A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 160: Demon queen Cassandra

Chapter 160: Demon queen Cassandra

Sparks scattered as the blades intersected.


A red headed woman with yellow eyes was glaring at me.

The demon queen right? Good job dodging that.

The demon queen Casandra pushed off my axe with her sword and jumped backwards putting some distance between us.

I cant feel your magic power, who are you?

You only noticed that now? Youre surprisingly stupid arent you?

Her eyes glazed over at my insult.

Seventh Fire!

In the next moment seven high level fireballs appeared above the demon queen and fired in my direction. She was pretty skilled as she adjusted them so that they would not hit each other one their way over.

Bell! Someone strong finally came!

If you say so.

Bell didnt seem to agree with me so I just fell back a bit and cast magic of my own.


I summoned the white arms and they caught the fireballs that were approaching.

Too slow!

The demon queen appeared behind me, her face filled with contempt.


Who screams out announcing their move when they get behind someone? How cliche. As the demon queen attempted to swing her halberd at me I simply turned around and planted my foot in her gut. You see what happens when youre dumb?


So this is a demon queen..

Even though she was blown backwards she managed to flip over and and dig her feet into the ground killing her backwards momentum. Normally someone I did that to would bounce around on the ground and not be able to stand up afterwards, as expected of the demon queen.

I could hear explosions going off around the plains as Ichijo cast explosion after explosion. It seemed like he really liked doing that. Looking at myself I realized how odd I looked in comparison to him. A wand in my left hand, an axe in my right and red-black clothes with a mask. It looks like I got my clothes out of a capsule toy machine.

So this is a demon queen huh?

While Im talking with the demon queen the knights, Ichijo and the king summon had wiped out most of the demons, I already had over 500 loot notifications in my status.

Theres only like 100 or so left, what are you going to do demon queen? Youll be the only one left soon.


We just stared at each other for a while before she finally opened her mouth.

I cant come up with an explanation for you power, it should be impossible for a human being to be this powerful.

After she said that she kicked off the ground and came in my direction.

Acidic Flash!

Some sword of liquid covered the tip of her halberd and hardened as she approached from the front.

Erosion wave!

The moment the halberd and the erosion came into contact the Demon queens expression changed as the tip of her weapon disappeared.


She abandoned the spear and fell back just before the erosion could touch her body, shes pretty agile. She probably thought that she would have been able to hit me with that but erosion doesnt really care what it comes into contact with it just erases it.

Summoning magic Yellow Dragon!

When she cast this magic a large magic circle appeared in the sky and then suddenly I was looking into the face of a huge yellow dragon. The first thing it did was fire a breath attack at me.


On it! Black Ergo!

It probably wouldnt have hurt me even if it hit but I decided to use magic in order to avoid it, the breath attack was sucked into the black ball. Meanwhile, the demon queen jumped on the dragons back.

A demons rank is determined by the strength of the monsters they can make use of! Feel my wrath!

The dragon sored up into the sky with Cassandra on its back.

Triple magic circle!

Three magic circles appeared in front of the dragons face.

Something big is coming, master.

What is the meaning of those magic circles?

Magic circles are generally used to increase the strength and stability of magic, arent they? It helps lower the amount of magic power that escapes into the surroundings.

Then a magic circle appeared underneath the dragon and rose up as though it was scanning the dragon and the demon queen on its back.

Whats that?

I dont know.

When the dragon opened its mouth a dazzling light was coming out of it.

A breath attack was coming. Its probably meant to be even stronger that before but my magic is special, its not as simple as these attacks so nothing is going to get through. Although the question is, do I use magic to prevent it or do I knock it away by hand this time.

Master, Do you want to take it? Or you could just destroy the technique all together.

If I can take it that means Im the strongest.

What? Even if you dont do that youre already the strongest. Something like that isnt going to be able to kill you anyway.

.Thats not what I meant. You know what I was trying to say.

Yeah, but is that really necessary?

They still plan to put me on trial for killing Kyogoku. I think its necessary to put on a show of power to make this trial go over a little easier.


And when I get a not guilty verdict then I can leave the school without there being a problem. How do you think they will spend their time after that?

On a rosey student life?

Correct. Im happy to wait for them. They will be free from threats and fears, then move on with their lives. After graduation they will have lives waiting for them, they are the summoned heroes. Everyone should be able to live, have children even with the level of power they have they should be happy. Dont you think that its okay?

I dont think anything. If master thinks its okay then its okay.

Then what do you like?

You know dont you? I want to kill them just like master wants too.

I knew what Bell was going to say but.

I got greedy and killed Aries, I regret that. You do as well right?


You know there is no second time right?

Then just do what you want? After all what you want is what I want because your will is my own will as well.

In that moment the light was released from the dragons mouth.


It will be fine, just believe in yourself.

The high pressure concentrated breath hit me directly.

Ichijo saw it, he watched as Nito was bathed in the breath attack.


Ichijo withdrew from his fight with the demons and ran towards Nito even though he couldnt do anything. However he wasnt the only one that was watching. The heroes, Oswald, Braums and Schneiser were there watching as well. But most of all the ones most anxious about seeing Masamune be enveloped by the flames were Toa, Nem and Suphilia.



Lord Nito!

If Nito was to die here then Toa would be taken to Shastain and everyone else here would be killed.

Spit it out!

The fire wasnt losing its power at all, in fact it seemed like Cassandra was putting all her power into it.

