After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 35: Take It Back

Chapter 35

"Madam, Director Yu and the others have arrived. Chairman Yu is chatting with them by the lake in the backyard," said Wu Ma as she accompanied Li Zhen inside.

As they passed through the grand hallway, Li Zhen could clearly hear the sounds of the chefs preparing food in the kitchen.

"Madam, the chefs are from a five-star hotel today. The menu focuses on Sichuan cuisine with some Cantonese dishes," Wu Ma said.

Li Zhen: "Wu Ma, I'll leave the arrangements to you."

Wu Ma had served the Yu family all her life. After Yu Sheng married and moved out of the Yu residence, she followed him to Jinlu Gardens and had proven herself capable and reliable over the years.

With a smile, Wu Ma said, "Chairman Yu said this is the first time your family is visiting, so we must be extra diligent in our preparations."

Li Zhen just smiled without further comment. The two proceeded to the backyard.

The villa's backyard connected directly to the lakeside.

Li Yinnan, Li Yanran, and Old Master Li were chatting with Yu Sheng, who was keeping them company by the lake.

Yu Sheng appeared relaxed and amiable, lacking his usual cold demeanor at the company. He seemed like a warm and hospitable host.

Li Zhen sat down next to Old Master Li. "Grandpa, with your poor legs, why did you come too?"

"I was worried about you!" Old Master Li looked her up and down, his gaze settling on her bandaged hand, his brows furrowing with distress. "How can you still be so reckless even though you're grown up now?"

Li Zhen pouted. "It was just an accident."

Li Yinnan spoke up in a steady tone, but he didn't ask about her injury. "You came back later than Yu Sheng. As his wife, aren't you being inconsiderate?"

Li Zhen's brows knitted slightly. Just as she was about to speak, Yu Sheng leisurely interjected, "Dad, Zhen has her own matters to attend to."

Yu Sheng's words were far more effective than ten sentences from her.

Sure enough, Li Yinnan didn't say any more. Changing the subject, he said, "Little Yu, you must be very busy with work lately. You and Zhen have been married a year. It's time to think about having children."

Yu Sheng glanced at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen's back stiffened instantly.

Was Li Yinnan here because he felt she was moving too slowly, so he came personally to hurry Yu Sheng along?

Li Zhen responded lightly, "We're working on it, working on it."

After speaking, she stealthily glanced at Yu Sheng. Fortunately, he didn't say anything.

It was only at dinnertime that Li Zhen realized Grandpa and the others planned to spend the night. Yu Sheng had asked Wu Ma to prepare three guest rooms in advance. If Grandpa discovered she wasn't living here, they wouldn't be able to hide the divorce.

Li Zhen could only stay as well to keep up the act.

After dinner, Yu Sheng went to his study to work overtime.

Li Zhen stayed with Grandpa in the guest room until ten before returning to the master bedroom.

The master bedroom she shared with Yu Sheng was on the third floor. When she went upstairs, the room was empty with the door open and the lights off inside.

She turned on the lights after entering. The elaborate crystal chandelier instantly blazed, filling the four-meter-high space with luxurious brightness.

Li Zhen quickly glanced around and discovered the bedroom layout was exactly the same as when she had left. Their hastily taken wedding photo still hung above the headboard. The old wooden vanity Yu Sheng had handcrafted for her during college still sat by the window. She had only been gone a few days and Yu Sheng was so busy, it was normal he hadn't had time to clean up.

Li Zhen had carried Yu Sheng's bank cards with her today. She now placed them on the nightstand along with the property ownership certificate for this villa.

The bedroom window was a large floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the lake. As usual, she expertly left the window half open and lowered the inner layer of sheer curtains. The lake breeze gently blew in, stirring the curtains lazily.

Instead of showering and changing into pajamas as usual, she took out a pillow and two comforters from the walk-in closet. She spread one on the floor and draped the other over herself.

After turning off the lights, she lay down fully dressed to sleep on the floor. Dealing with Li Yinnan all day had left her exhausted. No wonder they say money is hard to earn but a certain something is hard to take! She was too tired from fighting for those shares.

She didn't know how long she had slept when she hazily sensed Yu Sheng's warm breath draw near.

Half-asleep, Li Zhen reflexively muttered softly, "You're so late again. Come back earlier tomorrow."

Yu Sheng lowered his head, gently caressing her face with his palm.

