A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life

Chapter 306

Sure enough, when they came to the place where the carriage had been parked before, they found that all the three horses they had brought were missing. As for other people's horses, they were well placed in place, only those left empty in front of them.

The breeze rolled up the fallen leaves and floated leisurely in front of them. It happened that a smiling face appeared to be laughing at them.

Song QingHan couldn't laugh or cry. Looking at what they had in their hands, he began to feel headache and asked in a low voice: "this is really... Haunting. There should be car renters here?

Wu Dahu saw Lu Sen trotting to ask the passer-by. His eyes were strange and said: "I don't know why, I always think what he brought back will not be a good result."

As if he had already asked where to rent the carriage, he waved to them, motioned for them to stand still, and ran to the place where he had asked.

Song QingHan swept around thoughtfully, always feeling that someone was staring at them, and subconsciously said, "if you don't follow us all the way, how can you be so clear about what we are going to do next? Everything seems to be done with a pinch. "

Wu Dahu nodded and looked at the direction he sensed. Unfortunately, there was nothing but a wall.

It seems that the man who stares at them is a master, otherwise he will not be so easily concealed from his observation.

But Wu Dahu knows that each of them is ranked in front of muhammar. After all, with muhammar's talent loving personality, it is impossible to let go of any strange person.

But it's only wook who can't get along with them. Is it possible that Walker sent him?

Logically speaking, it's the same as the last brick removal incident, but because it's too natural, Wu Dahu doesn't want to believe it.

Xiao Si's gang are busy building houses now, and they have no leisure to take care of them. Otherwise, they won't even say hello to them in the morning.

Apart from them, who else would have enough to do such a thing?

Wu Dahu didn't think of it for a while. When he looked up again, he found that Lu Sen had come to them. He shook his head in dismay and said, "there is no coach. There is no one left. It's said that they are all going to go. The leader is also a beard."

This is tantamount to a final conclusion. It is clear that some people are staring at them, and they want to have a hard time with them. Otherwise, they will not use this strange means again and again.

Seeing that Wu Dahu and song QingHan didn't talk, Lu Sen volunteered: "Lord Wu, master husband, why don't I borrow a horse to ride back and find someone to drive more carriages to pick you up?"

Wu Dahu raised his eyelids and said lightly: "in accordance with this trend, I'm afraid that you will be caught by that beard just after you go out for a short time, and there will be no more messages."

Lu Sen's heart was startled, and his face also brought a touch of surprise. He was at a loss and said, "what should I do? Don't you go back like this

Song QingHan and Wu Dahu looked at each other and said what he thought in his heart: "wait for the hare."

Although they don't know what the purpose of the people doing it is, it seems that these people have no intention to hurt them, just like a prank, they want to see them angry and shocked.

If they are not as good as those people want, or when those people have played enough, they should always come out to see them, otherwise, how can they satisfy their bad taste?

Thinking of this, Wu Dahu nodded and went to the biggest restaurant in Xingyue city. He said in a deep voice: "first stay here for one night. What's the matter tomorrow? They can't rent a carriage every day, or buy every batch of cows and dairy goats. As for the blacksmith, even if he is stupid, he can always make that set of scalpel as long as he spends ten days and a half months."

What's more, there is a spare set in the original Xuan's package. Even if there is any emergency, you can save it.

Wu Dahu's words seem to contain some magic power. As soon as he finished, Hualian and others immediately calmed down, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction on their faces.

Anyway, where they live, as long as Wu Dahu and song QingHan don't mind, what do they have to mind?

Seeing that there were so many people in the restaurant, the smile on his face was like a chrysanthemum. He reached out to greet them and said, "do you want to have a meal or stay in the hotel?"

Wu Dahu took a Yuanbao and put it on the counter. Seeing the shopkeeper's eyes shining, he said in a low voice: "it's also necessary to stay in a hotel, and it's also necessary to have a snack. How long we stay depends on our mood. If you don't give enough, you can keep it for yourself. "

After all, Yuanbao is good, but if you live for one year or two, it's not enough for the room fee!

But when he heard Wu Dahu's last words, he immediately burst into a smile.

Anyway, they won't lose money, no matter how long they live!

He glanced up and down at the clothes of Wu Dahu and other people, and with a smile led them to the Tianzi room upstairs. He boasted: "it's not like I said, this is a hundred miles. If you can find a better place than our restaurant, I will return it to you as it is! Although there are few people now, after a while, when the sacrificial ceremony is held, it will be lively here! "God worship ceremony? Song QingHan took a look at Wu Dahu and asked, "shopkeeper, what is the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven? Is it the custom here? "

This name sounds a bit bloody. If it is similar to Qingmu people's offering sacrifices to mixed blood children, they will probably have to diaphragmatic for a while.

The shopkeeper was stunned. He felt as if he had just reacted. He clapped his chin and said, "look, I forgot that you are from Qingmu. I must have misunderstood my meaning. We don't have to kill people to worship heaven here. Even if we want to see blood, it's also the blood of birds of prey, such as eagles and lions. It's different from the sacrifice of Qingmu

Song QingHan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the speech. He didn't have to kill people. He could go and have a look at the bustle.

As they spoke, they had arrived at the Zi Hao room. The shopkeeper signaled that they would divide the rooms by themselves, and said with a smile: "it will soon be the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. If you stay here for about three days, you can feel our great excitement."

Three days is not a long time, but if we don't go back, we are worried about muhammar and their hearts.

But it's no use thinking about that. There is still a big problem in front of them. Whether they go back or stay to attend the God worship ceremony of laoshizi, they are not the problems they need to think about now.

After the shopkeeper left, song QingHan called a bucket of hot water to take a bath. After relaxing, he felt tired and fell asleep after eating some rice.

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