After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 792: You must be jealous of me

  Chapter 792 You must be jealous of me

  The huge starship slowly headed towards their homeland, the star Lantis.

  Gu Chen looked at Bai Li curiously, "Just after winning the battle, shouldn't you follow your clansmen back to the planet of insects?"

  Bai Li pursed his lips, "Isn't Jiang Shang going to bring that Jiang Huai here?"

  Gu Chen laughed.

   Didn't realize that this old bug is quite possessive?

  But the other party puts Xiaoyan in the most important position now, which makes Gu Chen, the uncle, very satisfied.

   And just as the Starfleet was preparing to return, some prisoners from this war were taken to the interstellar prison.

  The other planets re-established their political power, and the former power holders such as Alderaan, Ji Rui, Ken and others, including their cronies, were arrested.

  Through the trial, the family members of these people, as long as they have not participated in the war, will not be sentenced, but they will never be allowed to approach the power center of their planet.

   This is a very gentle way, but at the same time it also prevents these people from having a way to avenge them. Of course, these people will be under their surveillance for a long time to come.

   Mo Ran was also arrested.

  If she hadn't brought the rest of the pirates to join, I'm afraid this battle would not have lasted so long.

During the interrogation of Mo Ran, she asked to meet Su Wan by name, so she was willing to tell the location of the base where the Star Bandit is located. Others thought that she had other ideas, but Su Wan said calmly, "It's okay, I'll go there. "

  Don't say that Mo Ran is already a prisoner now, even if she is not, and there is a group of star thieves who can protect her, even Chu Xunyang can use his own power to protect her secretly.

  That way Su Wan is not afraid of her.

There was a young Star Warrior who had just entered the army before. Looking at the gentle and beautiful Su Wan, he was a little unconvinced. He privately asked other companions whether Su Wan was able to be Commander Su because she married Commander Gu. for the sake.

Over the years, Su Wan has spent most of her time leading people to protect the safety of Landis Star, and rarely used mechas to fight. She is also very young and beautiful, and she looks very gentle, so she gave it to some newcomers. illusion.

  After Su Wan found out, she wasn't angry, she just called the newcomer to the virtual training ground. She manipulated the same training mecha, and beat the young and energetic Star Warrior to the ground.

  After the battle, the young Star Warrior was very guilty. He apologized to Su Wan. Su Wan smiled and said that strength is used to protect the people he cares about, not to show it to others all the time.

  In the future at work, don't be confused by the illusions you see with your eyes, but you will lose your accurate judgment.

  When Su Wan, who was dressed in military uniform, walked in slowly, the star warriors in charge of guarding immediately saluted her.

  She nodded slightly, then walked to the chair and sat down, watching silently.

   Moran has no supernatural powers, and her force value is not high, but this woman traveled through the ancient earth before, and after returning, she has the bonus of her brother's star thief power, so she should not be underestimated.

   Mentality is also a good one.

  Now the prisoner is silent, sitting there, as if she is a guest, she looks at Su Wan and smiles, "Commander Su, do you know why I want to see you?"

   "You must be jealous of me."


Silently sneered, "In the entire universe, there are many people who are jealous of you, but think about it, you are so lucky, your life seems to be on the hook. Some people say that it has something to do with your experience in those years on the ancient earth. , but you are not the only one who has also been to the ancient earth!"

  Su Wan didn't speak.

Mo Ran became more and more excited as she spoke, "But why? Your life is so good? In fact, Su Wan, I have been following you for many years. The movies I created based on the theme of the ancient earth were the ones you took with you When the children go to see it with their friends, I am testing you!"

Su Wan said quietly, "I know. In fact, I started to pay attention to you at that time. I know that the author of the movie actually had the same experience as me. At that time, I wanted to be friends with you. Yes, but you..."

   Silently listened to it and then fell silent. After she knew that Su Wan had the same experience as herself, all she could think of was how to plot against her. After all, she was the only one.

  In the end, Su Wan wanted to be friends with her?

  She sneered, "You're lying!"

"I said I didn't lie, you understand yourself, living in the original world, and suddenly going to another world inexplicably, anyone will panic and feel uneasy. Even if you come back later, you must still be a little scared in your heart Yes, if you meet people who have the same experience, if you can warm each other up, you can definitely get through that period quickly."

   This time, it was Moran's turn not to speak.

Su Wan continued, "When I went to the underground fighting arena in Chuxunyang, you should have been there. You have been hiding in the dark, watching me secretly, right? I felt someone watching me at that time. But I didn't want to understand it, and then I realized that Chu Xunyang had a good relationship with you."

  Mocked himself silently, "Now, of course, you can say whatever you want!"

Su Wan nodded, "Of course I can say whatever I want, because from today's ending, my choice was right and yours was wrong. The time travel back then should have been the ordeal that fate gave us both, and it was also favored. It’s just that we made different choices and now the results are different.”

   "It's not that my fate is good, but that we choose differently."

   Mo Ran didn't know if she listened or not, she was very quiet just like her name.

  Su Wan also sat there patiently.

   I have to say, by chatting with Mo Ran, thinking of the past, it seems like a lifetime away.

   In fact, more than 20 years have passed, but for some reason, it seems to be a matter of the previous life.

   But, it is close at hand.

   Mo Ran, who was silent for a while, suddenly said: "What method did you use to persuade my brother to give up his great cause? Obviously, he has persisted for so many years."

  Su Wan looked at her, "You really don't understand? I didn't make Lucifer give up dominating the universe, he gave up by himself."

"I do not believe!"

   "To be more specific, this choice was indeed made by him. The reason is that he has a concern and a soft spot in his heart."

  Su Wan raised her head and said calmly, "His wife and daughter."

After a moment of silence, she finally sighed softly, "Indeed, Julier is too soft-tempered. After she was with my brother, she kept persuading my brother to let go of everything and not start another war. Later, she had Children. My brother was very happy at first, but when I saw that my brother had no intention of dominating the universe, I made a suggestion, saying that Julie should take the children to live in a safe place, but in fact, let them separate."

  (end of this chapter)

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