A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 146: Snow Ambush

Chapter 146: Snow Ambush

A skeletal figure halted before a curtain of vines. Fumbling blindly, it eventually located the secret entrance and ventured forth. Wild vines slid over its decaying flesh without causing it concern; their potent paralyzing poison had little effect on the undead. A few meters ahead, a second curtain impeded its progress.

Seth stood before it, both ashamed and miserable. Swelling his chest, he attempted to draw courage with a breath, but his pierced lungs failed to take in air. The battle against the hoplite had been intense.

[Necromancy and biomancy are two sides of the same coin. Too bad you're such a lousy mage.]

Seth shivered upon hearing the voice in his head. Shut up!

A burst of laughter greeted his order.

[Who are you talking to? You're all alone, Seth.]

Seth gritted his teeth, refusing to respond. He shouldn't feed that... thing. [Death Focus].

The laughter faded, bringing with it his thoughts and doubts. The skeleton's gaze lost all emotion. Without hesitation, Seth pushed aside the curtain covering the entrance to the temple.

Inside, a young boy rubbed his hands before a campfire. Lifting his head, he smiled upon seeing the walking corpse.

"Seth! I was getting worried. Come eat, I caught something."

[Death Focus] trembled. In this cold and lifeless world, only the child's joyful expression possessed a spark of life. The epic skill regained dominance, suppressing the necromancer's emotions. The child patted the leafy cushion beside him, and Seth sat. A folded green leaf awaited him.

"I had to make sure I wasn't followed," he said, opening the leaf to reveal a white fish. "These calories are useless to me."

The child vigorously shook his head. "You must maintain living habits if you don't want your soul to change."

Seth remained silent. The silence stretched for about ten seconds before the child sighed. "I hate it when you activate [Dead Focus]. Please stop."

Without hesitation, Seth obeyed. His dark thoughts rushed back, and the necromancer closed his eyes.

[You have].

The voice vanished. A small hand had just settled on his skeletal hand.

"I'm here," the child smiled. "Let your emotions take over; they help anchor your soul."


As Seth hesitated to respond, he noticed the faint tremor in the child's hands. Seth's skeletal hand closed around the child's head. Slowly, he caressed it.

"Sorry for being a burden."

"You're not a burden!" The child abruptly lifted his head. "You're my brother, and I love you more than anything in the world. I'll find a way to fight the Necromoon's influence."

Seth smiled weakly. He trusted his little brother - if anyone could find a solution, it was him.

However, a sense of shame overwhelmed him. He should have been a protector and guide. His brother shouldn't have to bear his weakness...

"Have you found other people?" the child asked. "Maybe they could help us find a solution."

Seth opened his mouth but hesitated. What should he say? His brother was too innocent, and their rivals were too dangerous. The hoplite was a brute. The dryad refused to speak to him. The shapeshifter was even more terrified than him, and the assassin was elusive.

Only the Var Elegis remained. Seth was undead, but to think about the homunculus sent shivers down his spine. That monster had already killed him once and could do it again.

The rivals were dangerous. Seth's instincts whispered to protect his brother.

"No..." he replied weakly. It was the first time he lied to his brother, and the thought made him sick.

"... Alright," the child smiled. "Come on, I've created a new body for you!"

Seth stood up and followed his little brother. I'll protect you, Osiris.

Lvl Up: [Infantile Phoenix Metabolism] lvl 19

VIT +2


Lying in the snow under one of the skulc corpses, Priam held his breath. Listening intently, he awaited the arrival of the avengers. They were taking their time.

The excitement of the battle had given way to impatience and then boredom. After what seemed like hours, Priam glanced at his add-on's timer.

[1203 s. 1204 s. 1205 s]

Only twenty minutes, Priam grimaced. It wasn't an hour, but it was still too long. What were the skulcs taking so much time for? Was it a strategy to make him succumb to the cold?

With closed eyes, Priam semi-seriously considered this hypothesis. The wet snow efficiently stole his warmth, and despite his constitution, he was beginning to feel cold. The sensations in his toes were muted, and Priam shivered. According to [Human Anatomy], the cold hindered his muscle contraction. In other words, it was a powerful debuff.

Using Micro and [Diagnostic], Priam analyzed his body. His extremities - hands and feet - were starting to lose too much heat. Blame the vasoconstriction: due to the cold, the contraction of certain blood vessels in the periphery concentrated his blood near vital organs.

Using the perfect control he had over his body, Priam forced his hearts to beat a bit faster. Simultaneously, he manually relaxed the muscular arteries leading to his hands and feet. His blood began to warm his entire body.

Lvl Up: [Human Anatomy] lvl 17

MEM +1

Priam enjoyed a few seconds of warmth before realizing that his warm body melted the snow around him. He cursed before reinstating his vasoconstriction, cooling his body once more. He could have prevented the snow from melting with [Kinetic Control], but he was afraid the skill might be visible to one of the bosses. If that happened, his ambush could backfire.

Minutes passed, and the cold continued to gain ground. Damn. Priam swore, recognizing one of his weaknesses. His body was more resistant to high temperatures than low ones.

