A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 13: A Groundbreaking Proposal and Vacation

Chapter 13: A Groundbreaking Proposal and Vacation

< Chapter 13: A Groundbreaking Proposal and Vacation – 1 >


Lee Hyunwook checked the item that popped out from the body of the kobold again.

[ You’ve acquired the ‘Demon’s Medal (Inferno)’ ]

It looked like a small gem.

“It’s unbelievable. So this is where it came from…”

Demon Medal

As the name suggests, it was an item containing the power of the ‘Demon’ race.

“Among the higher race medal series, if it’s Inferno, it belongs to the most useful category.”

The term ‘Inferno’ commonly meant ‘hellfire’.

‘At first, the Savior of Busan, Inferno, had this…’

Inferno is still a very powerful player at this point, but by obtaining this item that perfectly matches his nickname, he displays even more powerful flame powers.

The sight of him raising magma and sweeping everything away like a tidal wave… Lee Hyunwook unconsciously swallowed his saliva, reminded of that fiery catastrophe.

But even such an Inferno couldn’t stand against the ‘Necromancer’.

The Savior of Busan, trying to fend off the undead legion that covered the sea in front of Busan alone, eventually…

‘…became one of the undead.’

After that, this medal also ended up in the hands of the Necromancer.

‘I heard that afterward, he used this to create the corpse golem of sulfurous flames, that horrific biological weapon.’

Busan Haeundae Marine City, the skyscraper smashed by a tens of meters tall corpse golem…

The concrete jungle was brutally tormented by green flames…

Lee Hyunwook vividly recalled that scene and unconsciously stuck out his tongue.

The Necromancer truly was the worst enemy.

“…With this, I’m one step, no, two steps ahead of that bastard.”


As if concerned someone might see, he immediately swallowed the item.

It was stained with the kobold’s blood, but he had no time to fuss about it.

[ Warning! You already have a ‘Metal’ being absorbed. Absorption delay will occur ]

“Whew… Corporal Lee Hyunwook, is it over now?”

Ahn Min-tae approached and asked.

“Don’t let your guard down yet.”

At Lee Hyunwook’s word, the whole squad began to stay alert.

However, there were no living kobolds.

In Lee Hyunwook’s perception, there was no moving metal other than the squad members.

“Deputy Leader. It seems everything is over.”


Choi Sun-ah nodded with a drained expression.

Lee Hyunwook looked over his squad members. They too had expressions similar to Choi Sun-ah’s.

‘I need to help them sort out their complex feelings.’

Lee Hyunwook believed that this was a moment that needed commendation for the future.

He would have to lead them into battle several more times, so for his sake and theirs, it was essential to instill confidence.

“You all did well.”

At those words, all eyes gathered on Lee Hyunwook.

“Every one of you responded without a single mistake, just as I emphasized yesterday.”

Only then did they realize that the words Lee Hyunwook had said… the advice that if they slacked in their training, they couldn’t even save their own lives, had come true almost like a prophecy.

Lee Hyunwook then made eye contact with Park Junmo.

“Especially Park Junmo. You played a crucial role in clearing up the remnants.”

“…Ah! Th-thank you!”

Park Junmo, taken aback, nodded his head.

When a gate appeared in the area and they encountered goblins, he looked foolish and became disheartened after being scolded.

But this time, he received tremendous praise. Even being told that he played a crucial role…

Park Joon-mo felt his eyes getting teary and lowered his head.

“An Min-tae, you were solid just like a corporal.”

“Well, of course. Haha…”

Although he said that, the guy couldn’t hide the smile on his gums.

“And to the Deputy leader.”


“It might sound funny for me to say this, but your order for suppressive fire at the end was very timely. If you hesitated for even a split second, we could have missed a few. It’s really fortunate.”


In fact, when she gave the order, the squad members hesitated and looked at Lee Hyunwook. Only when Lee Hyunwook raised his gun did they follow the order.


Choi Seon-ah finally regained her spirits and chuckled.

“Thank you! It’s really fortunate that no one got hurt.”

Then, weren’t tears forming in her eyes?

It was because the tension had momentarily relaxed.

Indeed… seeing her like this, it seemed she still hadn’t completely shed her high school student demeanor.

That’s when it happened.


A heavy vibration sounded from somewhere. Everyone lowered their stance and raised their guns.

Behind him, something landed on the brown brick wall.

“Huh, who’s that…”

It was a paladin wearing black ‘full plate armor’.

‘Seo Eunha.’


She lightly threw her body towards the ground and landed heavily.

‘Tsk, I knew that she was in the phase of making a flashy entrance, but this is serious.’

Lee Hyunwook unknowingly looked at her with annoyance.

