Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 438 Silence Before The Storm.

Hayley asked Shi Lang as he was about to leave, "Boss, shall I call everyone back?'

Shi Lang thought and said, "Everyone includes me, you, Amy, Jenks, and Darcx. How about we add a few technical support too? You can select by yourself. Some people from the ingenious races. After all, the Federation is not only limited to the Terrans."

Hayley smiled and said, "You have no idea how talented these ingenious races are. Just wait till the meeting."

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Looking forward to it."

Then he flew away. Hayley sighed at his back and shook her head as she moved back inside the house to get to work. She had to recruit people for the team, mixing the old with the new and ensuring the coordination was well-matched. She had a hunch that things would change a lot after this.

Shi Lang returned to his house and declared he needed to go to the war planet to pick up a few guests. When Amelia asked, "Who is coming?"

Shi Lang slumped his shoulders and said, "It is that overpowered sword spirit and her cronie, Crystal."

Shi Tao heard Crystal's name and became excited, "Sister Crystal is coming."

Then the little girl erupted in a giggle, and Shi Lang sighed. He said, "My daughter has been trapped in the charm spell of that fox."

Amelia shook her head while smiling. Crystal and Shi Tao had become good friends during her stay there, and Shi Lang was jealous of it. The young man left home early in the morning. He caught a military ship and headed to the warrior planet. He was not sure whether he could stand the vacuum on his own.

The power of space was immense, and the human body, regardless of its tremendous development, was still fragile. Shi Lang was sure about this because even in the past, one needed to reach the Mahayana realm. However, at that time, he thought of himself as weak, and despite reaching the highest cultivation realm, he did not step out of the planet.


Shi Lang sat under the pavilion around the teleportation formation with his eyes closed as he cultivated in his spare time. Since he was going to wait, he would utilize every bit of extra time he had. As he was cultivating, he thought about the techniques he had learned in the citadel library.

He wished he could use the technique to peek into the future to determine who was the enemy and be done with it. As he was thinking, the formation activated, and two figures appeared before everyone. One was a young lady with silver hair. The guards scanned the person and found it was Crystal, so they did not react. However, upon checking Unity, they found no information and became wary.

Since Shi Lang was here, they did not act rashly. After all, they were smart enough that the ace came over to pick up some prestigious guests. What if their actions offended the guests? Also, this lady was giving them goosebumps with her gaze scrutinizing them. The guard captain had no option but to look back at Shi Lang.

Unity followed his gaze and asked, "Oi, Lang, how long will you keep me waiting?"

Shi Lang opened his eyes and said, "I think you can rest in the pavilion. Do not disturb me."

He already thought it was only to irritate the sword spirit did he say these words. As expected, the lady flickered and appeared near the man with her finger pointed at his nose. She said, "Would you like to repeat yourself?"

Shi Lang would not have minded this tantrum queen, but she acted bossy toward him in front of all the Terrans. The juniors who idolized and admired him were looking at him with a surprised gaze. Shi Lang gazed back calmly at Unity and said, "You better act in line and not step over me in front of my subordinates. You know much better about the means I have to put you back in your place."

The sword spirit was still gazing at him. However, a strong sword intent was gathering at the tip of her finger. Unity was capable of tearing apart entire planets. The pavilion was shaking, and so were the hearts of those watching the scene.

Shi Lang suddenly raised his brow, and an equally strong sword intent erupted from his body. He said in a low voice, "Are you sure you want to compare with me, little unity."

The sound was so small that only Unity could hear him. She froze in her place, and then she dispersed the sword intent. She said, "Seems like someone got his shit together."

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Unlike a budding tsundere."

Unity snorted and then distanced herself. She asked, "When will you take me to your home planet?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "We will go in a few hours. Just rest."

Unity nodded and patiently sat opposite in front of them. The situation calmed down after they sat down. The young man called for tea and some snacks. Then, he gazed at Unity and said, "What do you think is going on?"

Unity nodded and said, "I know what is going on, but it is still just a hunch, so I am unsure about the chances."

Shi Lang nodded as he sipped the tea. He also had a hunch of what might be happening but was unsure. Crystal looked at the two of them and asked, "Can you tell me your conjectures of the current development? Then, if we have more perceptions, we can easily find the real reason based on logical deduction."

Shi Lang and Unity looked at her and nodded. Then, the young man said, "The reason I think something is deeper going on is what might make the princess of such a big clan suffer?"

Unity nodded and said, "I thought of the same thing when you mentioned the tape and the video. So, if there is some reason that could force the leader of the big family to stand by and watch his daughter fall in this situation, then it must be stronger than the entire clan combined."

Crystal was shocked by this reasoning. However absurd as it may sound, this was all based on logic. It all made sense in its bizarre way. The more the girl thought, the more surprised she became. Finally, she asked, "Senior Unity, if the enemy is as strong as you say, can we win?"

Shi Lang did not say anything and kept sipping on his tea. The lady observed his actions before she said, "If we fight with the conventional means, then we can never win."

Crystal looked at Shi Lang and Unity from the side and did not catch any fluctuation in their eyes. But, the guardian spirit has confessed they will never win by conventional methods. So, the young heavenly fox spirit asked, "Then what other method can be applied to defeat the enemy?"

Shi Lang put down his cup and said, "You will know in time. Now, let us depart for the Federation. I have my team assembled there."

The young man stood up and led the two ladies to the spaceport. The ship was already on standby. Shi Lang moved calmly, but the speed was quick. The vehicle took them to the spaceport made for the shadow executioner division of the secret divisions—Shi Lang's old workplace.

He exited the ship and told Hayley to gather everyone at his house. They will be holding the meeting there. Unity had not been on this planet in ages, and Crystal was also visiting for the first time, not of official business.


Shi Lang pushed open the door of his house and found Shi Tao standing before him. He sighed when he entered the place, but the girl did not greet him. Instead, she lunged and hugged Crystal as she cheered, "Big sister Crystal, welcome to my home."

Unity sensed something and gazed at Shi Lang, asking, "Why does it seem like her physique is more prominent than before?"

Shi Lang said, "I cast seals on her body so that she can gradually adapt to the power she has inside. Despite how pampered she is, her training has not been neglected. From the time you saw her last to now, two seals have come undone."

Unity nodded, and upon thinking, she said, "This is indeed the best method. However, how do you know the seals and formations?"

The young man sighed and telepathically replied, "I studied all I could when I was born. Gradually managed to deduce a few things from the past."

Unity nodded, and the two women were welcomed inside. Shi Lang's parents were out shopping and meeting his aunt and uncle. While Amelia was in the study, reading something. Shi Tao ran off to call her when the door was knocked on. The young man opened the door with verbal confirmation, and Hayley walked inside with Jenkins and Darcx in tow. Behind her entered five different people whom Shi Lang did not recognize.

The young man smiled and said, "Time to kick up a storm in the galaxy."

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