Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 147 Training With The Pack 1

"are you sure you want to do this".

"why, are you scared you are going to get your ass whooped".

"no, I am actually worried for your sake".

"don't worry, I will be fine, just bring it on".

Days have passed since Orun had joined the Wyvern pack. They accepted him as one of them, and learned to get along well with him. He had done a lot of activities with them, and with his personality, he had no problems with fitting in. The only issue he has, is the language barrier.

Unlike the Wyvern leader, the rest of the pack do not speak the same Goblin language that Orun does, and so limits the possibility of free communication with them.

There are times when the Wyvern leader helps him with the translation, but that still does not solve the whole issue.

To help solve the problem, Orun decided to take language lessons from the Wyvern leader who voluntarily agreed to help him, in exchange for him teaching the Wyvern pack how to fight.

Orun refused the offer to teach the Wyverns how to fight because he had no fighting technique himself. What he mostly relies on during combat, every thinking and move he makes, can all be traced back to his instincts.

Orun's battle instinct had always been high since birth, and so far, it has helped him survive through the valley of death countless times, resulting in it being thoroughly reformed to getting better, becoming his senses and evolving to being a part of him.

He could now sense if danger is close to him, and if any malicious intention is directed at him from afar.

Exactly how is he supposed to tell the Wyvern pack that whenever he is in combat, he pushes through it with just his instinctual feelings at work.

First he relies on it, for reading through his opponents movements, and then, he thinks for himself what sort of movement he can make to counter the opponent with.

Of course, saying that he survived with instinct alone is wrong. Even with a very high instinct, if he does not have the same agility to work hand in hand with his instincts, he would have died. Or, if his thoughts are not always rationally guided and flexible enough to get himself ready to respond to any sort of attack.

Orun did expect the Wyverns who are also monsters just like he is, to have their own instinct that they work by.

Especially when one takes into consideration their size that is enough to intimidate Orun whenever he stands in their midst.

He feels that the Wyverns have nothing to learn from him when their mere presence alone is enough to show anyone they encounter who the boss is. With their size, they could boast their way through any hurdles without having to resort to physical means.

What is he to teach monsters who are more than ten times his body weight?

Despite Orun trying his best to convince the Wyvern leader that he would not be of much help in training them, she still instited on having Orun's help in their training.

The Wyvern leader saw how Orun fought, and has decided that the pack must learn from him.

Having him with them is good and all, but it's not going to be forever. No one can deny the fact that Orun is not a Wyvern, and one day, he is going to want to journey out in search of anything.

That is how monsters with long life span act. They don't stay in one place, but move around to give their life meaning and purpose.

The Wyvern leader knew that a day like that will come, and so she wants to prepare her pack for such a day.

As long as Orun who has proven to be far stronger than them all, teaches them how to fight, no doubt that their overall combat power will rise drastically.

They do not just want to rely on Orun to do all the work, they want to share their stances equally with all of them carrying their own personal weights, and dividing the pack's weight in same sizes for each of them to handle.

That is the intention of the Wyvern leader, and she has no intention of giving it up.

Orun had no choice. If he wanted to get along more with the pack, he needs to learn their language, and the only one willing to teach him, demands that in return of language lesson, he needs to teach the pack how to combat.

Orun eventually gave in, and decided to teach the pack what he knows about fighting. And he is going to do that, by having a friendly combat exercise with them.

What better way to teach a bunch of huge monsters how to fight if not by honing their skills through physical means.

"i need to be sure, are you really sure you can take all sixteen of us on your own".

"i have done it before, what makes you think I can't do it again".

Orun at the top of the mountain, is currently being surrounded by all sixteen Wyverns, ready to pounce at him when he gives the go signal.

After deciding to train them through physical means, he proposed to them a sixteen on one combat, Orun alone facing all sixteen Wyverns.

Like the Wyvern leader said, Orun had done it before when they first met, and he successfully beat them all without even having to stress himself too much.

But it's different this time. Because this time, he won't be using any of his skills and will only be taking on sixteen Wyverns with just his physical prowess.

Orun's physical prowess since becoming an half spiritual entity, is unrivaled to those still bound by the level up process.

He has noticed that having a high level does not exactly make one stronger than someone with a lower level. The level up traits, only helps one in strengthening the body and not the combat skill.

There are instances where the level gap is impossible to overcome, and also other times where even with a higher level, one could still lose to someone else with a lower level, if the one with the lower level is more combat oriented than the one with an higher level.

Like Orun being an half spiritual entity going up against another who is still bound by the level limit, the outcome then is already decided.

In the Wyverns case, they are having a hard time advancing further to the next level, due to already being a high level type monster.

Being held down by the difficulty of level advancement, the Wyvern leader sought out other ways for her pack to get stronger, and that is when Orun comes into play.

"remember, whatever happens, you asked for this".

She said, waiting for Orun to give the go ahead for them to attack.

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