A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 101: Can't participate

Chapter 101: Can't participate

There are three major magic schools on this continent. Fishnatica, Halekuwait and the last school is known as the school of the end, Victoria.

Thats all I know however, we learned this in class but I didnt care very much and there was no further explanation.

Adams had 2 disciples, Marcellus Halekuwait and Beatrice Fishnatica.

Fishnatica? The school were having a competition with?

Correct, the battle of schools is set to find what theyve been looking for and monitoring. Its all to fulfill the orders that Adams left behind.


I dont know why Im being told this story but Id really prefer to go back to my room right now.

A young man who suddenly appeared and annihilated the empires S rank monster hoard, then just a few months later cleared a dungeon.

The principal kept talking.

So. What are you trying to say?

I dont know why but this person seems suspicious of me.

Dont you think its strange? A young man not only defeated S rank monsters but also cleared a dungeon.


I feel like it was a bad idea to talk to this person.

It is isnt it? Along with being blessed with extraordinary powers he also is recognized by the dungeon.

I still dont understand what shes trying to say. She was staring into my eyes as if searching for something.

She started talking again.

Those who get it, will ask what it is. A person like that will surely appear in this world.

thats? What are you talking about exactly?

Theres a possibility that one day youll put your self in that environment.

Apparently she doesnt feel like answering my questions.



I have no idea what the point of this conversation even is.

So, why did you come to this school?

I decided to answer truthfully.

To find magic that even a healer can use.


The principal had a stupid look on her face.

Y-yes well, schools do give knowledge to those who seek it. And that person will eventually put himself into that environment, thats why the disciples set up the schools.

UhmI have no idea what this it thing is that you have been talking about. Im not going to understand unless you say it.

I mean, I have a feeling that shes talking about the abyss but it could just be that Ive heard that word a lot recently. I decided I should ask and let her explain herself.

Although I guess as the principal of a school founded by Adams disciples it makes sense thst shed know about the abyss.

When I took office I was told about it by the principal of Fishnatica. Every principal is told and then sworn to not tell anyone else.

So in other words she cant tell me, yet shes trying to figure out if Im it. I decided to keep quiet in case I was just misunderstanding.

If you understand what Im talking about now in your heart then listen to me.


I made a confused face.

Dont get involved with it anymore.

The principal said calmly. This person doesnt know about the dungeons but yet knows about Adams and something about the abyss. However shes hiding something, and as long as she is I cant say anything either.

I stood up.

Youll have to excuse me. Im not sure what youre talking about but I appreciate the advice. Thank you for the procedure.

I walked towards the door.


What is it?

I have something else I want to talk about.

Butweve talked so much already.

What did you want to talk about then?

Are you willing to participate in the competition?

Yes, I was thinking about participating.

Participation is not something you sign up for, in other words everyone is considered a participant at the beginning. From there those who abstain are eliminated.

I see, actually Ive been thinking about your participation a lot.


This lady just wont shut up.

Ive decided not to allow you to participate.


I did not expect her to say that however.

I talked with Oswald about it. What to do with the adventurer known as Nito.

Ive been suspended and cant participate in the competition.

I cantparticipate?

Thats not good.

The competition is where the results of a students growth is displayed. A lot of heavy weights from various countries come to watch. In other words their futures are on the line.

Isnt it the same for me!?

Those guys are coming from Fishnatica, thats why I decided to participate in the first place. I thought it was a miracle that I was meeting them here.

However, I can not omit Nito from the match.


What the hell is going on here? Can I participate or not?

So what are you trying to say here then?

Its a well known fact that youre enrolled here. A lot of the countries top brass will be watching for you. There for I can just suspend you.

Then I

As such weve added an additional battle in the competition. Of course it has nothing to do with the outcome of the competition itself.

Then what about the matches to participate on the team?

If you participate it will disturb the matches and the other students rankings in this school. As such youve already been given a position on the team.

Wha- Ive already been given a spot?

Im so confused, so Ive already been given a spot? What a mess.

Yes, if a strong person appears they will be allowed to participate in a match directly against you. If that person wins then they will be given an additional ticket to participate in the competition. If no one significant appears then you will just participate in the competition as normal. An announcement will be made soon enough about it.

The announcement then came just as she said. That I was exempt from participating in the qualifying matches. She said an additional battle was added to the competition but that it was still a 3v3 battle with the school.

Honestly I hope theres no one that reckless at this school.

It does kind of seem reckless to challenge me now that Ive cleared a dungeon.

If a challenger appears Ill let you know through the announcement system again. Until then please head to the designated area.

I still dont quite understand but ok.

I scratched my head.

I apologize for this decision. But someone whos in a completely different dimension whos magic power cant even be felt should not be permitted to participate.

I opened the door.

Its fine, dont worry about it too much.

I left after saying that.

Actually I was thinking about asking to use a different name in the competition because Nito was now famous but it doesnt seem like Ill be allowed to.

Now I just walked aimlessly through the school.

I see thats what is going on.

We were sitting in the audience at the training grounds and I was explaining what happened to everyone.

Well it cant really be helped. If Nito participated he would get first place anyway regardless if how talented the others were.

Patrick agreed with the principals decision.

Well I can participate in the main event regardless so it doesnt matter.

That doesnt explain why you were so late though. Did you talk about anything else? Like the dungeon?

Toa seems to have caught on.

Yeah, she seemed to know something from the beginning although I didnt say much.

Whatd she say?

.I dont really know. Anyway Ive been wondering about this for a while now but, why does Sarah know so much about the abyss?

Sarah talked about the abyss from time to time but never told me anything. So I looked at her and asked outright.

Because Im the spirit queen.

Thats not an answer.

So, youre a fool of the abyss but you dont know anything about it?

Yui, the newcomer to the group was attempting to make fun of me.

Its not like I know nothing, however there is a lot that I dont know.

I see, I see. Thats good.

Why did Sarah choose this person?

Yui, shut up. You dont know anything about his magic.

Its going to give me a headache! Its the first time Ive felt magic power like this!

I noticed something else then.

Sarah, why do you know about my magic? I thought there was no one who could feel it anymore.

Even Khalifa couldnt feel it anymore.

Spirits can understand magic power regardless of its size.


Its a little different from how you feel it.

Is that so?

So what is Nito going to do until the main event?

Toa asked. It seems she and Sufilia had decided to watch Nem practice. And Patrick would be learning from the spirits.

Ill probably just hang out.

Butwhat are you going to do?

Probably search for the book.

When I said that Patrick looked at me for a moment.

Of course Ill also come watch Nem, and we can eat together as well as go to class.

There wont be any class during the preliminary matches but theyll start up again until the competition. I didnt care much though, as a healer the classes werent actually of much use to me.

Its a little disappointing that my schedule was taken from me by force but I guess I can still support Nem and Patrick. Although if I had to guess theyll probably do well.

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