Finally the dragons breath came to a stop. After the fire went out Cassandra released the summoning magic allowing the dragon to return. Where Nito had been standing the fire was still burning and he couldnt be seen at all, Cassandra seemed rather confident in this moment.

Your majesty!

In that moment the last demon died, stabbed by one of Masamunes knights. What could this mean? But the answer came immediately after, the flames that had still be burning burst outward.

That was weak.

Nito appeared standing there unharmed as the fire was dispersed.

I was stupid to be worried about that.

There wasnt even a single charred hair on Nitos head.

WhyWhy.. Are you alive?..

Sweat had appeared on Cassandras forehead and she looked upset. Although it made sense, her entire army had been killed and the dragons attack had done nothing.

Why, did you think that you had killed me? Why would you think that level of firepower would have been enough to kill me?

The yellow dragons flame is the strongest out of any of the dragons! Their flame is unlike any other flame on the planet! That..You.

Hahahahahahaha! Thats right, I took the attack directly with my own body and didnt even use magic! This is the difference between you and I. Cassandra right? Its been fun, I was able to see a dragon after all.

Killing a demon queen.

I really am reluctant after all

I really wanted to join a demon lord it would have been much better than a human king but Toa.

I looked over at Toas face. For me meeting the demon queen had been a dream in and of itself.

Im going to kill you, since thats what Toa wants.

It cant be helped.

Did you say Toa? Youre the one that kidnapped Totalica?

I didnt kidnap her, I found her.

I see, so youre the red mage that Kaiser was talking about.

The demon queen was looking at me with a stern look on her face.

Why does Toa want you dead?


When I asked this Cassandra looked down for some reason.

After she saw the Shastain demons Toa seemed to go crazy. She had never done that before.


She brought her eyes back up to me but she wasnt looking at me and was staring right through me.

Why arent you talking? Its a simple question isnt it? Why is Toa angry with you.


What did you do?

Ichijo joined me.


He wasnt injured, it seemed like being able to cast magic infinitely was a great advantage.

Did you get rid of the demons?

Yes, there are none left.

Got it, Please wait for a bit.

I dispelled my summoning magic and the knights as well as the king summon slowly crumbled into ashes and was blown away by the wind. I really didnt want to kill the demon queen but then the others that had been standing in the safe area approached us as well. Oswald and Saeki, of course Toa had come as well.

Nito..Kill her.

As soon as they had approached Toa said this to me again. When Cassandra heard this she slowly turned her back on me and looked at Toa.

Totalica..Youve misunderstood.

I put away my axe and decided to listen for a moment while the demon queen spoke.

It wasnt me Can you please take over for me?

Cassandras expression looked complicated, I didnt really know the circumstances behind it though.

In Shastain a women must rule as the monarch. A man cannot become king so it was boring with only Kaiser and Browser.

Thats why.You

No! It wasnt me that was Ignotus! I-

Shut up!

Toa interrupted her in a rage. Ignotus was the name of the demon king of Ragparos. Sufilia had explained this to me before.

TotalicaI ..

Its your fault. Everything is your fault.If you werent here..I

No! I!.

Its your fault..its your fault..everything about you is evilYou should just die..

Toa seemed strange.

Bell, thanks for helping me today.

Are you good now?

Yeah, Ill ask you if there is anything else alright?

Of course.

I sent Bell back to the dungeon and then turned by attention to Cassandra and Toa again. The bloodlust coming from Toa was clear.

Toa, what happened between you two?

But Toa didnt answer and just considered to stare at Cassandra. Cassandra didnt have much remaining magic power after summoning the dragon and she had lost her halberd as well.


Toa suddenly fired lighting at Cassandra but she just stared at toa, the lighting wasnt effecting her at all.

Totalica!.Im your-

Dont say it!

Toas anger drowned out what Cassandra had tried to say and she knelt on the ground. Had she lost her fighting spirit?

Is there no way to settle this?

Cassandra didnt even look at me but instead continued to stare straight at Toa.

Totalica, become the demon queen of Shastain. That is the only way I can atone.

Atone? So in other words she wronged Toa so now Toa is angry. What did she do? This next part was hard to put into words but Im starting to think that Toa had a split personality and Im wondering which one of her personalities wanted to kill Cassandra? Is this the personality who told me not to kill Kaiser or the one that said I should have killed him? Either way this is Toas revenge, she has to decide whether to take revenge or not.

I took out the snake sword that Toa had dropped.

Toa, decide on your own.


I put the sword in Toas hand.

I dont know why you hate her but I understand what youre feeling. You need to decide what to do by yourself. Youre free. No one here is going to blame you for killing her.


Toa repeated my words back to me as she stared at the blade of the snake sword.

I didnt think about it. I didnt think that I would be able to kill the demon queen.

So thats why she wanted me to kill her huh?

Toa? If you want I can kill her but Im sure you will regret having me do that. You can only get revenge once. You cant go back and kill her again. Your revenge should have meaning.

My revenge shouldhave meaning?

Thats right. You should get revenge in a way that you wont regret. You have to make the decision yourself.

I regret killing Aries and Koizumi along with his friends. I cant call that revenge. Cassandra just stared at Toa as if waiting for her decision. But behind her suddenly Braums was coated in blue lightning.

Sorry, But the demon queen is dangerous. I cant afford to deal with whatever your circumstances are. I will kill her here.

In another direction I could see Oswald holding a spear with a blue shining tip.

This will be the end of the demons plot!

The two came forward together as if they had been communicating.

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