No matter how heavy the Paladin class body was, there was a time when he told her countless times to move with caution.

It wasn’t like a ‘superhero landing’. Did she really need to land so dramatically?

‘While being drunk and sentimental, she used to whine about me nagging, maybe this was also one of the things I nagged about.’

For a moment, Lee Hyunwook wondered if, unknowingly, he had been as nitpicky as the 2nd platoon leader Lee Hee-min.

But no matter how much he thought about it, his advice was constructive.

‘Of course, it’s obvious.’


Then, the faceplate, the ‘visor’, of Seo Eunha went up.

Her surprised expression was fully revealed.


“Thank you for your hard work. There was an unexpected situation, but we successfully suppressed it.”

Lee Hyunwook saluted her.

However, her eyes were filled with an indiscernible hostility.

The next moment, she raised her greatsword, pointing its tip toward Lee Hyunwook.

“…Hey, you.”

“Yes, please speak.”

“…Who the hell are you?”

A similar incident had occurred not long ago.

A sudden accident, her hurried deployment, but the situation was already resolved, and there he was, standing perfectly fine in the midst of it all…

One of Seo Eunha’s eyebrows twitched. Even without makeup, a flush spread across her pale skin.

It was due to the intense question.

“Yes? What do you mean?”

“Just like last time, how did you do it?”

“…I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

That’s when it happened.

“…All personnel!”

A loud noise began to come from the inner alley.

“Prepare for combat!”

It was the voice of the 2nd platoon leader, Lee Hee-min.

He had urgently returned with the 3rd and 4th squads.

But, just like Seo Eunha, he was a step too late.

“Wha… What?”

With a puzzled expression, he quickly scanned the surroundings and then looked at Seo Eunha.

“Seo… Seo Eunha! What’s going on? Why are you here… Don’t tell me you handled all this?”

Seo Eunha simply lowered her head without replying.

“What? No? Then, what, what, what happened?”

Lee Hee-min seemed even more flustered than Seo Eunha, his face dripping with cold sweat.

It was understandable.

He was in charge of the central base. With such a serious issue arising, he couldn’t avoid being blamed.

His confusion turned to irritation, and naturally, it was directed at the deputy squad leader, Choi Seon-ah.

“You! You! Choi Seon-ah! What the hell happened? Damn it, I told you to manage things properly to prevent issues!”

“Ah, platoon leader, um…”

He approached Choi Seon-ah as if he was about to hit her, causing her to instinctively step back.

Considering her usual demeanor, one could tell how oppressed she felt as she instinctively shrunk.

At that moment, Lee Hyunwook stepped in front of him.

“Platoon leader, I’ll report to you.”

“What? Who are you to… Damn it, didn’t I tell you to know your place?”

Unable to control his anger, Lee Hee-min, like an infuriated ram, banged his bulletproof helmet against Lee Hyunwook’s bulletproof helmet.

“…Understood. In that case, I’ll report directly to the battalion commander.”

“What? Who does this F-ranked guy think he is, daring to mention the battalion commander?”

However, Lee Hyunwook was looking somewhere else, not at Lee Hee-min.

“Huh? This guy, where is he looking…”

Following the prior events, a scene unfolded that made Lee Hee-min’s heart drop even further.


The sound of an engine came from behind.

It was Vehicle No. 1.

The vehicle carrying the battalion commander passed the alley and stopped in front of the central base.


Shortly after, the passenger side door opened, and the “Druid of Namsan,” Battalion Commander Kim Kang-seok, stood tall.

Looking up at the towering figure, Lee Hee-min inhaled sharply.

“Salute! Commander, an unidentified situation occurred. We have managed to resolve it, but we don’t have a precise understanding of what happened yet! I’ll investigate further and report back.”

His right hand, which was giving a military salute, trembled like a shaking twig.

A thick hand of Kim Kang-seok landed heavily on his shoulder.

“Second Platoon Leader.”

“Ah! Second Platoon Leader, Lee Hee-min!”

“Step aside.”

“Wha… What?”

“You just arrived from outside the central base. Why try to force a report when you don’t know the details? Don’t waste my time. You know I dislike formalities, right?”

“I… I apologize!”

Without responding, Kim Kang-seok walked past Lee Hee-min.

Trembling, Lee Hee-min could only move his eyes, watching the commander’s back until he stopped in front of Lee Hyunwook.

“Fifth Squad Leader.”

“Corporal Lee Hyunwook!”

“Give me your report.”

Contrary to the shaking Lee Hee-min, Lee Hyunwook nodded calmly. Watching this, Lee Hee-min couldn’t help but make a face as if he’d been kicked.

