A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 148: Benefits

Chapter 148: Benefits

No one was willing to welcome or talk to Nito when he appeared in the audience. In fact, as soon as they saw him most people turned away. But he didnt mind, he only cared about three people.

Fear and discomfort were the emotions felt most in the venue. Most looked down as I passed by although there were some who didnt seem to know the meaning of fear.

Isnt that guy just the worst? Hes no hero, isnt he just a criminal?

Hes the worst!

Does he usually take things that far!?

That guys crazy.

They were throwing out insults, it was the only thing I heard. But for some reason I felt no need to kill them. I dont know why, I could easily hear and understand everything but it felt as though I wasnt in my own body. I looked down and checked my arm as I walked.


But it worked fine. However for some reason it wasnt turning to kill them. It would be so easy to kill all of them, all I needed to do was swing my arm. I wouldnt even feel guilty about doing it. My body felt light, like Id just removed something painful that was stuck between my teeth. Its just, for some reason I dont feel any motivation to kill them.

Come to think of it, I felt this way after Id killed Aries too.


I heard Toas voice. Before Id noticed I had already reached where they were sitting. Now everyone around me was looking at Toa who had just called my name. I could feel malicious intent aimed at her.

What happened while I was gone?

When I got to my seat I asked loud enough for the people around us to hear.

What do you mean what happened?

No, its nothing. But if something does happen youll tell me right? Ill kill anyone who messes with you immediately.

In response to this Toa just looked confused, yet somehow sad at the same time. She was stretching her mouth into an unnatural smile though as if she didnt want me to realize she felt sad.

Only Sufilia seemed to understand. Nem and Toa were normal but Sufilia seemed to be feeling some level of disgust for the people around us.

Dont worry about it Sufilia. Its always like this.

When I said that Sufilia smiled and nodded while I took a seat next to them. I wanted to spend some time with them before it was time for the next match.

Hey Nito, Why did you do that?

You know even if I dont say anything dont you? Im eliminating corruption.


No, they dont matter. This is my own conviction.

What Toa was worried about was Dragons Heart. She seemed a little worried, probably because I used the phrase eliminating corruption. At that time I saw my name as well as Kyogokus appear on the board. Although no announcement had been made yet.


I turned around and saw what looked like a black shadow, I rubbed my eyes trying to clear any dust. But when I looked again the shadow had spread to the next person as well. It kept spreading, more and more shadows appearing until even those close to me, everyone there had the same black shadows.

Lord Nito? Whats wrong?

Nothing Can you guys see this?

I asked while looking at the black shadow that had spread around the venue.


Toa asked.

The black shadow.

Shadow?. What are you talking about?

Even Sufilia looked confused as she tried to look where I was.


It doesnt look like Nem could see it either which had me worried. None of them understood what I meant. When I looked at the three of them I couldnt see the shadow and looking around I found someone else without it as well. It looked like a beastman, but it had a lizard-like tail and dog ears? Whats going on?

I feel like most of the people who dont have the shadows are beastmen. But even among them some of them do have shadows while some of the humans dont. What is this supposed to mean?

I could safely assume that it had something to do with the abyss though. Perhaps there was a change inside me the first change was I could subtly feel emotions, maybe thats what this shadow is? Theres not enough information to go off of though, but I was definitely looking at something.

.Its difficult to identify.

Suddenly the announcement came.

Its time now for the additional match. Would Nito and Kyogoku please come to the field.

Apparently I was supposed to go straight to the field instead of the waiting room this time.

I guess it will be over after this.

To be honest, I feel like it should have been finished after my fight with Saeki. Theres no need to keep up this farce any longer.

Okay, Ill be back.


We support you.

I pat Nems head causing her to blush before I simply jumped down into the arena. A short time later Kyogoku did the same thing, he smiled as soon as he saw me. I cant tell what hes thinking but I dont feel anything malicious from him, he doesnt have a shadow either.

We faced each other as the rules were explained.

You gave an interesting speech earlier.

Kyogoku suddenly spoke.

Nah, it was just a little joke.

I replied properly.

I wonder.


What an annoying guy, what did he want me to say?

You were obviously serious right? Your bloodlust was amazing. If that old man hadnt stopped you, you would have killed Saeki huh?

I had to think about what to say.

Dont be stupid, I wouldnt have killed Saeki. I was just making a point about the way the schools were managed.

I dont think there is anyone here that would believe that excuse.

I denied it, You can do what you like with that. I dont have time to be controlling the masses.

Kyogoku suddenly laughed at my reply.

By the way. Isnt your appearance different than it was before? Did something happen?


