Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 434 Seclusion & Integration.

The next plan of action was established. Shi Lang did not care about anything on the galactic level. He resolutely resigned from the strike force, letting Jill take over the captain seat. She had proved her worthiness after shedding blood and sweat alongside him. He encouraged her and left the final decision in her hand.

Jill was also aware that the existence of the Ace division was significant for the development of the federal military, so she agreed to hold the position until she crossed into the nirvana realm. This was all that Shi Lang was hoping for.

On the other hand, he declared his retirement from the military with a clause that if other experts could not deal with a situation, he would step in to provide his aid. The Ikeran survivor was already training the students in the school, which did not hinder his growth.

A week later, Shi Lang and Amelia appeared on a secluded island. They had returned to the Federation and were ready to live in seclusion. They selected an island so that they could focus on cultivation while at the same time staying close to the people they cared about. Shi Tao followed them and decided to only go back to school for some competitions and examinations.

Shi Lang wanted to ask his family to follow him, but the old people refused this idea. So instead, they said, "We will be fine here only. We are slow in our advances, and rushing the progress will do nothing good for us."

The young Terran had no other choice, so he agreed with their decision. The island was covered with thick vegetation, and Shi Lang made a small clearing inside the forest to construct a small courtyard house like the ones from ancient times.

They did not need any food, but Shi Tao did, so the young man made a small kitchen in the house. Shi Tao and Amelia were shocked to see this construction plan. Amelia asked, "Lang, what kind of house is this?"

They have never seen such architecture. Shi Lang said, "This is the most basic house plan from ancient times. I found the blueprints in the Citadel library. I wanted to see what sort of vanity will this be. It did come out nicely. Right?"

Amelia nodded, and Shi Tao rushed inside to explore the house. She was like a butterfly hopping here from there. The two people did not stop her either, and Shi Lang arranged for three spirit concentration formations in the three rooms. The house had seven rooms. Four bedrooms and three practice rooms.

Shi Tao looked at Shi Lang and asked, "Baba, where will I practice my martial art skills?"

Shi Lang smiled and said, "You have an entire island for you, and you will also have this courtyard. It is big enough to spar and check your skills against me. Okay?"

Shi Tao thought about it and nodded. The arrays were set up, and life in seclusion began. Shi Lang spent the morning with Amelia. The two spared with each other and prepared food for Shi Tao. Then the couple retreated to the training rooms to cultivate. Shi Tao would spend the morning by a jog around the island. She will bathe under the waterfall and return to eat before retreating to cultivate.

The three people were so dedicated they would not come out for days if they caught inspiration. Shi Tao had learned some cooking skills to survive, but in the absence of modern cooking tools, she survived on compressed food or the food pills she had bought from the city alchemy association.

Shi Lang stayed inside his room for a month before he came out and found Shi Tao practicing her fist skills in the courtyard. The young man did not say anything but observed her body. The little girl was slightly taller and seemed to have broken through in her cultivation realm. This was a good thing. She was reaching the level where she would unlock the first seal Shi Lang cast on her.

The young man nodded, and Shi Tao asked, "Baba, I am stuck. I cannot make the fourth move of the tiger fist set. What am I missing?"

Shi Lang smiled and said, "You are missing the mindset."

Shi Tao tilted her head sideways and asked, "What do you mean by mindset?"

"Have you ever seen a tiger charging at its prey?" asked the young man.

Shi Tao shook her head. Then, Shi Lang said, "Well, we should find you some videos to study."

The girl nodded and said, "I think that might work."

That said, the girl quickly took out some videos on the net to study the aura of the tiger. It was not like the Federation had forgotten to take care of the wildlife and eco-system of the world to achieve development.please visit

The little girl watched the videos, and then she understood what it meant to use her fists like a tiger hunting down its prey. Shi Lang did not say much and let her watch the videos. The girl gradually got lost in the inspiration, and the young man entered the kitchen.

He was making food for the girl and scanning for Amelia. Suppose the lady has come out of seclusion. After finding that the lady was still immersed in cultivation, he went back to guiding Shi Tao. The session lasted till the evening. At this time, Amelia came out of the room and found the two people discussing martial arts.

She found them and began to teach Shi Tao along with the young man. Shi Lang checked the time and found that it had been a few months since they had been living in seclusion. After practice, Shi Tao said, "Baba, I have an exam notification from the school."

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Well, let us go together. We will use the time to visit your grandparents too."

Shi Tao was naturally happy, and three people flew through the sky the following day. It took them only a few minutes before they arrived at the school. Shi Tao hopped her way to the classroom with Shi Lang and Amelia.

The two people looked around and found that the school had significantly changed. Amelia said, "To think the alternate branches have grown so much that they have been integrated with mainstream education."

Shi Lang nodded and said, "It is a good thing. The children will have more exposure and be able to face the challenges better."

Amelia nodded and asked, "Shall we also enroll in these classes?"

Shi Lang chuckled and said, "Why not? But hold your talented mind back, or the teachers will be embarrassed to see you get ahead of them."

Amelia chuckled, and just when they were about to fly away, they sensed a barrier around the school building. Shi Lang said, "Let us go and find Old Edwards. He will be able to send us out."

The lady nodded, and they made their way to the principal's office. On the way, they noticed that the modern mechanisms in the school had changed into those with cultivational tools. In addition, the check-in gates were installed with array plates.

This was an impressive change that Shi Lang had expected to take time to implement. When they arrived at the main office door, they knocked on the door, and a calm voice sounded from the inside.

Shi Lang opened the door and froze in his spot. In the chair of the principal, Jenkin Edwards was sitting. The two young men looked at each other, and a smile appeared on their faces. Shi Lang asked, "What were they thinking when they allowed you to take charge of the principal seat?"

Jenkins chuckled and said, "Nothing much, just that I am no longer fit for the battlefield."

Shi Lang was taken aback, and then he used his spirit sense to check Jenkins. He was surprised and asked, "What happened to you?"

Jenkins had lost all movement below his waist. His legs were shriveled up and showing signs of atrophic decay. The young principal did not show it on his face and said, "Well, I was out on a task when we were ambushed. The other party was fast and seemed to be from some great civilization in the galaxy. They were scouting the federal territory when we engaged them. To protect the spaceship, I deployed with the mecha squad. However, the other party took us down, and although they did not kill anyone, they crippled me. They said it was the leader's fault to lead a team that could not differ their status, and thus, in front of my entire team, they crushed the lower column of my spine."

Shi Lang clenched his fist and asked, "Who was responsible for negotiations? They should give us an explanation, right?"

Jenkins shook his head and said, "When has it ever been the turn of the lower levels to deal with the galactic high table?"

Shi Lang took a deep breath and said, "Seems like I have been in seclusion too long."

Amelia said, "You can fight later. First, get him up on his legs."

Shi Lang nodded, and Jenkins was shocked.

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