A trickle of icy water ran down his neck. On the verge of leaving his hiding spot, Priam focused on [Infantile Phoenix Metabolism]. He refused to believe that legendary birds could die of cold.

The rare-rank skill responded to his call. Through Micro, Priam felt golden particles manifest in his blood. The next moment, his entire body warmed up. Anxious, Priam monitored the snow covering him with Domain. Nothing.

His skill had simply altered his own heat and not that of the environment. It was physically impossible, but the Phoenix bloodline pushed the boundaries of possibility. Priam exulted, realizing the implications of this discovery. [Infantile Phoenix Metabolism] allowed him to control his Phoenix bloodline!

Well, Ill test that later.

As the minutes ticked away, impatience gave way to concern. Had he missed something? Instead of pursuing the attacker, had the skulcs decided to hide in their village? Or worse, flee?

Of course, there was one last option. The skulcs had found the wrong assailant and were currently fighting Kazuki. Priam grimaced. He trusted the hoplite, but...

"Nix zog. Klargrok le Zharuk," a voice said.

[Skulc language: decoding in progress.]


Perfectly still, Priam summoned his new undetectable mist. Guiding it through the thin layer of snow, he flooded the surroundings. His connection with the mist allowed him to locate a group of ten skulcs that halted above him. They're around me, Priam smiled.

"Blizzak grok drithok. Lok whoz duhg in."

"Gruk lokz on own."

From the tone of the two skulcs speaking, Priam understood they were in disagreement. It didn't matter.

Lvl Up: [Phantom] lvl 13

AGI +3

He had buried himself to enhance his assassination skills.

"Yu, diggok!" the second skulc shouted.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

After a moment of hesitation, the smaller one knelt beside the graves and plunged his hands into the fresh snow. It was the moment Priam had been waiting for.

With a swift motion, Priam rose while violently pulling the monster towards him. His abrupt movement caused a geyser of snow, obscuring the enemies' view. Locked in an iron grip, the small skulc couldn't dodge the Champion's left palm when it struck his chin. A sharp sound and [Diagnostic] confirmed his death.

Simultaneously, Promesse materialized behind two opponents. Guided by [Kinetic Control] and [Spear Slash], his linked weapon beheaded two enemies alone. Taking advantage of the falling snow, Priam leaped out of his hole and sent five ice darts towards his adversaries. Three died on the spot, one dodged, and the last one parried.

Priam landed in a crouched position, one hand on the ground and the other on Promesse's haft.

The remaining four enemies assumed defensive stances, assessing their opponent with wary eyes.

Snow fell slowly as Priam observed the two skulcs who had survived his attacks. A glance was enough to understand that these new opponents were made of sterner stuff than the simple lookouts.

Standing at three meters tall, the two draconic goblins were muscular behemoths. Their red, cruel eyes stood out against their green skin. As powerful as they were swift, they exhibited impeccable mastery of their bodies.


[Skulc Warrior - Tier 0] - The standard skulc military unit. Proficient in melee combat and possessing some technique, they are not to be underestimated. A prerequisite of their caste is awakening a Supremacy or offensive concept.

This development induces atavism; minor draconic traits may manifest in skulc warriors.

Priam's lips stretched into a smile. Atavism meant dragons. His draconic instinct trembled with impatience.

The last snowflake fell. One of the lookouts couldn't bear the tension and relaxed. Instinctively, he exhaled to take a new breath. Due to the cold, the moisture in his lungs condensed into a light white mist. The phenomenon might have seemed inconsequential, but Priam felt a connection between him and that mist.

In a fraction of a second, he took control of it. The mist condensed further before freezing. The ice needle was then accelerated to pierce the skulc's brain.

Lvl Up: [Moon Mist] lvl 53




In the same motion, Priam leaped towards the weakest of the combatants. One warrior attempted to block his path. [Battle Footwork]. The acceleration allowed Priam to evade the sword strike effortlessly. The last lookout tried to keep track of his opponent - fruitlessly. The tip of Promesse caught up with him.

Transforming his linear momentum into a graceful spin, Priam confronted the two remaining skulcs. The warriors growled before leaping at him. Priam dodged two strikes before parrying the third. The second warrior tried to position himself behind Priam, and he stepped back.

Opting to practice his spearwork, Priam feigned a downward thrust. The warrior disdainfully dodged, and Priam felt his cheeks redden. The skulc had easily seen through his ploy.

The second warrior grabbed a handful of darts and hurled them at rifle-bullet speed. The area saturated with mist and his Domain allowed Priam to foresee the trajectories of the darts. He was gracefully dodging the attacks while exchanging blows with the first warrior.

The ranged attacks grew more persistent, creating openings in Priams defense. The nearest warrior attacked high, and Priam blocked, leaving his legs defenseless. With a swift kick, the skulc swept him off his feet. The Champion lost balance and collided violently with the ground.

Domain sensed an incoming attack. Contracting his muscles to the maximum, Priam blocked with his forearm. His constitution was so high that the gladius failed to penetrate further than his skin. Triumphant, Priam rose with a spin. His opponent hesitated for a moment, unsure. My attributes are so high; I feel like I'm bullying him.

