Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 172 - The Freeloaders Are Back

Chapter 172: The Freeloaders Are Back

Ye Jiayao had thought that Xia You would’ve taken action by now in regards of Xia Chunli being a freeloader, but days have already passed since she told her about it and she still hasn’t done anything.

However, since the culinary competition’s approaching,?Ye Jiayao busied herself with developing cakes. She was trying to find the best way to bake without the use of a modern oven.

It was hard and slow-going so she enlisted Jiang Yue’s help in her experiment.

“Yue-er, make the fire bigger.”

This was already their 13th try but she was still unsure.

Jiang Yue was starting to doubt the Second Young Mistress. They have wasted so much butter, eggs, and flour, and she was wondering if the ‘cake’ that the Second Young Mistress was trying to make worth all of this hassle.

Ye Jiayao, who was keeping watch of the time, suddenly said, “Open the pot.”

Jiang Yue stopped feeding the firewood and took a thick wet cotton cloth to lift the lid of the pot.?The sweet buttery scent of cake whiffed out with the rising steam.

“It smells good,” Jiang Yue commented. Does this mean it was a success?

Ye Jiayao nervously took the ceramic pot out and turned it upside down on a chopping board.

This makeshift turntable was created by Jiang Li. If only Ye Jiayao knows the exact principle of a modern oven to him, she was sure that he’d be able to recreate it for her.

The ceramic pot was good at retaining heat so the two had to wait patiently for it to cool down.

After some time, when Ye Jiayao felt that the ceramic pot was no longer hot, she slowly lifted it, revealing a soft, golden cake sponge.

“Yue-er, it’s a success! Finally, it’s a success!” Ye Jiayao jumped around in excitement. It took her 13 tries, but she did it.

Jiang Yue shared her excitement. After all those failures and disappointments, they finally made it happen. She also realized just how much work was required in making delicious food.

Ye Jiayao took a long knife and began rotating the chopping board as she trimmed the cake to her desired shape and thickness.

“Yue-er, try it.”

Jiang Yue picked up a crumb and tried it, her eyes going wide with the new flavors. “It’s so fluffy and sweet! This is?completely different from all the pastries I have eaten before.”

Ye Jiayao smiled. “This is not done yet. Just wait, it’ll taste even better.”

She then went on to ice the cake. With a small wooden spatula, she started to coat the cake with an even layer of frosting. After that, she piped some designs on the cake using an aluminum foil she rolled into a cone.

Jiang Yue couldn’t take her eyes off of her, amazed by how many different shapes and designs she could make just by squeezing that cone. She was so impressed by how smart, imaginative, and skillful the Second Young Mistress was. It looked like there was nothing that she couldn’t make.

Half an hour later, Ye Jiayao stepped back and looked at her masterpiece, satisfied.?Looks like all those cake decorating classes paid off!

They carefully put the cake in a box and took it to Heavenly Residence, excited to show it to everyone.

As expected, everyone at Heavenly Residence surrounder her new creation, curious and amazed.

“This is too beautiful! How did you make it?” Zhong Xiang asked.

“I’ll teach you later. Here, everyone, have a taste,” Ye Jiayao called as she cut the cake into small pieces.

“Fragrant and smooth, sweet but not too much. It’s so soft and fluffy, it melts in your mouth! This is a whole new taste and I guarantee this would be a huge sensation,” Deng Haichuan praised.

Ye Jiayao smiled secretly.?Aye, this is the most basic cake. What would you guys think if you ever try mousse, chocolate, or even cheesecake??

“Zhong Xiang, starting tomorrow, I’ll be teaching you how to make and decorate a cake every morning. As for the others, once the competition is over, I will get Zhong Xiang to pass the knowledge onto you,” Ye Jiayao announced.

Everyone cheered, grateful for the Second Young Mistress’ generosity and guidance.

“Second Young Mistress, Second Young Mistress!” Ah Xing called.

“What’s the matter?”

“Umm… the First Young Master is here.”

Ye Jiayao’s smile fell.?Again?

“Which suite? How many people are with him?”

“He’s in the Orchid Suite and he has more than ten people with him.?They have already ordered and it looks like First Young Master is treating them.”

That rat bastard. Fine. Let him eat, but I will be making sure that he’s paying this time.

A few minutes later, Little Lu came in with the order slip. Ye Jiayao looked at it and got even angrier. He ordered all the most expensive things on the menu and this meal would cost around 4000 taels.

Deng Haichuan asked, “Second Young Mistress, are we making it?”

Ye Jiayao replied coldly, “Yes, of course.”

She handed the order slip?to Deng Haichuan then proceeded to put on an apron.

Jiang Yue asked in surprise, “Second Young Mistress, what are you doing?”

Ye Jiayao waved her concern away. “It’s been a long time since I cooked. My hands feel a little itchy so today, you will get to see a head chef in her full glory.”

Everyone laughed out loud. Li Yao might have become the Second Young Mistress, but her temperament was still the same. She was still their big boss.

Jiang Yue started feeling her hands itch to as she watched the Second Young Mistress move around the kitchen expertly and effortlessly. She has learned so many dishes from the Second Young Mistress, but she has only been making them at home. There hasn’t been a chance for her to display her new skills.

