Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 83 Four/One

The Goblin stretched out his two hands and slowly raised them up, leaving the four Generals wondering what he could be up to.

The first Goblin general had no plan of letting the Goblin succeed in whatever it is he wanted to do, as he attacked the Goblin with his fist.

The first Goblin general hastily attacked the Goblin, but couldn't get close because of the sudden vine that sprouted out of the ground.

Vines sprouted out from beneath the ground close to the Goblin's feet, moving itself to attack the first Goblin general, as he caught it with his hands.

Wanting to uproot the vines, the first general pulled and pulled it closer to himself.

The more of the vines he kept on pulling, the more stretched out the vine was.

realizing that there wasn't going to be an end to the vine pulling, the fourth general stopped and took the vine off of his hand.

The Goblin controlled the vines and used it to start attacking the four Generals.

Sprouting the vines from beneath their feet, and trying to tie them up with it.

The four Generals moved swiftly with light steps to evade the vines, the ones they could not evade, they cut down.

"what the hell are all these" (third general).

"be careful not to get entangled by it, not when we know nothing of what comes after that" (second general).

They did not immerse themselves in their discussions too much, as most of their focus was on evading the vines.

"enough of this, third general, is there anything you can do to stop the vines" (first general).

"yes, but I am going to need you guys to clear off from the path so I don't mistakenly take you out together with the vines" (third general).

"I will find a way to clear us off, once you are ready to go, just give me the signal" (second general).

"It will take sometime before I get it ready, I will need you guys to cover for me until then" (third general).

"I will cover for you, so you can focus on what you want to do" (fourth general).

"you heard him, get to it and be quick about it" (first general).

The fourth general, cut down the vines as he makes his way up to the third general. When he got to the third general, he stood in his front and got ready to protect him.

"you can start now" (fourth general).

he says as he cuts down a vine that almost touched the third general.

"tch, I didn't think a day would come when I have to rely on you" (third general).

The fourth Goblin general had expected some sort of criticism from the third general, and he wasn't one bit hurt by it when the third Goblin general delivered like he had expected.

they were currently all in the same circumstance, working together was not an option they can bargain with, but a necessity for them to be coordinated with each other.

While the fourth general is busy cutting off the vines and stopping them from touching both him and the third general at his back,

The third general prepared himself for the class skill he is about to use, taking into account the mana level and amount of damage when used.

"alright, I am ready" (third general).

The third general informed the other three generals who were busy dealing with the vines.

"first general" (second general).

the second general called to the first general with a gesture that hinted that he wanted him close.

The first general, cutting the vines as he moves towards diminishing the distance between he and the second general.

The first general got to the second general, and thinnly stretched his hand towards the second general who managed to get hold of a finger of the first general.

Their hands had made contact, which was what the second general needed.

"do it now" (second general).

The second general yelled loudly at the third general to do whatever it is he was going to do.

getting the go ahead confirmation, the third general moved to the front of the fourth general and crouched on the ground with his two hands touching the ground.

"skill activation, earth wall, earth rumble" (third general).

The effects of the third general using his skill, was quick to occur.

It started with the ground in front of the third general coming to life.

The ground slowly moved, rising up to completely wanting to cover the view of the fourth general who was standing when the third general was still bent down.

The ground's movement was building up a wall, demarcating the third and fourth general from the rest.

The wall was almost completed, and by then, the third general and the fourth general who are behind the walls, will soon to not be seen by the Goblin and the first and second general who are on the other side of the wall.

"skill activation, Shift" (second general).

Before the completion of the wall, the second general activated his skill, and was immediately moved from being on the other side of the wall to being within the confines of the wall, with the first general right beside him.

The second general's shift skill, is a skill similar to the teleportation, in that they both deal with movements from one place to another without the user taking a step.

The difference between the shift skill and teleportation is, while teleportation can move the user to where he has been to before, regardless of the distance,

Shift can only move the user to where the user's eyesight ranges to.

If the destination is not within sight, the shift skill will not be activated no matter what.

Shift skill also allows the user to move someone else with them, on the condition that they have physical contact with whoever they are planning on shifting with.

with all the generals now beyond the wall, the other skill the third general had activated started to take effect.

It started with the ground outside the wall getting wobbly to stand on, then came the sloppy part of the ground changing shape, with bumps appearing on almost all sides, going all flattened and puffed up, constantly changing appearance.

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