“Yes, sir. During the setup and surveillance of the central base, we detected a widespread status-altering dark magic emanating from the sewers and responded with MOPP Level 3. Subsequently, a group of kobolds attempted a surprise attack, which we successfully repelled. We believe they were remnants hiding during our initial sweep.”


“Commander, would you like a detailed report? Specifically, about how an F-ranked individual like me responded?”

Kim Kang-seok shook his head.

“We’ll discuss that later. We’re still in the middle of an operation. I’ll issue the next command.”

The battalion commander began to survey the signs of battle scattered around the central base.

A dozen or so corpses with M9 daggers embedded… Lee Hyunwook noticed a twitch in Kim Kang-seok’s eyebrows.

“From now on, the command of this central base is assigned to Lieutenant Seo Eunha.”

Saying so, Kim Kang-seok looked at her.

She seemed a bit startled but saluted firmly.

“Yes, sir. Understood.”

Lee Hyunwook waited for the words that would follow.

“And Hyunwook, you’ll perform the role of the First Squad Leader as I mentioned earlier. The tactical squad members, including Lieutenant Seo Eunha, are on standby nearby. So, contrary to how you seemed concerned… or rather, pretended to be concerned, there won’t be any danger of compromising both squads. Do you have any valid reason to refuse this command?”


“Move immediately. And show me your best effort, without holding back.”

Lee Hyunwook saluted and then nodded at An Min-tae.

It was a gesture indicating he was entrusting him with the Fifth Squad.

As he turned towards the gate, his eyes met with Cheon Myung-ho, who was seated in the back of Vehicle No. 1.


Lee Hyunwook saluted him and quickly walked past.

Cheon Myung-ho watched his retreating figure with a blank expression.


Without realizing it, he let out a soft sigh and looked at the scene Lee Hyunwook had left behind.

“What on earth is that…”

He lowered his head.

“Even if I saw it wrong, I really saw it wrong.”

Now, there was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“…It’s really a tiger, isn’t it?”

In his eyes, Lee Hyunwook’s figure looked even more imposing.

* * *

That day, around 7 in the evening, the gate was closed, and all operations were concluded.

And the next day,

In the counseling room of the 1st Battalion, three privates were seated on the sofa.

“…Wow! Insane! So, what happened next?”

The one asking with an intrigued face was Private Koo Seong-min from the 1st Platoon.

He was on leave during the last operation in Itaewon and was unaware of the numerous incidents that occurred before and after. He was now hearing about those surprising events from his two peers.

“What do you mean ‘what happened’? Corporal Lee Hyunwook suddenly came in front of us and…”

He started to mimic Lee Hyunwook with a scowling face.

“…I am commanding you. Sure, you might be dissatisfied. I know. You can show your dissatisfaction as you are now, but if you don’t follow orders, you will be dealt with immediately. This is real combat, and my word is a command.”

“What? How can that be? Stop lying!”

“It’s true! Anyway! After he said that, a few replied with a soft ‘yes’, but… the atmosphere was quite peculiar. Especially the expression of Corporal Kim Geun-ho, who was the temporary platoon leader, really, sigh…”

Following the battalion commander’s orders, Lee Hyunwook undertook the role of a platoon leader.

And he did so quite successfully.

“The more shocking part was during the third breakout.”

“…Why, what happened?”

The story that followed was almost legendary.

During the third breakout, an elite monster, the ‘Kobold Bomber’, appeared.

It was a challenging enemy, carrying explosives, either throwing them or self-detonating.

Moreover, they were mixed in with a large number of regular Kobolds, making it hard to single them out.

However, Corporal Lee Hyunwook identified their locations, commanded a widespread ‘Ice’ magical attack around them, immobilizing their feet, and directed sniper shots, perfectly strategizing against them.

“…On the other hand, the 2nd platoon led by the squad leader had three tankers injured. Well, that was also a fairly successful result, but Corporal Lee Hyunwook was perfect.”

“Wow… so he made better decisions than the 1st squad leader?”

“Effectively, yes.”

“Wait! The 1st squad leader is elite, right? There are rumors that he’s going to be the squad leader for the 3rd Battalion soon, right? And you’re saying an F-rank did better than him?”

Koo Seong-min looked incredulous.

Just then,


Speaking of the devil, the counseling room door opened, and Lee Hyunwook entered.


“Ah! Corporal Lee Hyunwook…”

“Th, thank you for your hard work!”

The three of them, trying to hide their surprise, bowed their heads in greeting.

Lee Hyunwook gave a slight nod and opened the shared refrigerator.

“Excuse me… Corporal Lee Hyunwook.”



“…For what?”

“You! Aren’t you receiving a commendation from the battalion commander today? I heard the battalion commander himself will visit during the evening meal assembly.”

