After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

"Fortunately, Li Zhaodi truly committed one of the seven grievances, so she was rightly divorced!"

"Having no children and beating the children are both serious crimes, so she was in the wrong."

"So yesterday, Li Zhaodi brought her mother to cause a commotion, but she didn't gain much."

"Instead, the Sheng family was left feeling even more disheartened by her actions, and simply agreed to pay 500 coins to have the two children cut ties with Li Zhaodi."

"I don't know how poor the Li family had become, that they so quickly agreed to it for 500 coins."

"But it's good that they agreed. Apparently, when the two Li girls were pressing their fingerprints on the document to sever the relationship, they showed no hesitation, and their gazes toward Li Zhaodi were filled with resentment."

"Clearly, their hearts had been deeply wounded."

How could one not feel resentment in such a situation?

For the two children, having the relationship severed could even be considered a good thing.

Thinking about it, Luo Ge nodded: "It's better to sever the ties."

With that, the two of them both let out a sigh.

While listening to the gossip, their hands didn't stop working, and the book pouches they were making were not much different from regular bags, very simple.

Wang Sister-In-Law turned her head and was surprised to see the book pouch in Luo Ge's hands.

"Hey, Luo Ge, what's this?"

"Book bags, since the two little rascals are going to school tomorrow, I made these for them to carry their things."

Hearing this, Wang Sister-In-Law's eyes lit up, and she turned to glance at the little rascals outside playing in the sand.

"Can I take a look?"

"Sure, I just finished this one, here."

Luo Ge replied, tying off the thread and cutting the tail, then handed the book bag to Wang Sister-In-Law.

Picking up a sample next to her, she started threading the needle and sewing.

"Your bag is really good, it looks like it can hold a lot."

"Yeah, let them sling it over their shoulders, it won't be tiring. Sister-In-Law, why don't you make one for Tie Dan too? That way, the three of them can carry them together."

Seeing the eagerness in Wang Sister-In-Law's eyes, Luo Ge laughed.

"Okay." Seeing that Luo Ge was truly willing to teach her, Wang Sister-In-Law didn't put on airs.

After discussing it with their family, they had decided to send Tie Dan to school.

Although they weren't very well-off, even if they could only afford for him to study for a year or two, it would still be much easier for him to find work in the future compared to being completely illiterate.

With this in mind, the whole family decided to send Tie Dan to the school.

And during this time, the father-in-law's health had also improved a lot, so the household was a bit more at ease and didn't need as much medicinal spending.

They had some leftover fabric at home, not much, not enough for clothes, but just right for making a book bag for Tie Dan.

So the two of them started working on the book bags together.

Before long, the three book bags were all finished.

"Tie Dan."

"Older Baby, Second Baby, come in for a moment."

As soon as they were done, the two of them simultaneously called their children in and had them each try on the book bags.

"Mm, it fits perfectly." Luo Ge said with a smile as she looked at her two little ones.

Older Baby and Second Baby also really liked the book bags, but suddenly remembered something, and their little eyebrows furrowed.

"Auntie, Uncle said you're not allowed to touch needles and thread."

They hadn't noticed while they were outside that Auntie had secretly been working on them.

"Haha, Luo Ge, your two little rascals are even keeping watch, huh."

Tie Dan tried on the book bag and really liked it too. After Wang Sister-In-Law helped him try it on, she just happened to hear Older Baby's words, and couldn't help but laugh and say a sentence.

Luo Ge smiled and shrugged at her, but didn't forget to turn to the two little ones and promise: "Just this once, don't tell your Uncle. Let's keep it as our little secret."

Just as she finished speaking, Gu Jinchen, who had come to fetch his wife, had just reached the doorway: "..."

"Wife..." he sighed helplessly, calling out.

Luo Ge heard his voice as soon as she finished speaking, and her face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

Seeing him and Wang Brother-In-Law standing at the door, she also knew he had come to call them back.

