Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 449 Hijack.

(I have forgotten the names of the four big clans. Please point them out if you recall where you read them. ;<..)

Shi Lang and the team were headed for the targeted solar system. They had come up with a new plan. That was to hijack a patrol ship from the enemy, coerce a few weak soldiers into maintaining the connection, and sneak inside the main house using the teleportation bridge on the enemy ship itself.

They only needed to bring the ship closer to the main planet. The plan had its risks, but it was going to be good. Shi Lang was pondering how to get close to an undetected enemy ship because their vessel was big enough to show on the radar from a reasonable distance.

Thinking about it, he came up with an idea. He prepared a space suit and asked Jenkins to capture some space rocks from the outside. The people were confused, but they did what they were asked. Tex had recovered from the trauma of the defeat, but he still did not say anything while the Terrans were planning.

As far as he was concerned, his task here was to follow Unity's orders and contact the old relics if needed. He was focused and knew his goals but had yet to find what path he should take to move forward.

While Shi Lang was busy with his infiltration plan, Darcx was dealing with the young master of the prominent family.


Darcx stood behind the young man as the latter sipped tea. Suppose it was before some high-quality wine would have replaced tea. Then, finally, the young man said, "Matthew, tell me. How did you conclude that my family is also moving toward an ending similar to the Ikeras?"

Matthew was Darcx's cover name. He replied in a solemn tone, "Young master, I have told you that I am a terran. In my nation, they use a talisman to detect if the person has given in to the wicked ways of cultivation. When you first took me under your wing, one of those talismans had been triggered during the family meet."

The young man nodded and asked, "Are you for certain? That this talisman is made to detect such things?"

Darcx nodded and replied, "Young Master, during the confrontation with the Ikeran main forces, the leader of the Ace Division had used this talisman. There are records in my nation."

The young man nodded and cast Darcx a bland gaze as he said, "What do you think I should do? I do not wish for my family to perish like this, and their methods to get strong are pathetic. You have seen what they did to the big miss of the family. What guarantees my mother or I will not suffer the same fate?"

Darcx shook his head and said, "There are two ways in my mind, but I would rather not mention them, Young Master."

The young man stood up from the chair and asked, "Why not? What could it be that is making you afraid? You were not so afraid when you stood up to the second master, for my sake?"

Darcx smiled bitterly and shook his head. Then, he took a deep breath and asked, "Do you know, Young Master, if I said anything to you, I will probably be sentenced to death in public witness."

The young man raised his eyebrow and asked, "What could you have in mind? Tell me. You can use telepathic conversation, right? Tell me what it is, Matthew, and I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you. I will not let anything happen to you."

Darcx put up a conflicted expression and then exhaled heavily before he said, 'Young Master, I will only explain to you once, so please pay attention to the content, and I beg for your forgiveness in advance."

The young man nodded, and Darcx continued using telepathic speech, "The two survival methods are either you give into the demonic ways or take control of the administration of the main family."

The first part was expected, but the second part was akin to a bomb in his mind. This was rebellion. At first, his thoughts ran wild, but after a few seconds, he calmed down and asked, 'Suppose I follow your advice and try to snatch control, but what force do I have? The clan leader is now in the primordial soul realm. How do you think I can ever defeat him? Let alone defeat him, but minions around him will be deadly. Such acts cannot be completed alone."

Darcx said, "I can call in some people strong enough to take down the forces and let you ascend before things are too late, Young Master Minax."

Minax was surprised. All his life, the rest of his peers looked down on him, and even the elders did not care about him. But, ever since he took Darcx in, this guy has been helping him and transforming his image completely.

Even if Minax is not the cream of the crop, he has gained some recognition in the family in a short time. Everyone thinks he has intentionally acted intentionally like a waste and lying low. However, the intelligence he has displayed in the past few days has become the highlight of the family.

The current number of those indulged in the wicked ways was limited, if some actions were taken now, then the threat could be controlled, and the family could be saved. Minax thought of various aspects. His mind has been clearer than ever, and the spirit treatment's effect has also been nourishing.

After half an hour, he said, "Matthew, do it. I will not ascend, and they will never agree, but I will ensure my mother stays safe. How sure are you that these people will be able to take down the forces of the family?"

Darcx replied, "Hundred percent."

Minax nodded and said, "I hope they can do it for our sake."

Darcx nodded and said, "Stay strong, Young Master. Stay strong."

Darcx had improved his ability from truth detection to projection. He can project and speculate the situation of the people interacting with him. For example, Minax had bought him in for torture, but then he was shown things that would happen to him, and Minax caved in. Since then, Darcx has helped him move forward in a better direction.


Shi Lang finished attaching the space debris to his suit and said, "Imma head out, so do tell me where the enemy ship is located."

Unity had used her spirit sense, and they had the location of the enemy vessel. The young terran stood in the hatch bay and pursued his lips. Amelia and Jenkins exchanged a look and said, "NO!"

Shi Lang looked at them and asked, "Did I even say anything?"

Amelia shook her head and said, "No, but you were about to."

Shi Lang shook his head like an innocent child and said, "No, I was not going to say anything."

The two people snorted at him because they knew what he was doing. Shi Lang sighed, walked inside the airlock, and waved to the two people before the hatch opened. Then, he jumped out of the hatch and went floating in space.


Marly looked at Shi Lang's vitals and was responsible for tracking him, and said, "Boss, you need to speed up somehow, or you will need a few days to reach the target."

Shi Lang replied, "Aye, aye."


Shi Lang looked at his visor and saw no sign of space debris nearby. He sighed and decided to the unpredictable. He channeled his spirit energy to the sole of his feet and gradually directed it outside. If someone were to look at him with spirit energy in their eyes, they would find his feet looking similar to a rocket booster.

The young man used his feet like thrusters and pushed through the space.


Marly was surprised, but Unity provided them with a speculated theory, which Shi Lang affirmed on the communicator. Marly calculated everything again and said, "Boss, you should be able to see it by now."

Shi Lang replied, "Affirmative. Time to contact, ten seconds."

The countdown began.


Shi Lang could see a small ship from a distance. He curled himself into a ball, and the space rocks on his suit provided him a complete camouflage of space rock. So this was the plan to get close to the spaceship.

The spaceship had energy shields deployed a few hundred feet around it. Any space rock will turn to molecular debris. However, Shi Lang had a solution for this, He was going to deploy a phaser shield of his own. The frequency of the phaser will be identical to the ship's shield and that will give him free passage, like raindrops in a river.

Shi Lang finished the countdown and deployed his shields getting through the spaceship's defense. He landed on the surface and held on to it. He said, "Commencing Hijack."

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