A Pawn's Passage

Chapter 145: Conversation

Chapter 145: Conversation

Zhang Yuyue looked straight at Qi Xuansu and questioned him. “Fellow Daoist Qi, where do you serve now? What is your cultivation level? What is your rank?”

Qi Xuansu replied calmly, “I’m working in Tiangang Hall. I’m a seventh-rank Daoist priest at the Yuxu stage of cultivation, but I will soon be promoted to the sixth rank and will enjoy the treatment of a fifth-rank Daoist priest.”

He had nothing to be embarrassed about because he had risked his life to gain those merits, which allowed him to be promoted.

Zhang Yuyue’s brows jumped slightly. “Seventh rank? So what if you get promoted to the sixth rank and enjoy the treatment of a fifth-rank Daoist priest? As Qing Xiao’s elder, I hope that you can be more self-aware about your status. I’m not saying that I look down on low-ranking Daoist priests. After all, I started from the bottom too. But if you think from my perspective, will you let your brilliant sister marry a low-ranking priest?”

Qi Xuansu kept a straight face. “There’s nothing I can do about that. My last name isn’t Zhang, nor is it Li, so it will take me some time to climb the ranks.”

Zhang Yuyue flashed a rather eerie smile as she stared intensely at Qi Xuansu’s face. “You’re finally showing your true colors now, aren’t you? ‘Climbing’ is indeed a suitable term. Are you thinking of building an empire as well while you’re at it?”

Qi Xuansu had already learned about Zhang Yuyue’s history with Li Minghuang, so he was well prepared. “Mage Zhang, are you afraid that I will use Qing Xiao as a stepping stone? If that’s the case, you are really underestimating Qing Xiao. As for building an empire, our Daoist beliefs don’t encourage such thoughts, so it’s better if you get rid of such degrading ideas as soon as possible.”

Dong Baijing glanced at Zhang Yuelu again, only to find that his cousin-in-law was seated and even sipping tea leisurely. As soon as Zhang Yuelu sensed Dong Baijing’s gaze, she put down her teacup, sat upright, and tried her best to look worried. However, in terms of acting, Zhang Yuelu was not as talented as Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuyue had no time to pay attention to Zhang Yuelu at this time because she was only focused on Qi Xuansu. However, Qi Xuansu was not afraid of her.

Although the domineering and aggressive Zhang Yuyue was older, she was not as intimidating as the reserved and righteous Zhang Yuelu.

Back then, Zhang Yuyue was played by Li Minghuang and felt completely defeated. All she could do was hide in a corner and lick her wounds. On the other hand, Zhang Yuelu defeated Li Tianzhen in a duel, so the latter could not step foot in Jade Capital again. This was the difference between the two women.

Of course, Qi Xuansu was not so bad himself to have gained Zhang Yuelu’s recognition. Their chance encounter in Taiqing Square was just a good start. Later, Qi Xuansu proved himself capable by killing the vampires, defeating the Lingshan Witch Cult in Yishan City, and fighting off The Inn's assassins together when they were ambushed on the Chamagu Road.

In Baidi City, Qi Xuansu stood by Zhang Yuelu’s side, refusing to back down even against a Heavenly Being. These events brought Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu closer together.

If Qi Xuansu had acted like a gentleman and accepted what was thrown at him, Zhang Yuyue would not have been so aggressive toward him. Zhang Yuyue did not expect this young man to subtly slight her, which infuriated her. However, her impeccable upbringing as a lady of a prestigious family allowed her to maintain a superficial calmness.

Zhang Yuyue scoffed. “I didn’t expect you to come up with such clichés at your age.”

Qi Xuansu said, “They’re not clichés. Those are indeed degrading thoughts. Qing Xiao is my boss, and she has always taught me what’s right and what’s wrong. Are you saying that Qing Xiao is also wrong?”

Zhang Yuyue suddenly looked at Zhang Yuelu, so the latter had no choice but to get involved.

Zhang Yuelu muttered, “That’s a fact.”

At that moment, Zhang Yuyue felt that she might have gotten the wrong idea about her cousin’s relationship with this man. Zhang Yuelu had always been an opinionated person, even when she was a child. She was also bold and always liked to do things that others dared not do. Perhaps Zhang Yuelu was not being deceived by this punk and was planning to keep a boy toy for entertainment instead.

The more Zhang Yuyue thought about it, the more likely she felt that Zhang Yuelu was capable of keeping a boy toy. However, Zhang Yuyue still had some lingering anger.

She scoffed. “I won’t quarrel with you. I’m just warning you not to have any ideas about using Qing Xiao as a stepping stone. She is a member of the Zhang family, a Banished Immortal, and a Deputy Hall Master. If you have that idea, I suggest you give up as soon as possible and go back to where you came from. Otherwise, we’ll show you what it means to provoke the Zhang family.”

Qi Xuansu figured that he should not go overboard with the acting, especially since this was just a rehearsal. So, he chose to remain silent and retreat instead of refuting her.