"Sister-In-Law, I'll be going first, I'll come by tomorrow to chat."

"Okay, sure."

With that, she told Wang Sister-In-Law, then grabbed the two little ones and went back home with Gu Jinchen.

After letting the two little ones go play on their own, Gu Jinchen couldn't help but reach out and lightly pinch Luo Ge's little face.

"Still keeping secrets with the two little rascals?"

"...You heard it, so it's not a secret anymore." Luo Ge blinked innocently and smiled.

Seeing her like this, Gu Jinchen was truly helpless.

"Just this once, don't do it again next time."

"Okay, I know."

"The ingredients I prepared, the Master has come to teach?" Sighing lightly, he tapped the tip of her nose.

These days, she had been teaching by his side, and he had been the one to put it into practice.

Teaching hands-on, he had progressed quite quickly.

Now that he could cook on his own, although the taste wasn't great, at least it was edible.

"Okay." Hearing his address, Luo Ge lifted her chin and smiled in response.

As expected, the sweet and sour pork ribs and rib soup that the couple collaborated on turned out to have the two little ones eating until they were full.

"It's really delicious, give Second Baby another stomach, Second Baby can still eat more."

"Older Baby wants two stomachs."

The two little gluttons patted their little bellies, utterly satisfied.


"You two little pigs, eat some dried plums to cleanse your palate and help with digestion, or you won't sleep well tonight."

"If we don't sleep well tonight, we might be late tomorrow."

"Okay." Hearing Luo Ge's words, the two little ones instantly sat up straight, taking the dried plums she handed them and eating them.

Uncle had said that being honest, reliable, and punctual is what makes a good child.

Tomorrow is their first day of school, they definitely can't be late.

......The next day.

Worried that the two little ones would go to school on an empty stomach, Luo Ge got up a bit earlier today and made two pancakes for each of them.

"Eat slowly, there's no rush, it's still early."

Seeing the two little ones eating quickly, she couldn't help but remind them.



After the little ones had finished eating, Gu Jinchen took them to the school.

With nothing else to do, Luo Ge went back to sleep in.

When Gu Jinchen returned, he found his little wife had fallen asleep. He went out to fetch some water.

By the time he had filled up the household's water supply, the person from Mr. Li's shop had also just arrived.

The fruit season was over now, so the young man predictably didn't bring any fresh fruit this time.

Gu Jinchen handed over the dried fruit he had prepared.

"The rest will be ready in a couple of days, if you're not in a hurry, you can come pick them up all at once."

"No problem, I'll come back tomorrow, this is the silver for today's batch, Brother Gu."

The young man smiled as he handed the purse to Gu Jinchen. Nowadays, without a contract, they settled accounts immediately after each transaction.

Hearing him say this, Gu Jinchen didn't say anything further.

Fetching the water had worked up a sweat, and he wanted to go back and cuddle his little wife for a rest, but he had to wash up first so as not to make her uncomfortable.

Recognizing the familiar scent, Luo Ge subtly snuggled into him.

"Did Older Baby and the others not cry?" She murmured drowsily.

In the modern era, many little children cry a lot on their first day of preschool, and the two little ones were still young, so she was worried they might not adapt well and cry.

Hearing his wife's sleepy mumble, Gu Jinchen was clearly taken aback for a moment, but then he honestly shook his head.


Instead, they were quite cheerful.

"That's good then."

Hearing Gu Jinchen say this, Luo Ge felt relieved, and found a comfortable position in his embrace to continue sleeping, her little hand hugging his arm.

Recently, her body had been feeling tired more easily, as if she never got enough sleep.

Seeing his little darling wife like this, Gu Jinchen chuckled and stroked her head.

After becoming pregnant, she had become much more drowsy than before, and now she was sleeping soundly in this position.

But his doting wife was in anguish, her belly heavy with child.

He had intended to rest a while longer, but now he found himself tossing and turning, unable to find sleep.

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