Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 163 - To Offer Tea

Chapter 163: To Offer Tea

Translator: YTJS_ Editor: Perriemix

She knew how vigorous Chunyu could be in bed, but it has been so long that her memories turned out to be quite unreliable. Despite her numerous pleas, he was unrelenting. He resembled a hungry beast, never getting tired.

At first, Ye Jiayao wanted to take over and show off her female prowess. Who says he should always be the one doing the taking? She wanted to be the one in charge this time. Yeah... that lasted for all about five minutes before Chunyu wrestled her into submission.

“We still have to serve tea tomorrow…” she stammered.

Xia Chunyu leaned closer, his eyes dark as he softly bit her ear. “We can be late, I’m sure everyone will understand.”

What the hell, dumb donkey?!

“I c-can’t... it’s too much!” she begged for what felt like the nth time. His appetite was wreaking havoc in her body.

Instead of stopping, however, he pounded against her even harder, interpreting her words as cries of pleasure.

After what felt like hours, he finally pulled out of her, coming on her belly.

Ye Jiayao felt boneless and completely exhausted, her mouth and tongue dry, and her thoughts scattered.

Xia Chunyu put some clothes on and climbed back to bed, cuddling against her with a sigh of satisfaction.

She stayed still in his embrace, not wanting to accidentally do or say anything that will get him horny again. She really couldn’t take any more of it.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, his voice husky.

Ye Jiayao ignored him, pretending to be asleep.

He knew that he tired her out, and more than that, today has already been a crazy day. He didn’t mean to be so hard on her, but she was just so beautiful and it had been so long. He went crazy with his need for her, he couldn’t stop. Even now, he didn’t want to and the only thing thing that’s helping him pace himself was the thought that she now belongs to him.

Xia Chunyu smiled fondly down at her and kissed her on the forehead, covering her up with a blanket.?I’ll let you off the hook tonight, Yaoyao.

Ye Jiayao waited for him to say something, and when he didn’t, she finally relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. She was conked out until the sun rose, and she only started to stir when she heard Chunyu say, “Go tell Old Lord and Madame that we’re still sleeping and we’ll be over in an hour.”

She groaned softly and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She glanced at the hourglass beside their bed and when she saw that it was already almost 9 in the morning, she bolted up immediately.

We’re late? This is so embarrassing!?She scrambled out of the bed in a hurry, her body protesting. She was sore everywhere from their proclivities last night.

Xia Chunyu walked over to their sleeping quarters, already washed and dressed. He was wearing a sky blue gown with a jade-colored belt. He usually wore white gowns or his imperial bodyguard uniform, but he woke up feeling elated and refreshed so for once, he decided to dress brighter.

Ye Jiayao took him in, delighted in how handsome he looked. She heard people gossiping about the four most eligible Young Masters of Jin Ling.?First is Su Yi, second is Xia Chunyu, followed by Helian Xuan. Some people say that Xia Chunfeng takes the fourth place, while others say it was Little Jing.

However, she found Su Yu to be too elegant and too perfect. His beauty seemed unreal.?Helian Xuan, on the other hand, was too soldierly, while both Chunfeng and Little Jing were too childish. Only Chunyu seemed to have just the right amount of everything – confidence, manliness, and yes, even arrogance.

She was so entranced by him she forgot that she wanted to smother him with a pillow for his over-eagerness last night.

“You’re up already? Why don’t you sleep a little longer?” Xia Chunyu told her. His eyes caught her exposed shoulder and the elegant line of her decolletage, and his gaze started to heat up.

Ye Jiayao saw the intense look in his eyes and quickly pulled the blanket up over her, wrapping herself tightly. “What time did you get up?”

“Around 7. I didn’t want to wake you up because you look so peaceful sleeping.”

He got up at 7? They didn’t retire until about 3 in the morning! How can he get up that early and look as if he just slept for an entire day?

Xia Chunyu pinched her cheek laughingly. “Since you are already up, I’ll get Yue-er to come in and help you get ready.”

She batted his hand away and frowned. “Don’t do that, I am not a puppy.”

“You’re right, you’re cuter than a puppy,” he said with a smile.

You?are the dog. A horndog.”

He smiled slyly, his gaze burning. “You look refreshed. You know, it’s still kind of early for the tea ceremony, we can still...”

“Don’t you dare!” She quickly called, “Yue-er! Yue-er!”

Xia Chunyu laughed at how adorably nervous she was. He leaned in closer to her and whispered, “I will punish you for that later.”

He walked out of the room whistling, his hands behind his back.

Ye Jiayao glared at his retreating figure, her teeth gritted. There was no way he’s coming anywhere near her tonight. She’s going to come up with a plan to keep him away.

Yue-er came in with two other servants and immediately started to get things ready.

Ye Jiayao sat at the dresser and cringed at the sight of her haggard reflection. She couldn’t face people like this! She picked up the makeup on the table and started to doll herself up, applying powder and drawing in her brows. She already has very fair and clear skin so the slightest make up just made her glow more radiantly.

Meanwhile, in the main room, all the members of the Xia family have arrived.?The Old Lord and Xia You were dressed to the nines. On their left were Chunli and his wife, and on their right were Chunfeng, Chunguo, and the two concubines.