Finally getting the last word, Zhang Yuyue felt content and snuck a glance at Qi Xuansu. To be fair, if this guy were not being compared to Zhang Yuelu, he would be considered above average. After all, he was already an Apprentice Jijiu Daoist priest in his twenties and was in the Yuxu stage of cultivation. It was not bad at all. But this was far from enough to match up to her brilliant cousin, Zhang Yuelu.

As Zhang Yuyue was examining Qi Xuansu, her husband, Dong Baijing, was also doing the same. This bookish middle-aged man was not repulsed by Qi Xuansu and had a far more objective and neutral stance compared to Zhang Yuyue.

Seeing that his wife’s anger had subsided, Dong Baijing took the opportunity to say, “Yu’er, let’s talk nicely.”

Zhang Yuyue did not embarrass her husband this time. She turned to Zhang Yuelu and said, “Qing Xiao, let’s go inside and chat.”

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu and stood up. “Sure.”

After the two women left, only Qi Xuansu and Dong Baijing were left in the main hall.

Dong Baijing stretched out his hand, motioning for Qi Xuansu to take a seat. “Yu’er has a short temper. Tian Yuan, I hope you wouldn’t take it to heart if she said anything offensive.”

Qi Xuansu responded. “That’s human nature. There’s nothing I can do about it or feel offended by.”

“Tian Yuan, are you from the Wanxiang Daoist Palace?” Dong Baijing asked.

Qi Xuansu nodded. “Yes.”

“Actually, I’m also from the Wanxiang Daoist Palace.” Dong Baijing shared. “So I understand your difficulties. We will always be inferior to them, who come from prestigious families. We’re also always one step slower.”

“I know.” Qi Xuansu agreed.

Feeling nostalgic, Dong Baijing asked, “Tian Yuan, do you know why Qing Xiao’s cousin is so opposed to your relationship?”

“I do.” Qi Xuansu explained, “It’s because of Li Minghuang, the Third Deputy Hall Master of Tiangang Hall.”

Zhang Yuelu was usually unapproachable, but Qi Xuansu was tactless.

Hearing such a frank answer, Dong Baijing felt a little awkward. He was silent for a long time before he asked again, “What’s your view on this?”

Qi Xuansu replied, “Qing Xiao is different from her cousin. If this had happened to Qing Xiao, she would have killed Li Minghuang herself. Even if she couldn’t kill him immediately, she would have done so one day. She said so herself, and I have no doubts that she would follow through.”

Dong Baijing did not expect his cousin-in-law to be so cruel. She was indeed very different from Zhang Yuyue.

Curious, he asked, “Tian Yuan, what if Qing Xiao wants to kill you one day?”

Qi Xuansu said, as a matter of fact, “Of course, I won’t just stand still and let her kill me so easily. I’ll fight back!”

Dong Baijing smiled bitterly. He originally thought that he and Qi Xuansu were the same, as they had similar backgrounds. But he finally understood that they were also different. The difference between them was like that between Zhang Yuyue and Zhang Yuelu.

Perhaps Zhang Yuyue only hated Qi Xuansu because she saw similarities between the young man and Li Minghuang.

The reason Dong Baijing was able to marry Zhang Yuyue was not because he was the most suitable candidate. He only managed to be with Zhang Yuyue because she got hurt and wanted to get married as soon as possible as an act of revenge on Li Minghuang. However, whether Li Minghuang cared about her petty revenge was unclear.

Thinking of this, Dong Baijing sighed. He did not covet Zhang Yuyue’s family background, so he did not care whether the Zhang family approved of their marriage. All that mattered was Zhang Yuyue’s approval, because he only liked her. Zhang Yuyue probably noticed this, and that was why she chose to marry him.

Dong Baijing suddenly thought of something and asked, “By the way, Tian Yuan, how long have you and Qing Xiao known each other?”

Qi Xuansu answered truthfully, “We met on July 15th, so that makes four months now.”

“Four months?” Dong Baijing was surprised. “That’s a short time!”

“Is it?” Qi Xuansu chuckled. “If we were merely working in the same office and doing routine paperwork, then perhaps it is a short time. But we went through life-and-death situations every other day and experienced so much together, so I think four months is quite a long time.”

Dong Baijing was stunned. He could not understand this feeling.

Qi Xuansu did not explain too much. Instead, he changed the topic. “I used to travel the world on my own before I transferred to Tiangang Hall, so I really like to read poems about heroes.”

Dong Baijing asked, “Poetry? Like A Hero’s Journey? Kill one person in ten steps for a thousand miles, leaving no trace. When it is over, brush off the dirt and hide from fame.”

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said, “Not this one. This one is more unrealistic and less chivalrous. I like the other poem better. It talks about a young and heroic man forming bonds with the valiant heroes in the cities he travels to. His thrilling adventures make one’s hair stand on end. He also talks about life and death and how a promise is more valuable than gold.

“But like a fleeting dream, everything has to come to an end. The roaring sword in the wind conveys his bravery and determination. He laments some moments and expresses his emotions with his zither as he watches the birds return home at sunset.”

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