A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 132: Toa

Chapter 132: Toa

Demon country.

The Demons are born with strong magic power, however its not something that is displayed in the status. In fact, few know about this unless they have exchanged blows with a demon. The amount of magic power that they have is simply incomparable with humans.

Mage, is a human word. This word has become the common word used to describe those who use magic in other races as well, such as dwarves and beastmen. However the Demons have not accepted this word, this is because although the Demons manipulate magic it is fundamentally different from the way other races do. It is more natural do them.

Dwell in magic, born from magic, live with magic, and then return to magic. This is what a demon is.

There are three rulers and three different territories associated with the demon country.

The first is Shastain, ruled by Cassandra who aims to capture Toa. She is the only crowned queen.

The second is the Demon Kingdom Ragparos and the name of the king is Ignotas Rosef Ragparos.

Finally, Urzola, which is ruled by Toas father Lucius Rosef Urzola.

The demon country is divided into three separate parts and each ruler governs their own part.

Sufilia taught me what she knew of the demon country.

Thats all I know, the demon country is a closed country and they are known to keep humans away.

I felt the accuracy of those words simply by thinking of the demon from earlier. When he came for Toa he seemed to have an unreasonable dislike of me because I was a human. I wonder if its because to them humans are generally weak and stupid?

So? Toa, why did you hide the fact that you were a princess from me?

T, that

Toa looked down.

It doesnt matter if youre a princess or a village girl. I promised to take you home so im going to take you home.

Everyone has things they dont want to tell other people after all.

By the way Toa, was it really ok to let him get away? I dont know when it will be but you know hes probably going to come back with friends right?


Toa suddenly looked up like she was surprised.

Not huh I told you. I said it would probably be better to kill him.

But..thatthen.were probably going to end up causing trouble for the school again.

What? Shouldnt you be worried about yourself? You know their target is you right?

Then why didnt you kill him!


Because you said not to kill him? Even though I told you it would be dangerous not too.

I didnt hear you say that!

I totally said it.

I didnt hear it!

I mean, I definitely said it. Like multiple times.

No you didnt!

Yes, yes I did.

No! No you didnt!

I stopped, oddly enough it didnt look like Toa was lying to me. But, Im pretty sure I wasnt whispering at the time either?

Something feels off but I dont know what it is.

Toa? Are you sick or something?

Sick? No? What are you talking about all of a sudden?


Then what about.

Do you have some kind of mental illness?

What are you talking about!?

Hmmm, did you have to like, go to the doctor a lot when you were little?

No! Im a demon, I have a strong body!

Hmmmm the more I ask the less I understand.


I stared directly at Toa until she started to turn red.

Hmmm, your face is the same color as always.

What!? Are you doubting me still!?

Not at all

Its not that Im doubting her, Im just worried.

So why were you in the castle all the time?

Even though Toa is always with me I dont actually know a lot about her.

Because dad said that it was dangerous outside.

Helicopter parent maybe?

Do you only have the one parent?

No, I have a mom and an older sister too.

Oh yeah that demon did mention a Rosalia or something.

Is Rosalia your sisters name?

Why do you know my sisters name!?

Oh that demon from earlier told me.

Is she hiding something or am I just over thinking things?

Why did you tell me not to kill him earlier?

What? You shouldnt kill people? You cant just go around killing because youre strong?

Well, in theory thats correct I guess.

Then why did you get mad at me for not killing him just now?

Because you just said hell be back and cause more trouble for the academy..

Somethings not making sense.

Oh I see, then why did you come outside?

Speaking of that

It seemed like Sufilia suddenly remembered something.


Its not a big deal but after lord Nito went outside with the demon, Toa suddenly stood up without saying anything.

Toa was scary.

Nem looked like a mixture of anxiety and worry.

So she just stood up.and then went outside?

Yeah, I thought it was strange because she didnt answer me when I tried to talk to her.

I looked at Toa who was looking at the ground.

Toa, why did you come outside?

But it seems like she had decided not to answer.

Did it have something to do with me?

Idont know..

Toas voice was barely audible.

I see. Then why did you tell me not to kill him? I explained that it would be dangerous to let him go didnt I?

I dont know.

Her voice was still quiet. There was obviously something wrong. Toa slowly looked up after a while but she had a confused look on her face.

Toa, do you not remember telling me to let him go?


Toas pupils looked dilated and like her eyes couldnt focus.

Toa looks strange.

Nem looked worried next to her.

Toa are you ok?

Even Sufilia looked concerned.

Effect heal

This is obviously not normal, she said she wasnt sick but.

Toa, you dont have to think about it anymore. Just breath.

Toas face was blue and her lips purple as her hand shook, what in the world was going on? It looked like several emotions were fighting each other inside Toa.

Are you sick?

Nem was so caring.

It almost seemed like an extreme sadness was flowing through Toa but at the same time she didnt seem to be aware of it herself.

Are you ok?

I rubbed Toas back. I could understand the one emotion I felt from her but not the other.


It seemed like a darkness was bubbling up inside Toa, a darkness I knew very well because I had the same darkness inside of me.

Toa? Are you ok?

Suddenly Toa returned to normal.



Toa responded in a hurry as if she didnt realize I was right next to her. All trace of the sadness and bloodlust was gone as well.

You still havent healed it huh? Kukuku

I dont understand the meaning behind these words? What is it about Toa that needs to be healed?

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