A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 145: Saeki

Chapter 145: Saeki

Huh? Ichijo? Why is Ichijo here?

Kida stared in surprise.

Saeki, do you know him?

Joanna was wary of Ichijo.

Yeah, hes a hero just like us. Only hes really a hero.

Really a hero? What do you?.

But Joanna quickly realized what Saeki meant. Ichijo had the hero job.

Ichijo, where have you been? We were worried.

Saeki stopped Kida who was trying to approach Saeki.

Kida! Dont get close to him! Hes not our companion anymore, hes part of Dragons heart!


Not just Kida but Joanna and David were surprised by what Saeki said as well.

Dragons.Heart? You dont meanThat, Dragons heart?

Joanna was at a loss for words. But it was natural, this is how one should react to this information. Even the innocent are scared of the faction that destroys countries.

Saeki, stop chasing Ariess shadow. Theres no point, you were just deceived by her.

Stop talking as if you know. Why shouldnt I just kill you here and now!?

Im not like I was before. Its not possible for you.

Saeki didnt seem to understand.

Flame dance

Saeki couldnt control himself. A magic circle appeared at his feet and he fired a spiral flame into the sky. Two more shot up as the first fell on Ichijo, after being hit by three large spiral flames he could no longer be seen. Smoke completely blocked the view of where Ichijo had stood.

Saeki looked on and laughed, however his smile faltered as the smoke began to clear and he saw a sphere of rotating water at the center of it. Ichijo had protected himself from Saekis flames with the water.

Intermediate magic huh? You did good mastering it, however youre not as good as me.


Saeki was now keenly aware of that, Ichijo had grown at a speed far exceeding his expectations.

You said you were going to kill dragons heart? I can imagine what you must be thinking but you should stop. No matter how long you have you will never beat us, Im the weakest one, do you know what that means?

The two of them just stared at each other for a while. Saeki glared while Ichijo looked at him with pity, yet he wanted to save Saeki somehow.

Aries was lying to you and not just you, that was the way she ruled. The same is true for you, youre just confused.

What do you know! You know nothing about me! Just because you got a little stronger youre acting like you know everything! Youre just arrogant! Just the same as you were before, always looking down on others! Thats why Hidaka didnt accept your help! You more than anyone else arent capable of understanding others!


Ichijo waited until Saeki had finished.

Maybe youre right? However theres no point mourning over that. If you just go around regretting the past then you cant grow any further.

What are you trying to act like a hero now? Why dont you try saying something a little more believable? I have no idea what youre talking about.

Its no use trying to use Hidaka, its not going to upset me. You never felt sorry for what you did to Hidaka did you? I know that now.

Heh What am I supposed to be surprised hearing you say that? What about it?

I believe he is alive. I want to find and help him, Thats the reason I have this power.

If you want to chase after the dead thats your prerogative. I dont have anything to say to you anymore. Your power means nothing!

Saeki thats the difference between you and I. As well as the biggest reason behind why youve stopped growing even though youre a sage. You dont seem to have noticed why so Ill tell you now.


Youre smarter than you think. Thats why you already knew that you were being deceived by Aries.

Saeki grew angry at those words.

Shut up!

Did you just not want to notice? Saeki.

I said shut up!


Joanna called his name a little worried.

Kida, Youre his friend right? There is no way you havent noticed right? Why havent you said anything, is Saeki not on the wrong path?

Shut uuuuuuuup!!!!!

Saeki shouted before Kida could reply.

Saeki? Your anger is the answer, youre smart. You know that Dragons heart is not your enemy.

But Saeki didnt think so.

Ichijo, Were going to be lonely for the rest of our lives. Theres no way to escape it, we cant go back to our world. Do you know whats going on now? They formed a group, all of the people from the same world are clinging onto each other, Do you know why that is?


This was something that Ichijo could understand.

Everyone wants to go back but thats impossible. Weve searched everywhere. Even the teachers dont know. There is no one who knows anything about the summoning of heroes! It happened in our world! What in the world were we involved in!?

