A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Xie Xun had not yet recovered from his embrace with Jiang Xiaoxiao when she was suddenly gone from his arms.

He lowered his gaze to find the recently transformed tiny creature had rolled a couple of times on the slanted roof tiles.

Xie Xun quickly reached out and picked her up.

Jiang Xiaoxiao seemed drowsy, nodding off slightly.

Xie Xun was perplexed, "Why did you transform early?"

"I don't know," Jiang Xiaoxiao said groggily, struggling to keep her eyes open.

In this state, she likely wouldn't register anything he said.

Xie Xun climbed down from the tower and rented a room at an inn with Jiang Xiaoxiao.

He had brought Jiang Xiaoxiao's little nest from Yunzhou, but before entering the palace, he had temporarily entrusted it to Dean Gu.

It was already late, so they couldn't go to Dean Gu's residence to retrieve it and had to make do for the night.

He brought a pot of hot water and carefully removed Jiang Xiaoxiao's shoes and socks before washing her feet.

It was too cold outside, so she had to sleep on the bed under the covers.

The original pillow was too high, so Xie Xun removed it and folded up a towel from the inn for Jiang Xiaoxiao to lean against.

She was so tiny that only a small portion of the covers were needed.

After lying down, Xie Xun turned to his side.

The little creature was already sound asleep, her breathing light and even.

Xie Xun didn't dare move or turn over, afraid that one shift would cause the covers to completely wrap around and smother her.

Eventually, Xie Xun just stayed awake, watching her sleep.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was restless in her sleep, especially after transforming, just like a child tossing and turning.

So Xie Xun saw her roll into the covers several times, and had to pull her out, only for her to start rolling again shortly after.

It wasn't until daybreak that Xie Xun managed to doze off briefly.

But soon after, he heard the rustling sounds of Jiang Xiaoxiao waking up.

Jiang Xiaoxiao sat up and yawned, then tried to climb onto him, failing twice.

Xie Xun opened his eyes and used two fingers to lift her onto his chest.

Jiang Xiaoxiao looked up at the enlarged Xie Xun with a vexed expression on her small face.

She was supposed to transform only on the night of a full moon, so why did it happen early?

Xie Xun was also puzzled, "Is this spell of yours not very accurate?"

"It used to be very accurate," Jiang Xiaoxiao said. "I would always transform on the night of a full moon."

"What if there was no moon? How would you transform then?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, "If there was no moon, I would transform on the same day as the previous full moon night."

Xie Xun felt something was off, "If there's no moon, then it's not a full moon night. This spell of yours must follow a different pattern. For example, do you feel anything special before each transformation?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao pondered carefully, "Before each transformation, I feel like I can't control myself."

"Hm?" Xie Xun narrowed his eyes. "You can't control yourself?"

"I can't really describe it," Jiang Xiaoxiao explained. "It's like there's something inside me that makes me lose control, but each time I lose control, I shrink down. Then after two or three days, I'm fine again."

Xie Xun recalled the times she had transformed since joining him.

"Was it the same that time at the Chaotic Burial Ground?"

"Mm-hmm," Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded. "As soon as I got to that place, my body started feeling unwell, and then I shrank down and felt better."

"I don't think this is a spell," Xie Xun said. "It sounds more like a seal, meant to suppress whatever you said makes you lose control inside you.

In other words, this so-called full moon night transformation is likely just a monthly occurrence under the premise that the inner force doesn't act up.

But once it reacts, regardless of whether it's a full moon night or not, the seal automatically activates its protective function and makes you shrink.

Put simply, you shrink as a form of protection from this seal."

"But if there was something inside me, I would know about it," Jiang Xiaoxiao protested.

With her level of cultivation, there was no way she wouldn't sense something like that.

Moreover, if there really was something, her master would never have allowed her to leave the mountain, nor would he remain indifferent about it.

"Don't worry," Xie Xun gently rubbed her tiny head with his index finger. "We'll gradually figure out the patterns. The truth will reveal itself one day."

"Oh," Jiang Xiaoxiao said simply.

In her current state, she couldn't ponder much further. She looked back up at Xie Xun, "I'm hungry!"


Since the inn couldn't prepare a meal for Jiang Xiaoxiao's tiny size, Xie Xun went downstairs and bought some hot soy milk and steamed buns.

Jiang Xiaoxiao, ravenous, ate two full portions of steamed buns.

Today they needed to go to the Heavenly Master's Mansion's shop in Yanjing City to get medicine for Jiang Xiaoxiao, but her current size made it difficult to bring her along appropriately.

Before leaving, Xie Xun asked the inn attendant for a needle, thread, and a piece of cloth. He sewed a small pocket into his sleeve, just big enough to tuck Jiang Xiaoxiao inside with her head, neck, and little hands sticking out.

Xie Xun had inquired about the shop's address from Zhang Hengyi before coming to the capital.

Similar to Kaihe County, it was located away from the bustling city center.

They easily found it by hiring a carriage, as the drivers were familiar with the roads.

A shop assistant was standing behind the counter. Xie Xun handed him the prescription.

The assistant glanced at it, his expression changing slightly before studying Xie Xun carefully. He then hurried to the back courtyard to fetch the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper soon rushed out, breathless, "Is this prescription yours, sir?"

Xie Xun nodded.

The shopkeeper's face grew grave, "May I ask when the patient's episode occurred?"

Xie Xun knew that the Heavenly Master's Mansion would inform the shops in advance whenever they visited a new place.

So he didn't conceal the truth, "Last night."

The shopkeeper was startled, "Last night..."

It wasn't a full moon night.

That meant the patient had an early episode.

This was a serious matter that needed to be reported back to the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

After personally preparing the medicine for Xie Xun, the shopkeeper cautioned, "Be sure she doesn't go out for the next three days."

Xie Xun acknowledged and left with Jiang Xiaoxiao.

To avoid any trouble, they would have to stay at the inn for a few days before finding a way to the separate estate where his mother resided outside the palace.

Halfway back, Xie Xun bought a medicine jar and borrowed the inn's kitchen to brew the medicinal concoction.

Without a small tub, he could only use a small bowl to soak Jiang Xiaoxiao.

The small bowl was placed on a round stool behind a folding screen.

Xie Xun stood by the window in the outer room as snow began to fall outside, a thin, salt-like layer swirling and crunching softly.

The winters in Yanjing City were colder than Yunzhou.

Murong Yuan had been counting the days in the Palace of the Crown Prince.

Finally, as the middle of the month arrived, he personally sought out the Black Robe Man.

"Master, tonight is the night of the full moon, can we take action?" the Black Robe Man asked with a nod.

Murong Yuan looked outside at the falling goose feather-like snowflakes. "But what if there is no moon tonight?"

The Black Robe Man curved his lips upward. "It doesn't matter whether there's a moon or not. Tonight is when that girl will be at her weakest. If she confronts me, she will surely be gravely injured."

Murong Yuan felt reassured. "It's perfect timing as today is the day Prince Murong Xun will be crowned. I'll go and escort him to the Palace of the Crown Prince now, and I'll find a way to lure him there. Then you can take the opportunity to seal him, Master."

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