A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 74: The four adventurers

Chapter 74: The four adventurers

Are we going after all? Im honestly still worried.

If we follow Zephyr well be fine. Itll be fun.

Im a little scared. Adventurers dont just kill monsters they kill lots of things.

Adolf thinks too much, we have to get stronger.

The young man named Adolf had dark green hair and looked anxious.

Heeey! Im leaving, come on you two!

Kagetra, a black haired man waved at them and beside him stood Zephyr.

Look Kagetra is calling, lets go. Todays the last day.

Khalifa, after training, I have something I want to talk about with you. Is that ok?

Something you want to talk about?

I cant say it now so, after.

Quickly you two, the suns going to set!

When Zephyr called out Adolf was helped up by Khalifa and the two of them ran. The next day the four of them depart Beyoment and head out as adventurers.

Be Careful.


Zephyr and Kagetras parents bid them farewell, their mother in tears.

Take care of Kagetra.

Well be fine. Besides Kagetras stronger than I am.

Oh Kagetra take care of your brother.

Leave it to me.

Kagetra laughed. Khalifa and Adolf said goodbye to their parents as well, Adolf was particularly sad.

Well see you soon. If you arent suited for it just come back home.


In front of just his mother Adolf was in tears but when Kagetra called him, he mustered a smile and said goodbye.

Hey Adolf, didnt you say that you had something you wanted to talk about yesterday?


Khalifa asked as they were climbing into the carriage. Adolf looked at the ground, when he looked up he was smiling.

Dont worry about it. Its not important.

I see?

Although reluctant to leave their hometown the 4 of them were excited to leave on their adventure.

Lets go to Mira first.

Kagetra said.

Is there an adventurers guild there?

Yeah. Our aim is to become S rank! Well take the top spot among the adventurers!


A month and a few days after they began living in Mira.

The four of them were growing fast, completing a number of difficult quests but noone knew them. Although strong people attract attention.

Uhm, youre Adolf right? Im your fan, will you sign this?

Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.

Zephyr and Kagetra, can I have your autograph?

Khalifa, can I take a picture?

Khalifa was the most popular of the group, but because she was so beautiful she received adifferent.. kind of support.

Sorry, I dont really like pictures. Ah, hey!

She pointed at the guy with the camera.

I just said I didnt like pictures!

For some reason a great cheer rang out.

Khalifa, point at me too!

Look I have a camera too!

Zephyr, arent you going to go take a request?

Yeah, I guess Ill go.

Not I guess Ill go were adventurers so you have to go!

Khalifa was just upset by the situation. Everyday fans blocked the street making it difficult for them to reach the guild and accept requests. Once they accepted one the fans then followed them to the front gates. Rather than adventurers they felt like pop stars. Three of them felt fulfilled but Khalifa was different, she felt more relaxed out on an adventure.

Im so annoyed, why is this happening? This isnt what its supposed to be like for adventurers!

Its fine isnt it? Were the hope of the town.

Zephyr said proudly.

Ill break that hope someday. Bewitching Khalifa it sounds like their making fun of me! How can I go home to Beyoment like this!?

Khalifa wanted to have a quiet adventure, and when her patience was about to run out, the other three decided it was time to leave Mira.

By everyone, thanks for everything!

The towns people saw them off, 3 of them regretful and one practically screaming in joy. After that Mira was known as the city of origins, where the four of them got their start.


Rumors of the four spread across the continent as they visited various countries and towns completing requests. They had already become S rank adventurers but they continued on, simply enjoying the adventurer.

Then something happened that increased their fame further. Kagetra fought a black dragon, it seemed to give the world hope that even a small person like them could match a might dragon.

Why do you do this?

The dragon flew down in front of Kagetra who refused to go down.

Thats my line human. Can you see that forest?

There was a small forest there in the wilderness, but the vegetation had been set alight and burned by humans.

Thats the spirit forest. Do you know what that means?

Youre attacking this country because a forest was burned?

Yeah, the spirits are mild mannered, they dont do anything no matter what happens to them. So I am here in their stead.

Thats not a good reason to kill!

What a stupid reply.

Kagetra approached the dragon.

Lightning mandate!

Countless lightning bolts attacked the dragon.

You think that will work on me?

The dragon spread its wing insulting Kagetra, however the lightning bolts pierced its black scales. The dragon screamed as a burning smell came from its body, it was injured.

You have so much power, why do you not understand. Many of the spirits who lived there died or lost their homes when the forest was burned.

This was the first that Kagetra heard of spirits dying. Because the request only asked them to defeat the black dragon threatening the country, it didnt mention spirits.

Adventurers simply fulfill requests it doesnt matter what you name it. But please save this country there isnt an adventurer who would see this and ignore it. Kagetra was beginning to realize.

The king ordered the forest burned because it was not good for defense.

Zephyr too was beginning to realize.

Did the king know why the black dragon came?

Khalifa began to feel a sense of distrust as well.

He knew, and ordered us to fight.

Adolf looked depressed.

Kagetra lets stop, we were sent to do someones dirty work.

I believe him.

When the four of them found the black dragon the immediately attacked. However only Kagetra was a match for it. Although the dragon could have killed the other three he didnt. So they had good reason to believe. Kagetra put his weapon away.

My name is Kagetra, I apologize for what this country did.

Kagetra, its fine.. I know this was not your fault. Fortunately the nucleus hasnt perished and the forest will regain its appearance in time. Spirits will dwell there once again.

The dragon spread its wings.

My name is Carpent Ze Bach, one of the three great dragons that serve the dragon king. Dont let this world fool you.

The dragon flew off, and with that the request was complete. Although reluctant they received a grand welcome at the castle.

Adventurer Kagetra, in the name of the emporer we give you this name.

Kagetra received a second name Dragon slayer. The four of them overturned the the image of an all powerful dragon. They were seen as though holding the hearts of Dragons, that it was up to them whether Dragons lived or died. They eventually became known around the world as

Dragons Heart.

The four of them were ashamed of this as it was the dragon that controlled the battle from the beginning, but they couldnt stop the spread.

Therefor they gave it a meaning they could be proud of, those who dedicated their hearts to the black dragon.

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