Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 202 - Throw This Shrew Out

Chapter 202: Throw This Shrew Out

Xia You knew that Jinxuan was angry but she couldn’t let her continue hurling insults at Zhou. She couldn’t let her daughter-in-law stoop down to that level.

“Jinxuan, that’s enough,” she said sternly.

Ye Jiayao glared at Zhou angrily.

“Sister-in-law, did you hear her? She’s a disrespectful woman! How dare she insult her elder like that? She has no regards for family rules and ancestors’ teachings!” Zhou said furiously.

You rolled her eyes and gestured meaningfully at Mother Sun.

Mother Sun nodded obediently and chased everyone out of the room.

Once they all left, You began, “You’re the one to talk about family rules and teachings. The seventh family rule dictates that all descendants of the Xia family are not to slander or sow discord within the family. It dictates that we are not to threaten the harmony of the house or cause the family’s reputation to be damaged. Those who violate this would either be dealt with by the family’s punishment or be thrown out of the house depending on the severity of the situation. Now, tell me, what facts are you basing on when you said those things about Jinxuan? If you cannot give me a legitimate reason, then…”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. How have I slandered Second Daughter-in-law?” Zhou denied.

“Third Aunt, didn’t you say that Third Brother is cold towards Third Sister-in-law because of Jinxuan? You said that they are making eyes at each other privately and you even said that you saw them in an embrace in the garden once…” Qiao said. She was not at fault here and she was going to clear her name.

Zhou once again denied her involvement. “When did I say that? Ha! You guys are just ganging up to ruin my name!”

You was so angry that her whole body was trembling. Jinxuan was right, Zhou’s a snake.

Qiao insisted, “Third Aunt, don’t lie. Your servants were with us in the room too and they all heard it.”

Zhou shook her head. “To think that I have treated you quite well. Why are you trying to do this? You were the one who said all of those things!”

Qiao was so anxious and panicked that she started crying. “Mother, it was really Third Auntie who said all of those things. I never said anything…”

“What are you crying for?” Xia You berated. “You know what kind of person your Third Aunt is and yet you continued to hang around her!”

She continued, “Zhou, there is no use trying to act dumb here. I will find the truth out once I summon the people from your house. I have forgiven all of your past words and actions but this time, I cannot stand by and watch you destroy my family. Mother Sun, send the word out that in punishment of her crime, I am throwing Zhou out of the family. Those who have a problem with that can take it up with me.”

The gravity and hopelessness of her situation started to don on Zhou. Frantically, she said, “What rights do you have to throw me out of the family? You have been plotting against me from day one! If you dare to touch me, I am going to tell everyone your evil schemes and your daughters-in-law’s bad characters! I am going to make sure everyone knows how corrupt your family is…”


The door flew open, revealing Xia Chunyu who looked downright murderous. His thin lips were pressed into a hard line, his eyes cold and unforgiving. “What were you planning on telling others?”

Seeing Xia Chunyu look so ruthless had Zhou flustered. She took a few steps back in surprise and stuttered, “I… I’m your elder. Show s-some respect.”

“If you dare tell even one single lie outside of this house, I will make sure that you will never be able to speak again. That’s a promise,” he hissed.

Zhou was so frightened that she couldn’t help the shiver that ran through her. “You… y-you all are trying to gang up on… on me.”

Zhou attempted to attack Xia Chunyu but he swiftly moved out of her way and she ended up stumbling into nothing, falling headfirst to the ground. She cried out loud, “This is abuse…”

“Men, throw this shrew out,” Xia Chunyu yelled, not even bothering to look at Zhou.

Immediately, a servant rushed in to pull Zhou up and drag her outside. Zhou’s cries became even louder and shriller.

“Stop this! What is all this ruckus about? It’s the middle of the night?” the Old Marquis demanded as he and Xia Zhuoqin rushed over to see the commotion.

“Old Master, they’re trying to throw me out of the family!” Zhou cried, crawling pitifully over to her husband.

Xia Zhuoqin was immediately angered upon seeing his wife in such a disheveled state. “Big Brother, I demand an explanation! They can’t just decide to throw my wife out like that!”

“Maybe ask your wife what she did to warrant that sort of punishment, first, Third Uncle. If you still have the nerve to throw attitude after hearing what she did, then you can join her in exile,” Xia Chunyu told him, his voice chilling.

“Chunyu, how can you say that? That is very rude,” the Old Marquis berated. He was shocked to hear his son speak like that. Chunyu’s always been the most reliable and level-headed of all his children. Xia Zhuofeng wondered what Zhup has done to warrant this reaction from him.

“Old Master, you have to take a stand now. If you still try and shield this family, then you can go live with them. I will bring my children back to Hang Zhou and from then on, we will lead separate lives,” You declared. She was going to make him choose today.