These past few days, she had been prickly toward him. But this grumble was just like her nightly whines whenever he returned late, coquettishly complaining.

Li Zhen was jolted fully awake. She sat up sharply. "Yu Sheng..."

Damn, her muddled mind had forgotten they were divorced.

Yu Sheng stood up, looking down at her. "Go sleep on the bed."

"No need, this is your place. You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Li Zhen knew her place.

When Yu Sheng had come upstairs, he had planned to keep his cool. But today she was living in their home yet insisted on sleeping apart from him.

Yu Sheng's sharp brows knitted slightly as he gave a cold sneer. "You've reminded me this house isn't mine. If there's a quarrel, shouldn't I be the one moving out?"

"Not yours? Whose is it?" Li Zhen was confused, glancing behind Yu Sheng. "I brought the property ownership certificate for you."

Following Li Zhen's gaze, Yu Sheng looked toward the nightstand.

The dark red ownership certificate and his bank cards were prominently displayed there.

"You really returned them?" Yu Sheng's expression grew colder.

"Your things should be returned to you. Keep them safe and go to bed." Li Zhen had been sleeping soundly before being woken up. Her whole body felt uneasy. She lay back down, flipping over.

But her arm was suddenly seized by Yu Sheng. Weighing so little, she was effortlessly lifted up by him.

The disparity in strength meant Li Zhen couldn't break free at all. Stumbling along, she pleaded, "Yu Sheng, let me go!"

Yu Sheng opened up the property certificate and flung it at Li Zhen. "Li Zhen, take a good look at who this house belongs to!"

Li Zhen's gaze paused. The owner listed on the certificate was her.

Moreover, the date was before their marriage.

In other words, strictly speaking, this 30 million yuan villa was her separate premarital property?

Li Zhen suddenly understood. "Don't worry, I never intended to take advantage of you. Make time tomorrow and I'll go with you to transfer the ownership."

Every word from Li Zhen made Yu Sheng's expression grow darker.

His hand holding the certificate trembled with bulging veins. "Li Zhen, do you think transferring ownership is as simple as getting a divorce certificate? Do you think the whole world has time to entertain your games?"

"Games?" Li Zhen sensed something amiss. "Don't tell me you still think I got a divorce to spite you?"

Yu Sheng's pitch-black eyes suddenly chilled. His previous angry look vanished, unexpectedly calm. But it made Li Zhen sense a bone-chilling menace.

Yu Sheng's tone was obscure as the corner of his mouth curved into a cold smile. "Li Zhen, what do you mean?"

"I believe I've expressed myself very clearly all this time, but it seems that wasn't the case. So let me be even clearer—I'm not being spiteful or throwing a tantrum." Li Zhen met his gaze directly, without the slightest evasion. "I'm tired of living with you and tired of the self I've given up for you. So I'm leaving you to start fresh. Besides, you were the one who brought up divorce."

"But I need to hide the divorce from family for a while, not too long, just two or three months. The outcome is very important to me, which is why I may occasionally need your cooperation in keeping up the act."

"If you're unhappy to keep pretending for me, I won't force you."

"Yu Sheng, am I clear enough now?"

Yu Sheng froze for an instant.

Bewilderment and grimness colored his face sinister and terrifying.

He advanced toward her step by step.

The fierce aura bore down on her. His dark eyes were fixed intently on her face.

When Yu Sheng spoke, every word seemed wrung from his throat. "Say it again."

Li Zhen retreated until she was cornered against the wall.

Head held high, her momentum didn't falter one bit. "Why make me repeat myself? I'm leaving you to start a new life. Is that so hard to understand?"

Before Li Zhen finished speaking, Yu Sheng's hand abruptly clutched her slender throat. "Take back what you said!"

Yu Sheng was getting physical with her?

Li Zhen couldn't believe it. She raised her left hand to grab Yu Sheng, but his grip didn't loosen at all. Instead, it gradually tightened.

A frigid storm seemed to be raging in Yu Sheng's dark eyes. His gaze was so cold it held no warmth at all. He stubbornly repeated, "Take it back!"

"Take it back!"

Li Zhen's face gradually reddened. Her throat was compressed to the limit, unable to draw breath or utter a sound.

Her thoughts grew scattered. Only one notion remained—Yu Sheng had lost his mind!

He'd gone insane!

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