“Ah, that? Yes, thanks.”

With that, Lee Hyunwook took out a beverage.

“Excuse me, Corporal Lee Hyunwook!”

When he was about to leave, a private stopped Lee Hyunwook.

The young soldier hesitated for a moment, then awkwardly smiled and began to speak.

“I think your leadership during the last battle was truly impeccable. I had a dissatisfied expression at that time… I apologize for that, even if it’s belated. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

Lee Hyunwook chuckled and nodded in acknowledgment.

“Thanks for following my lead back then.”

“Yes, sir! Please take a rest!”

After Lee Hyunwook left…


The privates finally let out their shaky breaths.

“Man, who knew talking to Corporal Lee Hyunwook could be this nerve-wracking?”

“I know, right? I was so tense without even realizing it. Whew…”

Then, Koo Seong-min finally nodded repeatedly.

“Wow! Was everything you said really true?”

“That’s right, kid!”

“Wow… Corporal Lee Hyunwook, even his gaze is different now. He seems like a completely different person.”

“Yeah, I told you…”

Now, it wasn’t just Lee Hyunwook who had changed.

The way the battalion members looked at Lee Hyunwook had also transformed.

As demonstrated, establishing an overwhelming achievement can change one’s standing.

After all, the most important factor in evaluating someone is undeniably their ability.

* * *


After gulping down the beverage he took from the communal refrigerator, Lee Hyunwook rushed to the bathroom.


He groaned, gripping the toilet bowl.

It felt as though his insides were burning, a sheer pain.

The reason for this…

[ Metal absorption has been completed: Demon’s Medal (Inferno) ]

-The controllable metal weight has increased: 499g

It was due to this…

-A ‘Breath Room’ is forming in the stomach. (2%)

-Severe pain may accompany!

That was the cause.

It was the process of absorbing the Demon’s Medal and obtaining a new skill.

Commonly known as the Breath Room, simply put, it referred to the special organ inside monsters that perform ‘breath’ attacks, similar to a dragon spewing out something.

At this very moment, such an organ was forming inside Lee Hyunwook’s body.

‘I’ve experienced it once before, but my body is still weak, making it much more painful.’

It felt as if his whole body was boiling and his stomach was melting.

The Breath Room was a kind of ‘furnace’ while also functioning as a ‘combustion chamber’ similar to a jet engine.

It was horrifying to think that such a thing was forming in the frail body of a human.

“Kuh, eugh…”

As he groaned, slumped on the floor, Park Junmo’s voice came from outside.

“…Corporal Lee Hyunwook! Are you in here?”

Suppressing his voice, Lee Hyunwook took a deep breath slowly.

“Uhh… Yes, I’m in the bathroom.”

“Ah! I’m sorry! They said the award ceremony is about to start. The captain ordered you to wait for the rehearsal.”

He had felt even greater pain in his past life. This much was bearable.

“Alright, I’ll be out soon.”

He leaned on the wall and stood up.

* * *

“Corporal! Lee Hyunwook! Thank you!”

In the midst of all the company members gathered, Lee Hyunwook received the commendation.

Furthermore, unusually, the battalion commander himself presented it.


‘This is driving me crazy.’

Despite feeling pain as if his whole body was on fire, he did his best not to show it.

Perhaps because his face had turned a bit red, whispers around him suggested that Corporal Lee Hyunwook seemed deeply moved, but that was it.

The battalion commander spoke up.

“After achieving much more than during the previous inner-gate incident, you deserve a significant reward. If there’s anything specific you want, you can directly tell me.”

In just a few days, with two significant achievements, he had accumulated a substantial number of reward points.

‘I can probably exchange them for ample leave and even do some shopping.’

It seemed he might get some decent items from the military item shop.

For now, he thought he should buy a pain relief potion or something similar to suppress this burning pain.

“Ah, and let’s have dinner together tonight. There’s something we need to discuss.”

“Yes, understood.”

‘Damn it.’

Unfortunately, he didn’t have the time to buy the potion.

Lee Hyunwook followed the battalion commander to the officers’ dining hall.

At a round table, as one might expect to see in a regular dining hall, staff officers were seated, and the table was set with glassware.

Despite the rather upscale ambiance that seemed out of place in the military setting, the food was only slightly better than the soldier’s mess and was otherwise ordinary.

“You might recall when I said I’d test you yesterday.”

“Yes, I remember.”

Kim Gang-seok lifted his coffee cup and looked at Lee Hyunwook.

Taking a sip of his coffee and pausing for a moment, he slowly began to speak.

“…Become an officer in AMT, Lee Hyunwook.”

Once again, a surprising proposal was made.

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