This was the first time that Xia Zhuoqin heard his sister-in-law say something so fierce to his Big Brother. He suddenly became afraid that Zhou had done something so irreparable to back Big Sister into a corner like this.

The Old Marquis’ face flushed bright red. You has said some fierce words privately to him before, but never has she spoken to him like this in public.

“Tell me what is going on first,” the Old Marquis said in a low, muffled voice.

“Zhou has been spreading lies. I can’t even bring myself to repeat it, it’s so scandalous and preposterous. I can’t tolerate her nonsense anymore,” You told him.

“What exactly did you say?” Xia Zhuoqin howled at Zhou.

Zhou knew that she has gotten herself in deep trouble this time. She was too careless. She should’ve made sure that the rumors wouldn’t trace back to her. If they didn’t have enough evidence, they wouldn’t be able to do anything. She didn’t think that Qiao would fold so easily.

“I also heard it from someone else… I heard that Second Daughter-in-law and Chunfeng…”

The Old Marquis’ eyes bugged out in shock. It was no wonder You and Chunyu were so furious. He himself was tempted to make her mouth bleed!

Xia Zhuoqin silently grumbled. Of all the things to say, she chose to spread a rumor that involved the family’s beloved Second Daughter-in-law and the newly married Chunfeng?

Before his older brother could do anything, Xia Zhuoqin delivered a hard slap to Zhou’s face.

Zhou immediately let out a pained howl, her cheek immediately swelling up.

“You stupid woman! Even if this came from someone else, you should’ve stopped them! How dare you jump on it? I ought to drag you out of this house myself!” Xia Zhuoqin yelled, raising his hand as if to slap her again. He had hoped that someone would stop him, but when no one said anything, he had no choice but to slap his wife again.

Zhou was now rolling on the floor, crying hysterically from the humiliation and the pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

“You better find a rope to hang yourself right now so you don’t embarrass yourself more.” Xia Zhuoqin knew that if he didn’t make a show of punishing her, You would make good on her threat to throw her out.

Seeing her so down, Ye Jiayao didn’t feel the tiny bit elated. All she was feeling right now, along with the rest of the family, was disgust for Zhou’s behavior. She always thought that this only happens in villages. She didn’t know that this could happen in a wealthy, prestigious family too!

“Enough,” the Old Marquis finally said.

Xia Zhuoqin heaved a secret sigh of relief. He immediately pointed a finger at Zhou and said, “I am going to let you off today because of Big Brother. If you dare spout this nonsense again, I will rip your mouth apart.”

“Third Brother, she’s your wife, punish her in private,” Zhuofeng said before turning to Zhou. “Who did you hear this filthy story from?”

Zhou hesitated. If she said confesses, she would offend more than just the Xia family.

“Speak,” the Old Marquis yelled.

Zhou cowering under the Old Marquis’ anger and subconsciously blurted out, “It’s from Mother Shu.”

The whole hall turned so silent you could hear a pin drop.

This was the first time Xia Zhuoqin thought of a divorce. What a stupid woman. How could she say that? She just cut their alliance with Princess Liu Li!

After a long moment, the Old Marquis broke the silence, “Third Brother, you have to move into your new house now. We can’t stand all the turmoil your family seems to be causing. If this happens again, I’m afraid our brotherhood would be at risk.”

Xia Chunfeng clenched his fist so tightly, his knuckles cracked. He turned to leave without a single word.

The upheaval has yet to reach Liu Li and her room was as peaceful as usual.

“Mother Shu, what do you think I should give the Empress Dowager for her birthday?” Liu Li worried, her head propped up on her hand.

Mother Shu laughed, shaking her head. “Princess, the Empress Dowager will like no matter what you give her.”

“The Empress Dowager dotes on me so much, I have to give her something special,” Liu Li protested.

“Why don’t you give the Empress Dowager a hand-sewn headband?”

Liu Li shook her head adamantly. “You know that I am not good at sewing! The Empress Dowager saw the mandarin ducks that I had sewn last time and thought they were chickens.”

“Then let’s go take a look at the jewelry store some other day.”

“No. The jewelry stores outside do not have better accessories than the ones in the palace.”

“Then I am at my wit’s end, too,” Mother Shu said with a chuckle.

“Prince Consort, you are back?” Little Ya called from outside.

Liu Li excitedly got up from the couch.

The cotton curtain was lifted crudely as Xia Chunfeng stomped in.

Mother Shu said with a smile, “Prince Consort, you are back so late!”

Xia Chunfeng stared at this smiling old lady for a second, lifted his leg, and gave her a mighty kick.

Mother Shu was unable to withstand the blow and she flew backward, knocking into the chair behind her.

Liu Li ran over to check on Mother Shu in shock. Mother Shu’s face was as pale as a sheet, her frail body curled up as she whimpered, unable to speak.

Liu Li whipped around to glare at Chunfeng. She shouted furiously, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?”

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