A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 128: Kotori

Chapter 128: Kotori

The sound of rain, but if you listen you could hear a girl crying. Two children were under a roof at the playground.

Masamune hic, mu died.

It cant be helped.

It was a five year old Masamune and Kotori. Masamune was holding a cold white kitten, while Kotori cried next to him.

It was abandoned.

Why! Why was it abandoned hic?!


Masamune didnt know either.

There was a cardboard box at the playground. Kotori had found it first and called the kitten Mu, but it was already too late. The temperature had dropped and it was dying. Masamune had tried wrapping it in his clothes to warm it up.

Masamune tried to comfort her by offering to bury the kitten in his garden and Kotori left it to him.

The two of them were always together when they were little, even though they were the same age Masamune always seemed like the older brother.

Masamune was digging a hole in his garden while Kotori cried next to the kitten.

Masamune, why did it die? Why did mu die?

Because it was abandoned.

I didnt know why.

It was abandoned so it died?


When Masamune finished digging her buried Mu in the dirt.

Im sure its laughing in heaven.



Masamune was trying to comfort Kotori. He couldnt cry because he knew if he did Kotori would cry more and he was trying to be the older brother.

Adults abandoned it because they couldnt take care of it.

Kotori couldnt hear Masamune because of the rain, she didnt know what was hidden in those words. Masamune had lost his father, but it was to an illness so it couldnt be helped.

The two of them stood looking at the grave for a while.

They went to elementary school together and were always around each other.

Why are you hanging out with a girl?

However Masamune was bullied as soon as they entered school. He was insulted for always hanging around Kotori.

Are you ignoring me!?

Three of them pushed Masamune and laughed when he fell.

Masamune are you ok!?

Kotori ran up to him immediately.

Hahahaha, a girl again? Cant you do anything without a girl helping you?

Their words became harsher once Kotori had appeared.

Lets go, I dont want to get infected by Hidaka.

The three bullies left.

Are you ok Masamune?

Masamune looked up but not at Kotori, he looked at the entire class. All of them were laughing at him.

Masamune slowly separated from Kotori. Soon whenever she talked to him he would ignore her. She didnt know the reason. But whenever he went to school he was laughed at and called a disease like he could infect others. The students treated him like he was dirty. He hadnt talked to Kotori since.

Kotori watched from a distance worried, she wanted to talk to Masamune but couldnt. Whoever the class had to join hands no one wanted to hold Masamunes hand because he was dirty. Masamune had no friends throughout elementary school.

By junior high Masamune had made some friends and Kotori was relieved to see that. The amount of people that had called him dirty slowly went down.

You guys are convenient.

Masamune was looking at the stars.

Whats that Masamune? You looking at the stars?


Masamune was living a normal life. But the peace didnt last long. There were still some students who just didnt like Masamune. One day his desk and chair had been thrown into the hallway.

What did you do!?

Hmm? Nothing, someone but my desk in the hallway.


Then one day when Masamune came to school all his textbooks were scattered in the girls toilet. Some of them were even in the toilet bowl. During homeroom the teacher asked who had done it but they never found out. And then one day a rumor spread about him, and a girl confronted him.

Hidaka was the one that did it huh.

He didnt know how to react to that. What was she asking? He didnt deny it, he didnt even know what to say. Maybe things wouldnt have happened the way they did if hed just denied it?


Those words created an even bigger wound inside him. She looked at him as if he wasnt even a person but a stain on the floor. By that time he had become surrounded by enemies. Everyone looked at him with contempt.

Masamune ate alone then went to the library. He didnt speak a word from the time he left home until he returned. That was how Masamune went through junior high.

All Kotori could do was watch him from the shadows. She had even consulted a teacher about what to do but it was useless.

One day Kotori was running up the stars to class when she heard someone muttering.

It would be good.

She slowed down and saw a boy all alone.

Would it be better?


Kotori realized it was Masamune.

She decided that since no one was around she could talk to him. She wouldnt cause him any trouble if no one saw. She went to reach out to him.

I wish everyone was dead.

She stopped. What did he just say? But she had heard right, there was no chance of mishearing it in the quiet corridor.

I wish everyone was dead. Then I.I..

What was Masamune saying? Kotoribwas confused. The gentle Masamune who has buried the kitten.

Then I could be happy.

She couldnt believe Masamune would say something so terrible.

I wish everyone was dead.

Kotori lef wiping the tears that ran down her cheeks and went to class. The Masamune that she knew was no longer there. Masamune wishing for the death of others further widened the gap between him and Kotori.

But Kotori kept watching him. She believed that one day the Masamune she knew would return. But he was bullied in high-school as well, and by then his eyes had changed completely. Kotori couldnt do anything, all she could to is stand aside and watch.

Oi, Hidaka! Buy me some juice!

Get me some too!

As Hidaka left the classroom Kotori felt helpless and sad. Then the light had enveloped the classroom.

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