Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 158 Caius Meets The Captain

"my lord, as you have ordered, I have brought the captain of the knights".

Butler Robert walked into the room with another by his side, getting close enough to Thomas, he announced his presence.

"well done. Captain, I have a mission for you".

He said, shifting his eyes over to the maiden cladded in yellow armor and the side clothings colored black, covering her body starting from her neck down to the toes and only revealing her face.

Caius looking at her, had his Jaws dropped down, with her blonde long smooth hair lines, a green eyed gaze with which no man could dare resist the sight of, perfect jawlines like it was drawn just for her face. She is without a doubt a beauty amongst beauties, and this certain beauty caught the interest of Caius in a way he felt an uncontrollable craving to.

"Cardinal Caius, this is Elsa, the captain of Murian City knights. Elsa, this is Cardinal Caius, a representative from the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation".

Thomas got up from his seat and stood near Elsa while he carried out the introduction.

"It is an honor to be given the opportunity to meet with one of the four Cardinals".

"indeed it is".

Caius stood up from his seat and moved closer, standing in front of her. He extended his hand out to her, and continued staring at her face with a lewd expression.

Elsa not wanting to be rude, returned Caius's hand gesture by grabbing unto his hand. He raised her hand up and gave it a peck.

"i am very happy to meet you, my lady".

It was official, Caius was starting to creep out Elsa with the way he is acting toward her.

"Cardinal Caius, I believe there was a reason I called for the captain of the knight".

Thomas was quick to notice the expression on Elsa's face, and he found a way to dissolve the situation while making sure to not sound offensive to Caius.

"yes, that is right. I am tracking down a villainous monster who if not handled well, could very well bring down humanity's civilization. The Emissary did not give the job to the others because he knew I was the only one worthy enough to battle such a foe".

Caius kept bragging, exaggerating the matter and trying to be boastfully around Elsa, had his shoulders raised up.

"Cardinal Caius, I thought you said the monster only attacked a small city? You never told me anything about it threatening mankind's existence".

"learn to read the mood old man".

Caius said to Thomas who found himself asking, 'do I look that old? Enough to be called an old man?'.

His face did look weary and stressed out, but it wasn't enough to call him old using that as a reference. He remembered his age and assured himself that he is not at all an old man, and Caius's word were bitter to him because he had attempted to reveal his lies before Elsa who Caius was trying to impress.

"don't take his words to heart too much. He is like that whenever he sees pretty girls".

Ignatius went over to console Thomas who was feeling down by being called old by Caius.

"yeah I figured that is what was going on, seeing how his attitude was quick to change when he laid his eyes on her".

"Cardinal Caius...."

"please, a beautiful maiden like you should refer to me by my name, Caius".

He corrected Esla while trying to sound romantic to her, but every word that comes out of his mouth only serves to further anger her.

"Caius. I do not appreciate your way of speaking with me. Cardinal or not, you will treat me like the warrior that I am, and not as a woman you seek to pleasure yourself with".

Else withdrew her hand from Caius's hold, with her tone making it firm how inappropriate he is being toward her.

"well someone sure has an attitude".

Caius left Elsa and went back to where he had earlier sat on, after being rudely rejected by her.

Elsa did not mind offending Caius, as she turned her eyes away from him and bowed her head down to Thomas.

"lord Thomas, butler Robert said my presence was required".

"yes it is. Cardinal Caius has Informed me of a very disturbing news that could bring harm to our people in the city. I plan on handing over to him control of our military forces!".

"be sure to make her understand that we are not just dealing with any ordinary danger. It's a monster that can very well destroy your city if care isn't taken, but you have nothing to worry about as long as I am here".

"It is as Cardinal Caius has said. The monster had already shown to be dangerous by almost destroying an entire city with a population of a hundred thousand".

"not almost, he did destroy the city. That is why they called for me, because the warriors in the city were not strong enough to stop the monster".

Thomas was fed up with Caius butting his mouth in while he is trying his best to explain the situation to Elsa. He knew that if he said one more word, Caius would surely add more to it, and he can not have that.

"Cardinal Caius, if you would do the honor of explaining to Elsa the current situation".

"thought you never asked".

The way Thomas thought of to stop him from ever interrupting, is by leaving the stage open for him to do the explaining.

"so, I was there sitting in my room when the Emissary of the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation came crawling to me, he begged for me to help him slay a monster that had wrecked havoc and continued to threaten mankind's existence, saying I was the only one with the power to do so".

"being the Heroic figure I was, I could not bear to see the all great Emissary in such a pitiful condition. I accepted his offer and began my journey for the search of the monster who has proclaimed itself enemy of mankind".

Thomas and Robert could only watch as Caius continued to flame the story more and more with events they know did not happen.

"my journey for the monster lead me here, and I believe it has taken refuge in a forest closest to you, what was it called again lord Thomas".

"forest of Anjonu".

"what he said. I prepare myself for the time I face the monster, but not knowing it's exact level, I decided on taking with me escorts that will keep the other monsters in the forest busy while I fight the monster uninterrupted".

"and that, is the end of my epic tale".

Caius closed the scene for his speech by grabbing a cookie he threw in his mouth.

"you heard what he said Elsa. You are going to lead the forces and venture into the forest of Anjonu with him. Your mission will be to make sure that Cardinal Caius is not interrupted by any other monsters in the vicinity, can you do that".

"i will assemble the soldiers right away and prepare them for departure".

Elsa answered with her expression remain unchanged and unwavering.

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