Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 415 End Of Ikeras.

Shi Lang looked the man right back in his dull eyes and smiled. The man in the black robe did not show any emotion in his eyes and twisted the blade while it was inside Shi Lang's body. Chun saw this scene, and her eyes opened wide.

She did not expect Amilute, the slave to the Ikeras throne, to be this strong. Every generation will have one and only one Amilute. These people were training so brutally that they would keep fighting even if their heads were removed. However, this man was vital to the point where he killed Shi Lang, and the latter could not make even sense.

Shi Lang had been killing people like weeding grass from a field, and his strength was something that Chun was shocked to see now that she had betrayed the clan and the person she relied on was killed. She was worried that she might suffer worse than death. Thinking about this, she had just decided to suicide when she found Shi Lang's hand grabbing Amilute's neck.

The enslaved person still did not show any emotion in his eyes. But Shi Lang did not care; his fire for vengeance had turned him into a beast, but this attack calmed him down. The young man grasped the enemy's neck and began to squeeze it. On the other hand, Amilute drew his phaser gun and aimed it at Shi Lang's head.

He wanted to pull the trigger but found that his body had no sensation. Shi Lang emitted sword intent from his eyes, sharp enough to chop the hand clean from the shoulder. The young man said, "I can tell that your soul is dead. They tormented you from a young age and then made you a machine that follows orders and completes every task thrown at him. However, you chose the wrong target this time. You have my sympathy."

Shi Lang did not use any of his shura sutra techniques. Instead, he just released the pent-up Sword intent in his body, and Amilute was reduced to shreds of flesh and bones. Chun was shocked to see this. However, on the floor, Amilute's eyes were brighter. Death was a chance to free himself from this cruel life.

Shi Lang ignored this and stepped inside the palace. He could sense every person inside this place, even those trying to run from the secret escape routes. So he used his communicator and said, "You two, get to work. If any one of them survives. I will kill you, and I am not joking."


On the cliff, Raz and Sparrow stood up in a snap. They were able to sense the chill in Shi Lang's voice. They were shocked. The boss may have threatened them with more brutal training or sadistic methods, but he never said he would kill them. However, these people could make him say such a thing. It meant that the matter was serious.

Thinking about this, Raz and Sparrow told Crystal to hold the position as they flew away with their spirit sense covering the area to look for any escapees. They had their orders, and they were willing to follow them.

Shi Lang was not someone, who would get angry quickly, but he was not someone who would let go of them in the name of team spirit.


Chun looked at Shi Lang, the blade sticking out of his torso, and said, "Do you not want to take that blade out?"

The young man said, "It is about time."

Then he took out the blade with his hands, and the wound was sealed. A few drops of blood had fallen on the ground, but he was not reckless. Shi Lang said, "The progress is too slow."

Then the blood on the ground squirmed. Chun watched as the blood drops moved and formed bigger puddles. She shivered from shock and feared that this guy was a blood refiner. Shi Lang could sense her discomfort but did not care about it. People will always see what they want to see.

The blood puddles gradually squirmed into clone avatars. Shi Lang said, "Find and kill anyone you see, and I mean anyone."

The clones nodded and left the place. There were three clones. They covered the three directions of the palace while Shi Lang moved toward where he located the strongest enemy—the central meeting hall.


Only one person sat on the throne in the meeting hall, looking at the door. This old man was the leader of the Ikeras clan, Rakth. He could sense someone very strong moving towards him. Rakth was confident in his strength, and so he waited. He commanded the younger generation to leave the palace to avoid the enemy.

He stayed behind to discover if he could win over this enemy and restore his clan without changing homes. He was very patient, sensing the deaths of his people his eyes did not fluctuate, nor did he show any anger.

When he was anticipating how strong his enemy was, the entrance door to the main hall was kicked open. The hinges came undone, and the wood turned to dust. This surprised the old man, and he spotted Shi Lang walking inside with his hair radiating a dim crimson glow.

The old man stood up from his throne and said, "Welcome, to the Ikeras home planet."

Shi Lang did not respond and slashed his sword at the old man. He was not in the mood to talk and grow familiar with this bag of bones. However, the old man was not shocked by this sudden attack, and his body flickered to a different place.

Shi Lang replied, "I am Shi Lang. Now, let us not waste any time."

The old man was surprised by this and said, "I am Rakht, and I agree with you."

Rakht moved from his place, and holding a blood-red sword, he slashed at Shi Lang. The latter parried the attack with finesse. However, Shi Lang returned the gesture with a quick backhand slash, and his attack grazed the enemy's chest.

Rakht was surprised and commented, "To think I will meet a sword master. You are indeed a talent."

Shi Lang did not bother with the exchange of pleasantries. He kept on attacking. His hands were stable, and his breathing was regulated. Rakht frowned and tried to talk with the guy several times, but his tricks did not work.

Thinking about this, the blood refiner began to use claw attacks and kicks in his sword attacks. The attacks were made at such a time that anyone else would have already died. Shi Lang complimented, "You do have the skills."

This remark came when Rakht had given up all hopes of getting any response from Shi Lang. This stunned the old man, and Shi Lang exploited the chance, casting the strongest illusion on his enemy.

Rakht was thrown into a world of illusion where he fought with thousands of Shi Lang. However, his physical body was still moving and attacking Shi Lang. The young Terran said, "To think a blood refiner in this era will achieve the realm of the primordial soul and use the soul-splitting technique. Very interesting."

Rakht looked at Shi Lang and spoke with a stammer, "How do you know?"

Shi Lang chuckled and said, "I have seen enough of you, scum, and I have killed so many blood refiners that I have lost count. However, this hatred inside me is still lit. No matter how many lives pass, it might never die down. Your kind took away someone very precious to me once. I will take everything from your kind, everything."

The last word was spoken out loud. Shi Lang rushed at the old man. He gave up the laid-back attitude and exchanged blows with Rakht. The impact of the attacks left cracks in the walls of the meeting hall. The glorious hall inlaid with valuable gems and stones was crumbling to the might of the two people.

Rakht was utterly overwhelmed. Left with no choice, he let out a roar, and his blood circulated faster. His attack power and speed increased by tenfolds. Yet, he was only able to defend himself with great effort. Shi Lang did not hold back, and he disarmed the person with a quick slash at the enemy's wrist.

Then he stopped and left his sword levitating in the void. Shi Lang watched his enemy staggering backward. The young man walked towards him slowly and said, "The end of your clan is something that you bought upon yourself."

Rakht chuckled and said, "Do you think you can win anything by killing me? Come try and see if you can."

As he said this, Rakht's body began to morph into drops of blood. Shi Lang sighed, and in a blink, he appeared before the bloody mist cloud. Then his fist entered the mist, and he discharged lightning from his fist.

A wail rang out from the blood mist. Soon, the mist reshaped itself and Rakht's old body appeared in front of everyone. Shi Lang gazed down at the old man and said, "I will not let you die so easily. You have to suffer for a long time to earn your death."

As he was speaking, Shi Lang revealed a smile on his face, this smile bought out the fear in Rakht Ikeras. This smile signified the end of a big clan.

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