A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 45: Influence

Chapter 45: Influence

On the second day of the weekend, news of Colin Creevey's attack spread throughout Hogwarts.

This time was different from the last incident—it was a student this time, not just a cat. If it weren't for the reassurance that the student could be saved, it might have caused widespread panic.

On the other hand, the regular patrols by the professors and prefects also indirectly intensified everyone's anxiety, even though it was necessary behavior.

After the evening session of magical text instruction:

Felix Harp and Hermione exchanged some information that could be revealed. "The professors at Hogwarts will ensure the safety of young wizards. You can spread the word about that," Felix suggested.

Hermione agreed with a smile.

"However, Professor, why do you think the creature in the Chamber of Secrets is a snake?" Hermione asked cautiously.

Of course, Felix couldn't tell the truth. Instead, he shared a story about Salazar Slytherin and snakes that needed to be told.

"Slytherin used snakes to serve him?"

"Of course, after all, he was the most famous Parseltongue known." Felix replied.

From the fragments left by Ravenclaw, it could be inferred that Slytherin had various snakes accompanying him year-round, obeying his commands. This earned him quite a "resounding" reputation back then.

Hermione exclaimed, "Professor! Are you saying... Parseltongue can control snakes?" Her heart raced.

"I'm only speculating. After all, Parseltongues are exceedingly rare, and there aren't many samples to study. But since this ability can be inherited, it suggests that it's not merely a unique language but one infused with magic..."


In a corner of the common room, the trio engaged in a heated conflict.

"Harry, I think you should tell Dumbledore or Professor Snape about your Parseltongue ability," Hermione insisted.

"Don't say it," Ron countered without hesitation.

"Ron! You don't understand the seriousness of this matter," Hermione scolded him in frustration.

Ron lowered his head and whispered, "Harry, what I mean is, don't reveal this secret openly. If you expose your Parseltongue ability in public, you're done for. You'll definitely be seen as Slytherin's heir."

"We could tell Headmaster Dumbledore only and ask him to keep it secret," Hermione argued logically.

Rubbing his forehead, Harry said, "But that wouldn't have much meaning, right? You guys know I'm not the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets. This means there's another Parseltongue at the school."

"If I expose myself, that person will just go deeper into hiding."

Harry didn't want to reveal his secret, not only due to the bad reputation of Parseltongues but also because of a hidden resistance deep within him. During his first year sorting, the Sorting Hat had strongly invited him into Slytherin House.

Did that signify something?

Did the Sorting Hat see his true nature?

Harry said to Hermione, "Moreover, we still can't be sure if the monster is a snake, right? Maybe what I heard that day was just a passing snake's muttering. Professor Snape even admitted that. You've been researching in the library for days, and you haven't found any matching snake species, have you?"

Hermione had no response. Among the information she found, the closest match was a creature called a "snake creature," with its gaze being lethal, but it couldn't petrify people.

Ron finally compromised, "Let's just brew the Polyjuice Potion as soon as possible and ask Malfoy directly."

"And that house-elf named Dobby is also quite strange."


In the new week, Felix Harp not only soothed the emotions of young wizards in his classes but also gave them a particular warning: "Do not trust any magical creatures that can speak unless you can see where their minds are hidden."

"Professor, are you talking about the Sorting Hat?" one of the twins, Fred, asked.

"No, it has endured a thousand years of testing; we can trust it," Felix said gravely. "But there are other things, like items you might accidentally find in the library mezzanine or in abandoned broom cupboards. If you find you can converse with them, be extremely cautious."

"They could be extremely dangerous dark magical creations."

"I can cite hundreds of similar examples..."

During the next half of the lesson, Felix, using real cases from various countries, continued to intimidate these unreliable young wizards. Judging from their expressions, he achieved his purpose.

By evening, when the twins recounted the stories they had heard to everyone, they were all captivated.

"I never realized Professor Harp was so knowledgeable," Fred and George said to Ron when they reached a corner of the common room.

He winked, gesturing towards Ginny, who seemed upset. "Ginny, I have plenty more stories to tell. If you're interested, I..."

"No need!" Ginny said curtly.

The twins exchanged glances and began to exaggerate their performance. They mimicked someone who had stumbled upon a Dark Magic book, making it seem like their eyes were glued to the pages.

Ginny shivered.

"Alright, you two, don't scare Ginny," Hermione intervened, holding the young girl's hand and comforting her. "Professor will look after us, as long as we don't let our curiosity get out of control..."

Ginny nodded.

The next day at noon, Ginny sneakily looked around and left the main group to reach a secluded spot. She took a black book out of her bag and tossed it away forcefully.

After the afternoon Potion class, the trio quietly entered an abandoned restroom to brew the Polyjuice Potion.

"Progress is going well," Hermione said, looking at the color of the potion, and announced happily.

"Wait a moment," Harry said, looking towards a corner of the restroom where something seemed to be, but it was too dark for him to make out.

Just as he was about to approach, footsteps sounded from outside the door.

The three exchanged fearful glances—"Who's there?" Harry called out.

The footsteps quickly moved away.

Gritting his teeth, Harry opened the door and went after the source of the footsteps. After a while, he returned.

"It was Malfoy!" he said through clenched teeth, "He must have followed us."

"Did he find out..."

"I'm not sure."

"But this place isn't safe anymore."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione unanimously agreed to change their location. This time, they chose an abandoned classroom underground.

"It's quite remote here."

The trio was satisfied with the new spot.

In the evening, a young wizard sneaked into the place where Harry and the others had been brewing potions before. After a moment's hesitation, he walked into the girls' restroom.

After a while, he came out and quickly left, something hidden in his robes.

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