Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 169 Orun And Caius Meet

Caius with his head raised up high, saw the Wyverns pack fly out from the direction of the forest. Their numbers are not much compared to the forces Caius has with him, their strength however, is nothing to joke about.

"captain, I suggest you get your forces ready".

Even as he was talking to Elsa, his gaze wasn't distracted from the monsters heading their way. Elsa on the other hand could not see nor feel the monsters, as they were still a little far off from their camping site.

She turned her head away from Caius, and over to the direction Caius was staring at, straining her eyes while relying on all her senses to try and see or feel what Caius is currently feeling.

"i don't see or feel anything".

"you are not supposed to. My guess, they are keeping themselves on a low profile to stage a surprise attack, too bad for them, that you happen to have me on your side".

It is as Caius had guessed. The Wyverns had their aura cloaked, they made sure to fly above and blend themselves in with the darkness of the night.

What he did not guess right however, is that the Wyverns are not cloaking themselves so they could attack Elsa's forces, they did it so they will not be noticed when they fly above Caius and Elsa's forces, with their destination being Murian City.

Orun's plan involves the Wyverns flying across the forces stationed at the forest border, and going directly to their city. By doing so, the forces stationed at the forest entrance will have no choice but to retreat and defend their city.

This will also make them hesitant to attack the forest a second time, with the fear that the Wyverns could get to wherever they want using the air advantage they have over the humans.

"remember guys, never stoop so low for them to get an attack in. Take them all down while staying in the sky and using your breathe on them".

Orun on the back of the Wyvern leader, instructed them on their plan of action.

Regardless of how strong the Wyverns are, the human city is sure to have more men on their side. Orun's plan does not involve the total annihilation of the human city, that would have been possible if he knows exactly how much the numbers of the forces guarding the city is.

Him not knowing the exact amount, stuck to devising a plan that would minimize the damage the Wyverns will take, while also maximizing the human losses.

The Wyverns job, is to attack the human city from the sky, throwing all the breathe they have at them below, exerting their air advantage to the fullest.

Once they are out of mana, they are to halt all attacks, not retreat, but halt. They will continue hovering in the sky where they are untouchable, and wait until their mana is replenished, once that is done, they will resume their attack on them.

If the city was a small city, Orun's plan would have worked perfectly in annihilating the entire city itself, but from the forces he has seen standing guard at the forest entrance, Orun deduced that they are not dealing with a small sized city, but rather a large one who is willing to send out such large numbers for monster extermination.

Dealing with such a big city, requires the utmost patience one could have.

While the Wyverns will slowly be dealing damage to the human city, Orun has taken it upon himself to go against the human forces that are stationed at the border separating the forest from the outer plane.

"are you certain you are going to be okay all by yourself".

The Wyvern leader expressed her worries for Orun who had taken it upon himself to face off alone against the human forces at the border.

She has already seen him in action, and knows just how capable he is, but she still worries mainly because of the numbers the humans came with.

He would have to expend a lot of his mana taking care of them, and to top it off, he can't fly like the Wyverns can, meaning he would have to go down there and engage in a physical altercation against them.

No matter how powerful he is, going up against such numbers is bound to leave him with some accumulated fatigue, and possibly leave some scars on his body.

"you don't have to worry about me, I will be just fine on my own. What you should concentrate more on, is keeping the pack alive".

Divide and conquer, is what Orun is aiming for with the plan he initiated. It won't be enough to just attack the human city, they have to show the humans and make them understand that they are an intelligent bunch, capable of coming up with plans and tactics, using the available resources on themselves.

He wants to instill into them the fear and superiority of the monster kind over the humans, to make them know, that the days of humans needlessly marching into monster territories and triumphing over monster kind with number advantage is over.

The forest isn't home to just the Wyverns alone, it has now become Orun's safe abode as well. It is the place that accepted him after the times he has spent running and fighting for his life inside the Dungeon.

He will be damned and have his body stepped over before he allows the humans to tramble on his home like it's theirs to claim.

'wow? It seems I am more materialistic than I thought I was'.

He had once condemned the swamp snake for getting too materialistic and putting its territory first before its own life. Orun did not understand what it felt like back then as he had just met the Wyvern and only started forming a bond with them.

Now he knows how it feels, the pride of one having a safe personal place to call home, and how it feels for someone uninvited to think they can trespass on their home like it's theirs.

"don't worry leader, we will do whatever it takes to protect what belongs to us".

Orun was determined this time, the forest is his home, and the Wyverns pack is the place he belongs in, he is ready to do anything to keep both as selfish of him as it is.


Orun was hurriedly snapped out of his thoughts by the abrupt movement he felt suddenly appeared from his back.

"found you, monster".

The voice said, sending a kick in Orun's direction.

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