“Second Young Mistress, can I give it a go?” Jiang Yue mustered enough courage to ask.

Ye Jiayao nodded with an encouraging smile. “Cui Dongpeng, take a table with simple dishes from the main hall for Jiang Yue to try. Keep watch of her.”

Cui Dongpeng obeyed happily, bringing Jiang Yue over to his stove. He would take any chance to serve a beautiful lady.

“Second Young Mistress, Second Young Mistress!” Manager Zhao called as he ran in, looking flustered.

“What happened?” she asked calmly.

“The Old Marquis is here.”

She almost didn’t catch the vegetables she started to flip in the pan.

Zhong Xiang, who happened to finish his dish, took over. “Second Young Mistress, allow me!”

She passed the spatula to him, removed her apron, and walked out with Manager Zhao. “How many people are with the Old Marquis?”

“Just him. He says he wants to see you.”

“Are there any suites left?”

“No, we are full today.”

“Set up a table in my room and serve him some Ku Ding tea,” Ye Jiayao ordered.

“We have already ushered him to the second story, Manager Qian is tending to him,” Manager Zhao reported.

This was Xia Zhuofeng’s first time in Heavenly Residence. It has a nice view of the river and yet still accessible to the bustling crow of the city. The three-story-high restaurant was not of the largest scale, but it has an unimaginable amount of business.

Ye Jinxuan was indeed a capable woman and Chunyu made the right choice in buying this restaurant!

“Father,” Ye Jiayao greeted as she came into the room.

“Oh, Jinxuan! I happened to pass by the restaurant and decided to come in to take a look,” Xia Zhuofeng told her with a laugh.

“Since it is rare for Father to come by, I will personally prepare a table full of delicious food for you. Father, what do you want to eat? Southern food or northern food? Name it and I’ll make it,” Ye Jiayao offered politely.

Xia Zhuofeng was taken aback. When she cooked him northern food before, he had thought that she merely learned his favorite dishes just to impress him. He didn’t expect her to know the whole cuisine.

“Really? You even know how to make Northern food?”

Ye Jiayao laughed at his incredulity. “Yes, Father.

Xia Zhuofeng thought about it for a while before saying, “Very well. I would like a double-cooked pork slice, a sparerib with sauce, a pot of mixed stew. I am eating alone so I won’t be able to finish so much.”

“Sure. Give me a few moments, Father, and I’m going to start cooking those right away.” She then whispered to Manager Qian, “Stay here to wait on the Old Marquis.”

Back in the kitchen, Ye Jiayao started with cold plate appetizers; jellyfish, mixed vegetables, meat rolls with beef, and sweet and sour smoked fish. She had someone bring it up along with Zhu Ye Qing wine because she knew that the Old Marquis loved strong alcohol.

A thought suddenly came to her and she called for Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue, who was enjoying her work with Cui Dongpeng, heard her and immediately put her ladle down and rushed over.

“Yue-er, get Old Guan to drive the horse carriage to the courtyard and bring the vat of?spicy cabbage and the garlic eggplant in the freezer over here. Quick.”

“Yes, Second Young Mistress.” Jiang Yue immediately ran out. The restaurant wasn’t that far from the courtyard and it would only take her about five minutes to get there.

Ye Jiayao went on to start with making the double-cooked pork slices. She started with the batter, one of the two key steps in making the dish. The batter should not be too thick otherwise it wouldn’t marinate the meat well, and it also shouldn’t be too thin because it won’t be crispy enough. The second step is frying.?The control over the oil’s temperature has to be good. It must be thoroughly fried but not overcooked, just enough to get the perfect golden brown color.

As for the mixed stew, the most important part was the sheet jelly. She handed this task over to Zhong Xiang, getting him to make a soft and chewy sheet jelly. When the spicy cabbage is added and stewed together, it would be exceptionally fresh.

As Xia Zhuofeng drink his wine, he asked Manager Qian, “I heard that the First Young Master is here.”

Manager Qian carefully replied, “Yes, Old Marquis, he is in the Orchid Suite treating a huge table of customers.”

Xia Zhuofeng ordered, “When his meal has ended, tell him to see me.”

“Of course.”

“The dishes are served, Old Marquis. This is your double-cooked pork slices, just off the pot, extremely fragrant!” Ah Xing announced as he served the double-cooked pork slices.

“Your staffs have the gift of the gab,” Xia Zhoufeng commented.

Ah Xing smiled and said, “Old Marquis, Second Young Mistress has said before that when serving food, one has to be passionate, considerate, observant, detailed, and quick. I am still trying my best to embody all of that.”

Xia Zhuofeng laughed out loud. He has to admit that he really liked his Second Daughter-in-law’s wisdom when it comes to food and business.

After a while, he was served the sparerib with sauce.

Finally, after a few moments, Ye Jiayao came in, personally serving the last dish. “Father, here is your mixed stew.”

Once the lid was lifted, Xia Zhuofeng immediately recognized the familiar sour and spicy smell. He asked in astonishment, “You have spicy cabbage?”

Ye Jiayao smiled at him knowingly and said, “Not only that.”

She waved her hand and Jiang Yue came in, presenting a plate of garlic eggplant.

The Old Marquis’ jaw-dropped. This was all authentic northern food! He couldn’t believe that Jinxuan made this for him!

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