Saekis expression was full of sorrow.

If youre trying to say that youre lonely, why dont you try and imagine how Hidaka feels? Hes still alone somewhere out there.

Wai! Youre still on about that!?

Saeki was tired of this.

Do you not understand the feelings of others? Why dont you feel guilty about what you did to him?


You just let him die didnt you?

The next thing that Saeki said was something that Ichijo couldnt comprehend.

The weak die. Whats wrong with that?


In that moment Ichijo abandoned Saeki. Saeki was different, he didnt have any ethics or morals. Ichijo did his best to understand but the way that Saeki thought wasnt something that a normal person would be able to understand.

Koizumi said that same thing to me, she tried to blame me. Dont you feel sorry for Hidaka? That just made me laugh. If youre here trying to give me some moral lesson then youre the same as they are. Ill admit that youre strong but guilt is for the weak.

Saeki turned his back on Ichijo.

I dont want to see your face anymore. I may not be able to defeat you know but since youre one of them once I am stronger I will kill you.

Saeki left, David and Joanna followed after him in confusion. Only Kida was left standing there.

Kida. Stop Saeki.

Arent you a little too familiar with me? Besides, how can I a Senior Knight stop Saeki? This is the kind of world we live in now.

Then, Kida left as well, there was no hope left in his eyes. Ichijo however had already killed some aristocrats and thieves, he was mostly behind Sieg and the others as support but he was able to see much more of the world. Thats why he was able to understand what the world was truly like.

That didnt work.

Ichijo had wanted to save Saeki but he realized now that it was impossible. This world changes people and he knew that it would continue to change Saeki.

Hidaka, What should I do?

After a while he put up his hood and left.

The next day was the match between Masamune and Saeki. All the Investors had waited excitedly for this day to arrive. In the waiting room Masamune sat alone in a chair.

I couldnt feel Ichijos magical power in the audience because it was mixed in with so many others. However I assumed that he was there. Sabrina and Oswald wanted me to participate in the match otherwise I might have dropped out.

After what happened yesterday Toa had asked.

What are you going to do about those two?

Well, she hadnt really said anything but I could tell from her expression what she was thinking. She seemed to know that I was going to kill them even if it wasnt right away. I cant kill them in this situation with so many people here after all. Sabrina and Oswald both had surprisingly powerful magic, nobody else here was able to match them. If I was to kill them both I would be the first suspect and that would just cause me trouble.

The sound of knocking came from the door and a woman appeared.

Pardon me, if youre ready then please enter the arena.


This match with Saeki was just a farce. I have no idea what Im doing this for, Saeki might be excited but not me. This doesnt even serve to kill time, I just feel sick that I have to feel how I did in the past but not be able to kill him. But at the very least I can crush his pride, Ill do this calmly and let him know who immature he is. How hes been wasting his time since coming to this world.

I walked through the dim passageway towards the sound of cheers, and as I entered I was greeted by the cheers erupting into a roar.

And now! What youve all been waiting for! Nito had entered the arena!

The cheers grew louder as the announcer introduced me. I immediately looked for my three companions and saw Toa, Nem, and Sufilia waving at me. Was this what a match was? Id never been cheered on by someone, I never participated in club activities or anything before. It wasnt a bad feeling.

And here to challenge the S rank adventurer Nito, Everyone knows him as one of the heroes summoned in Greyberg!

Arent you telling the crowd a little too much about him there? Maybe this was to appeal to the investors.


Saeki appeared facing me and my emotions completely changed. Something dark was spreading inside me. I have to keep calm and shatter his pride, I have to concentrate on that right now.

I challenge you, and the winner is going to be me.

Saeki sounded disgusted as he said this.

..Lets have a good match.

This guy is an idiot? Where did he get these ideas from?

Can you feel my magic power Saeki?


Saeki looked shocked.

Let the match begin!

As the sound of a gong rang out Saeki immediately started chanting magic.

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