Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 181 Elsa Against The Wyvern Leader

"if you humans had not come into our territory unannounced, we would never have had any need to barge into your territory and rain our breath on you".

"the thousands that will die today, is as a result of your foolishness of not recognizing who your opponents are. You brought this on yourselves, not us".

The Wyvern leader, with her head raised down in Elsa's direction, she aggressively snarled at her, showing her an expression filled with hate, before reaching out her claw toward her, to squash her body into the ground.

Elsa reflexively moved herself out of the way, just in time before the claw could get to her. She moved her body In retaliation to the Wyvern leader's attack by going for her huge body.

Elsa made use of the strength from her feet to launch her body as high as it can go, coating her hand in her Aura to use against the Wyvern leader's body.

The moment she jumped, Elsa instinctively raised her guard up to her sides, covering as much body parts as she can with her hands.

Elsa's frail body jumping up, was met with a claw from the Wyvern leader. Her guard was raised just in time to defend her body against the impact of the Wyvern leader's claw on her.

Though she managed to defend herself, the recoil of colliding with the claw sent her body flying away in shambles, hitting the ground with force that had her body rolling on the ground several time before she came to an halt.

"you measly human. You think you alone can take me on?".

Elsa unsteadily lifted her body up from the ground, and discovered that her forehead has started bleeding, with the blood flowing down to her face, extending to a part of her right eye, and rendering her vision unclear.

" i won't know for sure if I don't try".

Elsa held herself together, despite the throbbing pain coursing through her muscle fibers, and the strong will from her body, begging to get some rest.

She warded off all distractions that will stop her from doing her job as a soldier, and focused on the Wyvern leader, spouting out strong words that her collapsing body cannot live up to.

She took one look at her right hand, the one that helped her tank the Wyvern claw, and protected the rest of her body.

The hand had almost gone numb, to the point that she had to struggle before she could lift one of the fingers. The hand has been rendered useless as it can no longer wield a sword unless she gets it treated, but that isn't going to be happening anytime soon, not with the Wyvern leader's attention on her.

Elsa raised her left hand and examined it, to see if it can still function in battle unlike her right hand. She is not a left handed person, but this is not the time for her to be picky on what hand she can use. It is what she has, that she needs to make use of to ensure the survival of their city against the Wyverns.

She covered her left hand in Aura, and charged head on at the Wyvern leader, this time making sure she is on full alert.

With every step she forces her exhausted body to take, is a step that gets her closer to the Wyvern leader.

Elsa on her way, opened up her thoughts and assumptions to ways the Wyvern leader will take to stop her in her tracks. She did that, so she could think of ways to evade her before the attack gets to her.

She knows full well what sort of condition her body is in, and how easily it is prone to breaking down with another attack from the Wyvern leader.

Elsa had to prevent that from happening, no matter what it is she did, she has to make sure that she does not let in any attack from the Wyvern leader come into contact with her body.

As much as she would love to, she cannot risk passing out in the middle of a battle, not when the ray of hope is within sight. Thanks to the appearance of the mages in the gates who are currently battling with the Wyverns above by using their long distance spell against them.

As she gets closer to the Wyvern leader, Elsa observed her for any sudden movements she might want to take against her. She stopped running when she saw that the Wyvern leader had raised one of her arm in her direction.

Elsa thought the Wyvern leader was going to strike down her palm on her. Contrary to her believe, the Wyvern leader struck her palm down in front of Elsa, and not directly on top of her.

The ground rumbled as dust particles were blown up and washed itself over Elsa, the wind forcibly pushing her away from where she stood.

The Wyvern leader took her hand off of the ground, and behold, her massive thumbprint was carved on the ground, with accuracy in how her fingers are shaped.

"you are weak human. Further resistance is futile against me".

When Elsa was blown away by the wind, she had less strength over her body, and was unable to control the flow or pace of her being blown away.

Before she knew what was happening when the wind subsided, her body had fallen itself to the ground, and she on a whim, and uncontrollably, relaxed her muscles for only a brief moment.

That brief moment for Elsa, was enough to sign her death sentence. The fatigue she had kept under wrap through her battle with the Wyverns, noticeably surged itself up in her, causing her extreme pain and discomfort in all her muscle fibers.

Her body turned stiff like dried up leaves, and any such control she once had over it, was forcibly taken away from her, leaving her with only the will to want to continue fighting, and the endless pain her body kept delivering into her mind.

The kind of pain that would have instantly put a normal person into a vegetative state, is what Elsa had to endure while still conscious of her surroundings.

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