A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

Chapter 176. Celebrity (5)

Chapter 176. Celebrity (5)

‘I don’t think he’s that good of a magician, since I don’t recall his name, even though he’s at the Fifth-Circle.’

At the very least, Desir went out of his way to remember the name of everyone he worked together with in the Shadow Labyrinth. Especially those that were capable.

However, he couldn’t recall the name Sardek Genoisa at all. This was evidence enough that he hadn’t lasted that long and died early in the Shadow Labyrinth.

Sardek smiled, but now that Desir had a chance to scrutinize him, he realized that it was slightly sarcastic.

“I know that my junior, still attending the Hebrion Academy, is excellent. But can that excellent soldier also demonstrate similar skill in the role of commander?”

“Are you suggesting that I’m not suitable to be a commander?” Sardek spoke with exaggerated gestures.

“What could you possibly mean by unsuitable? Who could possibly say that you’re unsuitable for that? I’m just saying that there’s someone else with more experience that may be a little bit more suitable for such an important mission.”

Desir understood what Sardek was trying to say. “Are you nominating yourself?”


Sadek’s facial expression didn’t change in the slightest. He apparently had very thick skin, able to conceal such barefaced impudence without the slightest hint of it leaking. Reaching this far in the interaction, he hadn’t directly said anything that could be labelled arrogant, however, his actions and gestures told a different story altogether. It was if he was waiting for and baiting the other party into voicing his intention on their own accord.

“I’ve been leading the homunculus Response Forces before these guerrilla units were even conceived. I think I’m more suitable based on my experience leading a large number of personnel as well as the fact that my experience will likely play a key role in the battle against the target, the homunculus. What do you think?”

Desir cut him off.

“I will decline if you are offering to take command. Please take advantage of your abundant experience and play an active role in the fighting.”

Not only was this a matter already decided on by the war committee, Desir decided that it would be better to lead the operation himself if the one to take control was not someone he could entrust it to.

But Sardek didn’t take no for an answer. His tone changed to something slimy and greasy.

“I graduated from the Hebrion Academy and reached the Fifth-Circle. But my rank is still only Major for some reason.”

He suddenly took the conversation in a completely different direction.

“Don’t you think the elite of the Hebrion Academy should get some special treatment? I must be promoted to avoid dishonoring the reputation of the Hebrion Academy.”

Desir didn’t feel there was any more point entertaining this fool, as he drifted further and further away from his original point.

“This doesn’t seem to be a topic worth discussing now. Our plan of action has been decided on, and time is of the essence. Please start preparing to head off, now.”

“I know that this operation is important. If I succeed in leading it, I will definitely be promoted.”

“… … ”

He was persistent. Too persistent.

“Let’s help each other out, since we’re from the same Hebrion Academy.” Desir laughed.

“… That means, since you are a more senior member of Hebrion Academy, I should hand over command to you?”

Sardek was a supposedly dignified Fifth-Circle magician.

Desir, on the other hand, was a supposed Third-Circle magician, and young to boot. It would be strange for him to be considered experienced, due to his age.

He could, therefore, understand some of Sardek’s persistence on this matter, since he had simply written Desir off as unreliable. There was nothing worse than being led into a battlefield of life and death, following the command of an unreliable leader. Desir had experienced this far too many times himself.

Because of this, Desir had given him some leeway in making a case. ‘However, after letting him talk, this is clearly not the case.’

Sardek demanded the transfer of command, not due to the merit of his own abilities, but due to being a more senior alumnus of Hebrion Academy.

In a situation where thousands of people’s lives were held in the balance. “I don’t think you have what it takes to command this unit.”


“If the homunculus Response Forces had done its job, this unit would not have been created.” Desir turned his back mid-sentence and started to walk away.

“Wait, wait! Do you think you’ll get my cooperation if you act like that?”

“I don’t need your cooperation. You are hereby excluded from this operation.”


Sardek’s eyes opened widely.

He didn’t think Desir would be this unreasonable. He had only dared to act like this since he was certain that Desir wouldn’t drop him from the team.

“You’re insane. I am a Fifth-Circle magician. You would exclude such a magician from the operation!?”

Obviously, the power of a Fifth-Circle magician would be a great deal of help in such an operation.

However, Desir knew all too well that an incompetent ally would be much scarier than any enemy.

“I’m eager to see you achieve good results elsewhere. I truly hope you get the promotion you deserve.”


Sardek turned on his heel and hurried off, his face cemented into an ugly expression.

Desir watched his back with a hard expression that revealed how he felt about such a pathetic excuse of a human.

‘Even though he has the skills of a Fifth-Circle, he can’t be promoted any further with behavior like that.’

