Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 164 In-Considerate

"Cardinal Caius, you need to also consider the well-being of the troops, and not think only about yourself".

Elsa with a daunt expression, drawing up a line by addressing him respectfully and boldly reprimanding him on his selfish attitude. She is like one of those female office workers trying to draw a line between them and their promiscuous boss.

"hey, how am I considering myself only? And what is with that voice? Did I do something wrong here?".

The confusion could be seen on Caius's face when he asked Elsa of his offence. He did not know for what reasons, all he knew is that Elsa's way of addressing him was different than normal.

She had always been a stuck up around him, and trying to distance herself far from him, but this time, from her tone, Caius knew that she was beyond mad at him, and he wanted to know why.

"taking care of the monster now will be beneficial not only to me, but to the rest of the group. The faster we get everything over with, the faster you will all get to go back to your homes to celebrate with songs of jubilation".

Caius was not trying to be funny with his words, he was being genuine with his thoughts, the only problem is, his thoughts did not take into regard the ability of the human forces.

A fight with monster hoards, is not a fight one will just march into and come out unscathed with sounds of victory being echoed. That is not it at all.

For Caius, a Cardinal who has lived for years, has not had a problem facing any difficult opponents, he did not have a reason to work with any human forces, and has never done so in hundred of years.

He had forgotten the experience and feelings of what moving with an army feels like, or the experience they will face in an encounter with monster hoards.

Particularly when dealing with monsters of unknown ranks, whose presence are very rare or rather impossible to come across.

Going up against monsters requires sacrifices made by both parties, it's not a fun activity full of roses and dandelions being sprinkled in the surroundings, it is a battlefield where lives will be lost, and a lot of blood will be spilled, human and monster parts rolling around, heads being crushed like balls, that is the kind of happenings one will experience in a battle against monsters.

Caius outburst although trying to be considerate, only make him out as being insensitive to the human forces who marched all the way here to help him.

"Cardinal Caius!".

"leave this to me".

Elsa was about to begin a long lecture detailing every reasons as to why Caius's way of thinking is wrong and offensive to the forces. Before she could start her speech however, she was stopped by Ignatius who flew away from her shoulder all the way to appearing in front of her.

"Ignatius, what are you doing? Can't you see I am in the middle of a conversation".

"i do, and I am saving you from it, so shut up and just follow me".

Ignatius flew ahead of Caius, leading him away from Elsa and the group to a distance where they would not be able to hear whatever conversation they plan on having.

"dude, why the hell were you saying something like that".

"what? What did I say that was wrong".

"everything you said there, was wrong. You know, like I keep on saying, I have lived thousands of years of your lifetime, and even I know when and when not to be so insensitive".

Caius gave Ignatius the kind of look that says '?'

"seriously? Ignatius you? Not being insensitive? Have you forgotten the stunt you pulled with those adventurers? And you say you are not insensitive".

"that was different. I was trying to cheer them up with my words, to encourage them after their loss. What you are doing is the complete opposite of that. How can you tell a bunch of soldiers that are about to risk their lives fighting to think of going back home to celebrate? Can you not think of those that will lose their lives here".

Ignatius words were like fire to Caius, melting down his ignorant mind and allowing him to understand the gravity of what he had just said.

"damn, I really screwed up big time".

"i don't blame you. You ae too used to working alone that you have forgotten how it feels like to work with others".

"i should probably go and apologize? Do you think she will forgive me".

"i really don't know. She already hated you to begin with, and now you have just made things worse".

"hey, that is totally not my fault. How was I supposed to know that a lot of them are going to be dying tonig..."

Caius was getting high pitched, angry on how he was being misunderstood, but he was able to tone it down just in time before his voice became loud enough for all to hear, creating another scenario of them getting even more furious with him for saying such words out loud.

"damn it, why are everyone so sensitive nowadays? It was not like this in my time. Death was a common occurrence, and a warrior dying in battle is something to rejoice about and not brood over".

Caius says, making sure that his voice wasn't loud enough for any of them to hear.

"you can't really blame them, they have been too washed up in an Era of peace unlike back in your days when it's endless struggling. don't beat yourself up about it and just apologize when you go back to them".

Caius adhered to Ignatius solution. With Ignatius on its head, he rides his horse back to where Elsa and the rest where standing.

"listen guys, I know I said some..... words you all considered to be mean and insultive, i can assure you that it wasn't my intention to. I was hasty, and did not bother putting you all into thoughts, but that has changed, I have been warned and I have understood".

Elsa with a stern face, eased up a little after the forced out speech from Caius.

"so, what's the plan".

He said, moving closer to them, and showing that he is in support of them waiting till dawn comes before they strike.

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