood tall, facing the sea of students donned in their crisp white and purple uniforms.

The air was silent, as if the classroom itself held its breath.

Holding a scroll in my hands, it reminded me of the responsibility that came with the role of their esteemed professor.

Haha... esteemed professor, who knew I'd end up with such a name.

With a flourish, I unfurled the scroll, revealing its aged parchment and delicate calligraphy.

This was no ordinary roll call; it was the first step towards understanding these students on a deeper level.

Clearing my throat, I announced, "Alright guys, time for roll call."

To my great disappointment, there was no immediate response, only the stifling silence of the classroom, muffled laughter echoing from the back.

It was as silent as a whispering library at midnight.

But their initial apathy wasn't going to dampen my spirit.

Did they think it'd make me uncomfortable?

Before now, I've been neglected by my stepmothers, a good number of my siblings and pretty much any important visitor that crossed the threshold of the Royal Mansion.

And my response was always the same.

Continue, don't feel bad and work to gain your acknowledgement.

I continued undeterred.

"Lance Goldcrest," I called out.

Instead, I found Lance distractedly admiring his perfectly gelled hair in a tiny, hand-held mirror.

I mean, he really did see himself as the main character for some absurd reason.

Here I am, stressing my butt out for a roll call, and he's just sitting there looking at his mirror like he's some sort of celebrity.

Hm, wait a moment, maybe he actually is in a sense.

Goldcrest if I'm not mistaken is also the name of one of the Earldoms here in Drakoria.

My eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, but I soldiered on.

"Aidan Frap," I proclaimed, this time weighing my voice with even more authority.

Yet, the classroom remained eerily quiet, as if the students were promised a fortune if they remained mute.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips.

Turning towards the class, I addressed them with sincerity.

"Come on guys, it'd really help a damn lot if we establish open lines of communication. There's no way we'll be able to share knowledge from teacher to student if you guys can't even acknowledge my roll call."

Lance couldn't resist the opportunity to make a jest.

He let out a boisterous chuckle and jeered, "That's so lame, Professor. Don't you have any cooler tricks up your sleeve?"

The only thing I have up my sleeve is the sudden urge to shove a water blade up your ass.

I raised an eyebrow, slowly turning to face Lance.

"Honestly, he's lucky Serena isn't here..." I muttered to myself.

No one could take an offense at disrespecting me more than Serena.

It happened to Hargeeth, Gaun, Lirien and several others.

I was actually glad she wasn't here. Chances were his name would be— "Broken Lance" if her ear caught even a sound of disrespect.

Could it be that they were still adjusting to the new professor?

I decided to press on.

"Is there a class representative?" I inquired, hoping for any sign of cooperation.

If I wanted to get closer to the class, then the class rep was the best choice.

He or she would be intermediary between I and the students.

And then, as if on cue, a girl with cascading red hair and piercing blue eyes rose from her chair.

She seemed to defy the laws of physics, for her attire struggled to contain the sheer size of her mighty breasts.

As an educator, it was my duty to focus on the minds rather than the physical assets of my students, but nature had certainly bestowed her with... distractions.

Gravity was yet to catch those breasts of hers.

"I am Luna Mercurius," she introduced herself.

Oh boy, the confidence in her voice was enough to tell me she was that type of lady.

The one that was always pompous for no useful reason.

Truth be told, was there even ever a reason to be pompous?

Seems like a waste of personality.

"I'm the second daughter of Demon King Varvatos Mercurius."

"Hm, what happened, someone beat you to it first?" I muttered.

Her eyes narrowed, almost like she could hear what I said.

"I'm also the class representative."

Well, if one of Varvatos? daughters were here, then the only explanation was that Abaddon had something to do with it.

From what I read in Demon Continent literature, there were four Demon Kings in the mortal realm.

Varvatos, Garmatos, Barbatos and I've forgotten the last one...

But I'm pretty sure it ends with a "-tos".

Althoug these four were technically the top dogs of the Demon Continent, there was still the Demon Emperor and his nine wives.

But no one knew a single thing about them. this could be a chance to learn more from Luna about him since the Demon Emperor was likely her grandfather.

If anything, then one of her affinities had to be [Ice Magic].

Being a ruler of the frigid north, in the Blackcrest Region, he was known for his powerful command over [Ice Magic].

Maybe I should use demon language to speak with her?

No, she'd think I was either trying to act too smart or mock her.

I smiled gently. "Ah, Luna, a pleasure to meet you. Could you please inform the class to cooperate with me?"

Luna's response was immediate and unexpected. "No."

I blinked. "Eh? But... why?"

She crossed her arms, her breasts pushing forward and tilted her head defiantly.

"Professor, we were promised a high standard level of education when we were called to attend this reopened university. If not, my father wouldn't have allowed me to come here... For your information, the period is already halfway through."

I huffed a sigh of frustration.

"Well, excuse me for not arriving earlier. I was busy receiving a rundown on how to run this class."

Aidan Frap, a bespectacled student, straightened his glasses and spoke up.

"A teacher who needs a rundown to handle his class seems rather incompetent, wouldn't you agree?"

So now this bastard could talk?!

When I called his name he acted like a friggin? corpse!

A girl with chestnut brown hair and beautiful green eyes then told me:

"Oh, and if a roll call is all you want then I can help with that."

Finally, someone who wants to cooperate.

Gently, she raised her hand. "Anastasia Clive, here," she said with a smirk.

Relieved that at least one person seemed to be cooperating, I let out a small smile.

But then she had to go and add insult to injury.

"You know, Professor," she began, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "for someone who wants a roll call, you sure don't look the part of a dependable professor. Besides, you're a bit short, aren't you?"

I blinked, taken aback by her audacity.

Before I could muster a response, Anastasia turned to a girl seated next to her, who was wearing a scarf that almost covered her entire face.

And if you're thinking, isn't that the girl that almost killed you when you entered?

Then yeah, you're pretty much right.

I didn't bother with her action because her accidental attack was far from strong enough to cause me any damage.

"Don't you agree, Elise?" Anastasia asked the scarf girl.

So, her name was Elise...

Elise, with her mysterious aura and barely visible features, gently nodded in agreement. But then, she met my gaze directly and shook her head, silently conveying that she had her own reservations.

Anastasia leaned in, whispering to Elise, "You should feel free, you know. It's not like he can touch us if we decide to do anything."

Her words fell like a punch to my gut, and I couldn't help but feel a flicker of anger in response.

Exasperated, I finally spoke up. You do realize that I can hear you, right?"

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock, her words caught in her throat.

She quickly tried to recover, her eyes darting from left to right, searching for an escape.

"I... I didn't... um, I mean... it's not like I care!" she stammered, failing to regain her composure.

I rolled my eyes at her feeble attempt to save face.

"Well, whether you care or not, your opinion's pretty much worthless to me."

I shrugged right after.

"HEY!!" Anastasia slammed the table with her palm.

I chuckled a bit, "Oh angry, are we now?"

"A teacher shouldn't say such things!" Anastasia barked back.

"Oh? But didn't you say I don't qualify as one?"

"I... I... I only said that because you don't... ARGGHHH!"

Anastasia sat back on her chair with her frustrated gaze on me, it was like she was trying to pop my head with her stare.

Sorry, but you're no Darth Vader.

But still, these students of mine...

They're all bastards...

And I don't mean that literally...

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