A Professional Avenger

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Lin? Whats wrong with me? Wiener finally chose a plain opening remark.

Necromantic Magic. Lin Yuetian replied casually as easily as the lie came out from his mouth.

As of now, you are a spirit that I summoned. I have spent a lot of time just trying to resurrect you, can you feel itYou can feel how powerful you are right now, no? Dont you think, isnt it much better compared to when you were alive back then?

Unlike how Lin Tongzhao in the last world decided to let the Ghost-Lin Yuetian become a free sentient spirit, it was impossible for Lin Yuetian himself to do the same, theres no reason for him to follow this decision. After calling him back to the world, Lin Yuetian bound Wieners soul in one of his rings. It was similar to how the Jade Ghost was sealed into the jade pendant by Lin Jiayang back then. This made Lin Yuetian feel a lot more at ease. He didnt have to pretend, and he could just show his true nature as he spoke, without caring how itd affect the Scum Gong. Or rather, itd be best if the way he spoke or acted was able to pierce the Scumbags heart, the fiercer the better.

. Wiener was at a loss for words.

In his distant memories of his youth, this Oriental Beauty had somewhat become like an anchor to those long-gone days. His docile nature and his deep infatuation for him was something Wiener couldnt forget and kept reminiscing in the long years he lived. All those years, Wiener had realized that; he regretted it. He regretted his past decision.

Looking back at it, Wiener realized that he was indeed young and immature at that time. He couldnt believe Lin Yuetians loyalty and feared that the boy would someday betray him. As a result, he used the same measure on how to treat your subordinate to his lover. When a subordinate knows too much, when they had an insight into your secret, then youd bury them together along with your secret.

Wiener truly did regret it in his later years.

He kept seeing his former lovers eyes in his dreams, and he couldnt help reminiscing the memories of the past. Only then Wiener realized that his old lover, he should be the kind of person whod never betray him.

Tonight, he was brought face to face again with Lin Yuetian, who seemed to be somewhat different, though he still looked as young as ever. There were countless words he wanted to say, but was unable tobecause those words would sound too inappropriate.

At the end of the day, he could only let out this one question, Why did you save me?


[How pathetic,] The System felt a little bit sorry for him. [To think that he really believed youre doing this to save him.]

Lin Yuetian himself later replied, Why did I save you, huh? Good question, Your Highness.

Well, I thinkIts probably because I like you. Yes. After all, you are my first love, so despite hundreds of years that have gone by, after the vicissitudes of several centuries, in the end, I still couldnt forget about you. I dont want you to die and disappear from this world forever. I dont want us to be separated for good. Lin Yuetian naturally found an answer.

In the first place, the way Lin Yuetian spoke had always been gentle and graceful. So, his reply just now was very touching in Wieners ears, and his heart couldnt help but felt moved.

However, Lin Yuetians next sentence was not as lovely as it was before:

Right, Your Highness, you just woke up after being dead for such a long time. Itd be inevitable if you feel a bit stiff. I think its a good choice to find you some activity you can use to exercise.

[?? What do you plan to make him do?] The System quickly asked in a loud voice.

He had been cultivated by the many experiences in the previous worlds, and his sense of vigilance had been raised like never before. As a result, the System could accurately spot the moment when he needed to be alert when it came to Lin Yuetian.

Your Highness Wieneror would you prefer me to call you Your Majesty? Anyhow, Im really tired after my long journey back to Jon Kingdom, and its sad to say, but my money has also been exhausted on the way. I was really short of money, so I have no choice but to take several requests from some Nobles. However, theyre expecting me to use my magic to kill some people for them

But you know me best, dont you? From the past to the present, I have never been good at this violence-related thing

Lin Yuetian slowly came to the point:

Your Highnessconsidering that you are now a ghost, a spirit that I specially summonedand, youre also this strong, socan you, if its okay with you, are you willing to help me?

The System, []

[Isnt it a bit too much for you to treat your target like a sheep? Harvesting their wool, and butchered them later?] The System felt indignant for the Scum Gong.

[The person has been deceased for so long. He was even a King before he died. Dont you think its a bit too much for him to be treated like a corporate slave by you?]

What are you afraid of? Finally, Lin Yuetian leisurely replied to his System in his mind.

The First Emperor did not start his business halfway, but collapsed in the middle of the road[1]Excerpt from Zhuge Liangs memorial Chu Shi Biao. First Emperor referred to Liu Beithe first ruler of Shu Han during the Three Kingdom era, Zhuge Liangs superior.. Wiener has already become the First Emperor, but he still hasnt started any business yet. You say, as a King or an Emperor, isnt his career rather incomplete?  Im just providing a chance for him to realize his self-worth and enrich his life experience.

[Im convinced that there must be something wrong with how Cyberpunk World teach Chinese in their school.] The System silently sighed.[2]LYT uses the excerpt wrongly. What Zhuge Liang meant in his memorial was: The First Emperor died halfway through his undertaking/conquer of the worldhes lamenting the fact that Continue reading

[How about I make an application on your behalf, and give you some Chinese textbooks for compulsory education in primary school to read through? Dont just interpret excerpts as you fit all the time!]

Itll just gonna delay our task, right? Lin Yuetian demurred.

[Have you heard a saying before?]