Lvl Up: [Atomos] lvl 4


Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 32


Lvl Up: [Parry] lvl 14


Priam taunted him with a wink.

Growling, the warrior came back at him, covered by his colleague's darts. Priam used small kinetic doses to disrupt their trajectories. Simultaneously, he slashed towards the warrior.

The warrior blocked the slash, then three thrusts in a row before counterattacking. Priam parried and dodged before seeing an opening. He struck, and Promesse hit the warrior's thigh. Sparks flew as the metal of his spear rebounded off the skulc's scales. Priam felt like he had attacked a steel wall with a stick. Atavistic scales!

Chuckling, the skulc pressed his advantage. His gladius was covered in a red aura before accelerating towards the young man's neck. Instinctively, Priam knew he was about to be beheaded. Roaring, he activated [Kinetic Control]. The blade in his Domain slowed down but didn't stop. Its loss of speed, however, allowed Priam to step back in time. It's official, Supremacies partially block my skills.

The skulc used his momentum to unleash a new combo. He wasn't playing anymore, and the speed of his attacks had nearly doubled. Against a superior swordsman, Priam was retreating. His back finally met a dead fir tree. The skulc's gladius was approaching, and two darts blocked his exits. Priam melded with his mist, dodging a blow that cleanly cut through the trunk.

Bored with the fight and his pathetic performance, Priam activated [Focus] and [Battle Flow]. It was time to pull himself together. The world slowed down, and his secondary thoughts vanished.

Round two.

As the tree collapsed with a world-ending sound, Priam reappeared behind the second skulc. [Tribulation Piercing Spear], [Aether Manipulation]. Priam overloaded his attack. Three threads of almost solid aether wound around his spear like red ribbons. [Aether Manipulation]. Drawing on his reserves of aether, Priam fully charged the strike. Promesse trembled as red and gold aether threads created a superb tapestry on its tip. Distantly, Priam heard the cry of a Phoenix.

The mid-range skulc sensed mortal danger and quickly retreated. Activating Micro and a kinetic charge, Priam propelled Promesse forward. The spear stopped a few centimeters before hitting his opponent. The surprise in the skulc's eyes was short-lived. The drill surrounding the point of the weapon's tip continued its path, erasing the warrior's head.

Behind, the second skulc widened his eyes before rolling to the side. The attack created a line of destruction before dissipating after about twenty meters. Five more trees collapsed, part of their trunks evaporated. [Tribulation Piercing Spear] had annihilated all matter in its path, creating a vacuum trail in the forest.

The left arm of the skulc warrior had disappeared.

Priam began walking in his direction.

"ROARRR!" the skulc roared, leaping towards him. [Parry], [Unrelenting Thrust] x5.

The warrior blocked five times before counterattacking. His rage and pain seemed to have increased his strength. Priam waited until the last moment before throwing himself to the side. The gladius grazed him without making contact. The Champion got back into position. Promesse's tip sparkled as it descended upon the skulc. A kinetic charge increased its speed, and the impact sent the warrior flying backward.

Priam got back into a defensive stance as he saw his enemy rise. The attack had shattered his scales before losing its power. Time to end this.

The skulc raised his weapon and charged. The gladius's blade skimmed the ground, aiming for the Champion's shins. Priam jumped, pressing his right foot on the skulc's chest. The scales on the latter's chest opened wounds on Priam's sole. [Kinetic Control].

The skulc was half-pancaked.

Priam's silhouette pierced the white cloud, and Promesse struck like lightning. [Tribulation Piercing Spear]. The skulc dodged with a roll with a strength born of despair.

Priam landed on the ground and reached out. His hand brushed against the skulc's chest, freezing him in place. Game Over.

Priam approached and placed his other hand on the bald skull of the skulc.[Kinetic Control]. Resistance manifested, but Priam persisted. His Domain pressed against the skulc's mind, making it recoil. Without this innate protection, his kinetic skill activated. The molecules in his opponent's brain stirred. Heat was merely a consequence of kinetic energy on a microscopic scale. Priam now knew how to manipulate that without losing Potential.

Lvl Up: [Kinetic Control] lvl 47

VIVA + 2

DEXT + 3


A second later, the skulc's brain was boiling. Priam rose slowly and gripped Promesse. He was disappointed in his performance. In weapons proficiency, the skulc had been his equal. He needed to improve.

"Fortunately, I feel like you're going to help me," Priam smiled, raising his head.

Around him, three hundred skulcs watched in silence. Priam's gaze stopped on the largest among them.


[Skull - Skulc - Tier 1] - If the Shaman is the Brain, Skull is the Brawn.

It looks like the Hulk. With tusks.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 401 (+2)

Constitution 671 (+9)

Agility 426 (+4)

Vitality 540 (+2)

Perception 619 ( +5)


Vivacity 340 (+2)

Dexterity 437 (+3)

Memory 140 (+1)

Willpower 657

Charisma 440 (+3)


Meta-affinity 353 (+4)

Meta-focus 261 (+4)

Meta-endurance 185

Meta-perception 128

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 15

Potential: 603 (+16)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Five Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 175 days 21 hours 2 minutes 57 seconds.

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