When a servant came in and told the party that Chunyu was still in bed and that they’ll be joining them in an hour, Xia You scowled.

“He’s not up yet? What, are we just supposed to sit here and wait for him?”

“They are young people! Don’t you know your son well?” the Old Marquis teased with a laugh.

Everyone laughed with him, knowing exactly what he meant.

Xia You gave her husband an exasperated glare.?Like father, like son.

“If Chunyu doesn’t know his propriety, shouldn’t Jinxuan remind him?” Xia You said, displeased.

The Old Marquis coughed dryly, not wanting to get into it with his wife. However, he was on his son’s side with this. Every moment of the first night is worth a thousand gold!

Concubine Wei seconded, “That’s right. If the Heir-son Lord doesn’t know his propriety, it’s the Second Young Mistress’ job to remind him. Offering tea to the elders on the second day of the wedding is an important thing, they should take it more seriously as is dictated by the etiquettes.”

“Concubine, are you saying that Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law don’t have etiquettes?” Xia Chunfeng challenged. He has always disliked how Concubine Wei stirs up trouble.

“I am merely following along with what Madame says,”?Concubine Wei said.

Xia You shot a cold glare at Concubine Wei.?That is my son and my daughter-in-law, I can say whatever I want to say to them. You don’t have that right.

Xia Chunli gave his mother a look, silently telling her to keep her mouth shut.

A few moments passed and finally, a servant announced the Heir-son Lord and the Second Young Mistress’ arrival.

The pastel yellow dress and the meticulously applied makeup she had on made Ye Jiayao look youthful and beautiful.

The coupled entered the hall together and stopped in the middle of the room, dazzling everyone with how strikingly gorgeous they look.

Xia Chunfeng watched them with envy. They looked like they were a match made in heaven and he couldn’t help but think how he and Liu Li would never look like that. He sighed sadly, his spirits down once again.

Xia Chunyu kneeled and bowed.”Your son has come to greet Father and Mother.”

Ye Jiayao quickly followed suit and greeted, “Your daughter-in-law greets Father and Mother.”

A servant brought a tray of tea in and Xia Chunyu picked up a cup while Ye Jiayao picked up another, offering one to the Old Marquis and one to Xia You.

According to customs, the elders were required to say a blessing or words of wisdom that they want to pass to the newlyweds.

The Old Lord waited for a few beats for his wife to speak, but when she remained silent, he decided to do it himself.

“Chunyu, from today on, you are to take care of your wife. Dote on her every day and never make her feel aggrieved.”

“Your son will remember Father’s teachings,” Xia Chunyu promised readily.

Ye Jiayao smiled, touched by her father-in-law’s words.

Xia You surreptitiously looked at her husband.?That’s all he has to say??She cleared her throat and began, “Jinxuan, you are now a mistress of the Jing An Marquis mansion, and as we are not like any ordinary family, you always have to bear your status in mind. Adhere to your role and duties, and bear offsprings for the Xia family soon.”

Ye Jiayao wanted to roll her eyes so badly, but she faked a smile instead and replied, “Your daughter-in-law will bear Mother’s teachings in mind.”

Only then did Xia You take a sip of the tea, taking out a red packet and putting it on the tray.

The newlywed then proceeded to serve teas to the rest of the family.

They served Chunyu’s older brother and wife next, and they too gave them another red packet. They moved on to Chunfeng, and though as Chunyu’s younger brother, he’s not obligated to give them anything, Chunfeng came prepared. His red packet was actually bigger than his mother’s.

Ye Jiayao glanced at him in surprise and Chunfeng smiled mischievously at her. “When I get married, you need to give me a bigger packet than this one.”

Xia Chunyu grinned at him. “We will.”

Finally, they served tea to Chunyu’s youngest brother. Ye Jiayao’s heart practically melted from seeing how cute the young chap was as he looked at her with curious dark eyes.

“Second Sister-in-law, I did not prepare a gift. Can I make up for it later?” the kid asked.

“What are you going to give me?” Ye Jiayao asked with a smile.

Concubine Gui tensed up when she heard her. Chunguo was not as rich as Chunfeng and she doesn’t have any money.

Xia You couldn’t help but show her displeasure. She was asking her brother-in-law for a gift? She really did not know etiquettes!

Chunguo pondered for a while before saying, “How about I give you my favorite glass bead?”

He was willing to give her his glass bead? Ye Jiayao melted even more at his sweetness. Glass beads in ancient times are considered rare and precious, and the fact that he’s willing to give her that just attested to his kind nature.

“I don’t play with glass beads, though. Do you know how to write?” Ye Jiayao asked. She was not going to take a child’s beloved item.

“Yes! The teacher says I write very well,” the little fellow boasted.

“Then give me a set of words, will you? Write your prettiest words and I will frame it and hang it on the wall,” Ye Jiayao told him with a sincere smile.

“Are you sure you want me to write you words?” he asked, a little confused.

Ye Jiayao nodded. “I am sure. I like words.”

Chunguo smiled at her enthusiastically. “No problem! I will give you a set of words!” He liked his second sister-in-law. She was nice and friendly, not like his big sister-in-law who called his writing ugly.

Xia Chunyu beamed at his wife proudly.?Yaoyao really has a way with kids!

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