The System continued, [Its never a mistake for a woodcutter to sharpen their blade. After finishing Junior High I will work part-time[3]CN contemporary sloganregarding the controversy of; Is it okay for children to work directly after finishing Junior High?to which answered with the slogan, that its Continue reading. So dont refuse, its my obligation to help you, an out-of-school child, to return to your school.][4]The System is treating LYT as someone who work before completing his compulsory educationsince he often interprets excerpts wrongly, something that should have been taught in Chinese subject Continue reading

No matter how intensely Lin Yuetian and the System discussed the issue of education, in the end, no one or nothing could stop Lin Yuetian from ruthlessly exploiting the elderly Wiener during this period. Lin Yuetian simply proved that theres someone whos more cold-blooded than those Capitalists.

Therefore, relying on Wiener, whos currently a ghost and needed no rest, drink, or eat, Lin Yuetian created a system of hardcore 007 work schedule specifically tailored for the former KingStarted working at 0:00, returned from work at 0:00 the next day, every day 7 days per week. Lin Yuetian continuously arranged work for him and simply treated him as a tool man to earn money. He secretly decided that; If someday Wiener were to show his displeasure and started resisting, then hed use that reason as a casus belli and simply complete the task ahead of time and make the best use of everything. He had to ensure Wiener was squeezed dry to his final residual value.

During this period, the System would see Wiener, the former King Wiener, with his 70/80-ish elderly appearance of his; coming out early and going back late. Its almost looking at the manifestation of the dogleg[5]a slang for lackeyaround Huang Shiren or Zhou Papi[6]From The Four Big Bully Landlordsthe well-known four Imaginary Tyrannic Landlords in the Peoples Republic of China Landlord; Liu Wencai, Huang Shiren, Nanba Tianhe, and Zhou Papi.. He couldnt help sighing; Maybe this is the blessing of a Scumbag Gong, Amitabha.

Contrary to what they expected, however, Wiener actually quite enjoyed the moment instead. He looked happy as he worked hard to support Lin Yuetians lifecausing Lin Yuetian to be unable to deliberately find faults to start his execution.

Could it behe is a shaking-M? Lin Yuetian guessed this situation using his rich knowledge.

[Dont start talking nonsense. You wont pass the screening otherwise[7]Breaking the fourth wall-joke from the Author. Since JJWXC screened the chapters based on banned words.] The System shut him up.

[In my opinion, he might really like this worlds Lin Yuetian. His case might fall into the trope of; Its been hundreds of years since I broke up with my first love, and when we meet again he actually passes me the responsibility of earning money to raise our small familyIts obvious that my first love didnt treat me as a stranger, and hoping to get back together with me!]

It turn out to be the case, I see Lin Yuetian nodded. Though, that doesnt concern me in any way.


After earning enough extra money, Lin Yuetian began his next plan. He took Wiener along with him as he went to find the second target, Knight Kaysen.

Finding Knight  Kaysen was not a difficult task at all.

After that young master from some Noble house, whom Kaysen had a crush on, recovered from his illness, the two of them had been traveling together in the name of best friends. Both of them were quite powerful. They were infamous among the adventurers in the Southern part of the Mainland. A lot of second-rate and third-rate Bards even began to write and sing verses about the two Heroeshoping the more famous those two would become in the future, their poems and them as Bard would also become more popular.

On another note, as Lin Yuetian started traveling with money in his hand, it became clear once again that he was unable to change his nature of enjoying life to the fullest.

Hed visit pubs, taverns, and all kinds of establishments he encountered on his way, tasting this worlds specialties food and drink, while leisurely listening to many long tales.

Speaking of which, those songs being sung, all mentioned one famous feature of Kaysen: His Bone Sword.

When Lin Yuetian chatted with several minstrels, many of them believed this sword must be an item with a romantic history. Allegedly, Kaysen forged his sword from the bone of his deceased lover who had unfortunately passed away early. To commemorate his dead lover and immortalize their love, he cast his bone into a sword hed bring everywhere.

Lin Yuetian,

That Bone Sword better not be my bone, I hope. Lin Yuetian mused.


When Lin Yuetian finally found Kaysen, he was currently encamped in the middle of the wilderness, together with the Noble Son.

The body Lin Yuetian had right now was a Great Magician. Unlike how in the past, today he could spy on Knight Kaysen without being found out. In this way, Lin Yuetian happily went to eavesdrop on their conversation in the dark.

The Noble Sons name, according to what Kaysen called him, was Joyce. Right now, Kaysen and Joyce were in the middle of discussing their previous encounter with a Goblin, also where should they head next to continue their adventure.

How nice, look like they have a good life, after all. Lin Yuetian marveled.

Therefore, Lin Yuetian turned to face Wiener and instructed, You go out. You should be stronger than them, right? Listen up, make yourself look frightening, and go and scare them properly, its best to drive them away separately. Oh! But remember to drive that Joyce to my side, okay?

Why? Wiener was confused.

Why of course, because I want to get revenge on that Knight over there. Lin Yuetian replied bluntly.

That guy is my ex-boyfriend. He treated me cruelly back then. But, its never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Thirty years in Hedong and Thirty years in Hexi[8]CN proverbsmeans that people and things are changeable, peoples fate would turn upside down sometimes. Today I must teach him what it means to be a human being, to have etiquette, to understand righteousness, and to know shame!

Wieners expression immediately changed as he caught the point, Your former boyfriend?

His complicated and dejected look perhaps would be very attractive when put on his youthful facebut at his current broken old face, Lin Yuetian couldnt think of anything aside from Off-putting.

Why do you have to ask so many questions? Let me tell you once again, you just need to listen to me, I wont do anything to you, and I wont get any revenge from youif I want to retaliate against you, I wouldnt have revived you in the first place.

Lin Yuetian instilled his ideology in him, Dont get so carried away just because I love you, okay?


[Good Guy,] The System cursed. [Did you hear yourself? You sound more like a scum than the Scumbag Gong!]


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