It was exactly as Sardek had said to Desir; a good soldier is not guaranteed to be a good commander. In the end, Sardek ended up describing himself.

* * *

Meanwhile, on the eastern battlefront.

A fierce battle was underway between Outsiders and Imperial Forces on a nearby hillock. The battle waged on with the Imperial forces taking an advantageous position.

Various spells were fired by the artillery unit, streaking through the sky and landing amongst the opponent’s defensive position.

There were explosions, and a smokey fog billowed across the battlefield.

At the forefront of the siege on Jormungand Citadel, a lone low-circle mage stood distinct from the artillery group exchanging blows with the Outsiders. He rapidly inverted oncoming fire, protecting both the artillery mages and the group of cavalry stationed to the side. The soldier was, of course, none other than Desir, and his elite unit was currently mounted on horseback, ready to charge the enemy at a moment’s notice.

Desir looked down on the unfolding situation of the battle.

The war was currently in favor of the Imperial Army. Their lead wasn’t overwhelming, but they continued to press the Outsiders back, and further this slight advantage.

As the artillery force gained the better position, the Imperial Army was able to continue whittling away the Outsiders’ strength without incurring significant losses.

‘If this situation continues, we can end the war with minimal loss.’ Anyone who believed that was naive.

When the homunculus attacked again, the Allied Forces would suffer greatly. The commander of the artillery unit spoke to Desir.

“I’ll make a path for you shortly!”

Desir looked at the members of his unit.

Everyone was nervous, but the Starling Party members were especially tense.

The weight of this operation seemed to bear down on them in particular. “Let’s finish this quickly and head back to school.”

With his encouragement, Pram and Romantica seemed to slightly relax. “For sure!”


Desir tried to stare forward again, but suddenly felt a person appear next to him. He turned and saw Adjest suddenly standing there.

“Well… … ”

She, who rarely spoke, hesitated… leaving her mouth hanging open.

This was strange, since she would usually speak confidently without a shred of hesitation whenever there was something she wanted to say.

“What’s up?”

Adjest stared at Desir, until he returned eye contact with her. The interaction via eye contact only lasted a moment, but stretched to eternity between the two.

“… … Do not get hurt this time.” “Huh?”

Adjest appeared a little flustered.

“Whenever something happens, you come back hurt, sometimes almost dead.” She was clearly worried for Desir.

“You too, Adjest. Be careful.” Desir smiled slightly.

Just then, the voice of the artillery commander could be heard. “Thirty seconds left! Guerrilla unit, prepare!”

It was time.

The commander of the artillery unit gave his order. “One shot shelling! Open the way for the guerrilla unit!”

Numerous magicians started calculating their spells. With dozens of spells forming, each beyond the Third-Circle, the flow of mana gushing through the air was enormous.

Like a flood of water breaking free of a dam, spells shot out simultaneously, crashing against the Outsider’s battle formation.


“Kaaaaaah!” Screams rang out. That was their signal.

Desir grabbed his reins and shouted. “Advance!”

On the same mark, the eastern guerrilla forces began to move. Around forty people charged towards the devastated and confused enemy.

They headed for a gap in the citadel’s defenses, a spot where there was a lack of trenches. The Outsiders noticed the group slicing through their defensive line, but it was far too late. “Don’t let them pass through!”

They could hear the anguished cries of the Outsiders behind them, as they continued their charge.

Some of the Outsiders were better positioned to attempt an interception. They hurried into a make-shift formation, while their magicians readied a few hastily crafted spells.

The problem was that Desir had anticipated this situation. He inverted their spells before they could offer any threat.

As long as Desir was present, spells of this level were useless. “Stick at it!”

Those who made up the guerrilla unit were the most elite amongst the Empire’s forces. *Crash*

The guerrilla unit effortlessly broke through the Outsiders that had scrambled into position to stop them.

The Outsiders held nothing back, immediately moving some infantry units to defend their artillery that was under threat from Desir’s unit.

All of their movements betrayed how urgently they treated this situation.

Their hastily repositioned infantry managed to just reach Desir’s cavalry. Conventional wisdom held that cavalry was relatively weak to infantry attacks on any flank.

However, such wisdom was useless in the face of Adjest’s magic that she had formatted one step earlier.

[Winter Crystal]

This spell created high-intensity ice in the spell caster’s desired shape.

An icy bulkhead soared to the sides of the unit advancing. It was quite scaled.

The strength of the bulkhead was significant. It was impossible to pierce it in a short time.

The Outsiders had no remaining options to stop the guerrilla unit. They had no choice but to watch Desir’s unit soar away.

This skirmish took all of a few moments. The unit that had broken through such a fierce battle line instantly picked up in speed before disappearing out of sight…

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