This guy was so talkative, he kept asking questions one after the other. Id seen him a few times when I was in Japan, was he this talkative back then?

I cant tell properly because of the mask but, it was obvious that you were bloodthirsty in you match with Saeki.


Yeah, you killed someone didnt you?


I just got that feeling. You have that smell.


What? You didnt know? An S rank adventurer yet you didnt know? You must have killed a lot up until now right? Both people and monsters?

Isnt this guy supposed to be an amateur like Saeki and the others? What does he mean by smell?

Oh, This looks serious.

Serious? What do you mean?

Didnt I just tell you?

This guy..

But I understand why youre angry. This world is dirty.


I want this match to start already.

Im often bored as well. Nobody at school is as strong as you are. I wanted to attack that old man once but he didnt look like hed be able to put up much of a fight at all. So I wondered around the VIP area trying to find someone. But they were all just trash, it was kind of funny.

Kyogoku laughed by himself as he said this. But the VIP area is off limits, theres no way he could have gotten in there. There are guards on both sides of the door and only one entrance, he couldnt have gotten in even if he turned invisible.

Haha, You dont believe me do you?

I didnt say that.

What did you call it? A blessing? Im enrolled in school now as a combat teacher but in truth thats not all I am.

.I see.

It seems like this guy would rather talk than fight. He grinned.

Me? I have two jobs.



I said I have two jobs.

2 jobs? Whats going on? Isnt it one job per person?

What? I thought a mage of your class would know but it doesnt seem like you do.

Kyogoku smiled wider.

Hey, How much magic power do you feel right now?

The explanation of the rules had finished and it was about time to start.

Its almost time.

Answer the question.

The match is going to start?

Thats fine. Youre not going to take it seriously anyway are you?

That depends.

On me?

At your level I might accidentally kill you.

Well then.

Kyogokus expression suddenly changed as his magical power suddenly swelled. It had increased significantly, nearly doubling what it was before.

I see.

Did he see something in my expression?

As expected, you didnt know you could hide it will skills either.

Hide it with skills?

You really didnt know? I told you earlier didnt I? I have two jobs. The first is combat teacher and the second is assassin. I have a skill known as concealment that hides my magical power and level so that the opponent doesnt know how strong I am.

Kyogoku spoke to me in a familiar style. I dont care about him trying to provoke me but that skill can be used to hide magical power? Thats very convenient. So thats why his magic power suddenly increased. Its more than even Ichijo had.

What would happen if I used it? Would I be able to lower my magical power so that those around me would be able to feel it?

Since youre S rank youve been an adventurer a long time right? You dont know about assassins skills?

What is this guy trying to do? Provoke me into taking this seriously? No, I dont thats it but I cant seem to read what his intentions are.

Saeki and I were together since junior high. Having said that though the two of us werent particularly close. We were stuck together against our will. Maybe its because our circumstances were similar that I kind of understand his way of thinking.

Kyogoku suddenly changed the topic.

For example, the kind of people he dislikes. Or mores specifically, the type of people who are likely to hate him.

For some reason I got the feeling that this conversation was going down a dangerous road. Kyogoku kept talking.

I see. I see..

The announcer signaled the start of the match.

You? Honestly, I talk too much. But theres no one who should be angered by that right? Isnt that way of thinking normal? Especially for you, an S rank adventurer, and a dungeon clearer. But, theres a sense of discomfort there huh?

Kyogoku suddenly changed the nuance of the words, speaking as though we were friendlier with each other. We began to get heckled from the crowd for not starting the match but he kept talking.

What? The first time I heard the rumor about you I didnt doubt it at all. But before that you werent well known, no one knew about the adventurer Nito until then. And didnt you register at the guild only a few months ago? It was in magical communication, how you defeated the empires attack and became the hero of Razhousen. It was a while after we came to this world that your name began to spread right? And furthermore they said that the hero was a healer right? Something just feels out of place, but Im talking too much.

Shall we start the match? That way we can get this stupid tournament over with?

Ive never heard of a healer becoming an adventurer, not once. Even the teachers in Greyberg laughed at healers, other adventurers and traveling mages said that they couldnt even use attack magic. Noone ever said differently. But facts are facts. A healer defeated S rank monsters and cleared a dungeon. That fact wont change. I dont know much about dungeons but I know how many people have died challenging them and thats enough. Its enough to know that you are abnormal.

When he said that to everyone else he seemed to have disappeared. However I could still see him.

As expected!

Kyogoku was pleased. A kick came at me from behind and I took my time getting out of its way.

Im different from Saeki arent I? Hidaka.



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