A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 820 Just Watch Husband

Chapter 820 Just Watch Husband

When Archer got their message, he said goodbye to the two women but noticed Meera looking at him with an unknown look. Without thinking, he scooped the tiger woman into a princess carrying her, causing her to yelp.

He looked at Aisha and spoke mischievously, ''I'm borrowing the prime minister. I will take her to see the underwater mines.''

The dragonkin woman grinned, ''Oh, I don't mind, My Lord. You may take her.'' she said. ''I'll be busy with paperwork.''

Meera's yellow eyes widened when she heard Aisha's words, causing Archer to leave the room only to listen to her speak for the final time: ''Don't ravage her too much, husband. I need her ready for work in the morning.''

Archer nodded before using Blink to teleport outside the window while summoning his wings and taking off south while Meera screamed in fright. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders in panic as the wind hit her face.

'Oh, please goddesses, don't let me die because of this crazy boy. Why is he doing this?' Meera thought as her heart raced with fear.

He looked at the tiger woman and smiled, ''We haven't spent much time together, but I hope to rectify that in the coming weeks as I spend more time in the kingdom.''

Meera turned to him and nodded, but he saw the fear in her eyes, which made him feel guilty. So he descended toward the ground so she would be more comfortable, and when he did this, she finally spoke, ''I hate heights.''

Archer laughed, ''I used to be terrified of heights too, you know. But there's something freeing about conquering that fear. You're safe with me, I promise.''

''I wish it were the same for me,'' Meera replied. ''Even though I was raised in a mountain village on Orientia in the East. So I should be used to heights, yet I'm not.''

He chuckled, ''Well, I will get you used to them, Prime Minister.''

After speaking, Archer quickly ascended. He was high above the kingdom, and the towns and cities were specs of light. While up there, he spoke, noticing her eyes were closed tight, ''Open them and look at the beautiful view.''

And he was right; the view from where they were was amazing as the green landscape stretched into the distance with forests here and there. Archer noticed the Dragonfire River snaking its way through the kingdom.

The mountains that circled the island were in clear view as they stretched into the clouds. Soon, the tiger woman opened her eyes, shocked when she saw everything, causing Archer to laugh.

''See, it's beautiful, isn't it?''

Meera nodded before looking around and soon started to calm down. The fear faded as she knew Archer wouldn't drop her. It took another ten minutes to reach the Northwestern Sea Wall, only to see Demetra and Kassandra standing on top of it, waiting for him.

Archer swooped toward the two, and when he closed in on the wall, he cast Blink and reappeared in front of the two girls, who smiled as they saw him. Meera, in the meantime, let out a scream.

The two titans looked at her with narrowed eyes before Demetra commented, ''There's something strange about this woman Arch.''

Kassandra nodded in agreement, but Archer waved them away, ''Meera is fine. Aisha has known her for years.''

''Why are you three talking like I'm not here?'' the woman asked.

Archer let her down as she straightened out her dress, ''There is nothing strange about me apart from being raised in seclusion, unlike most people.''

The three females started talking while getting to know each other. Archer watched from the side as he pulled out some chocolate and started eating as he examined the older tiger woman who looked to be in her late twenties.

She had fluffy white hair that flowed down her back as a pair of tiger ears twitched all over the place, taking in every noise. Meera was a tall but curvy woman with a large pair of boobs which always amazed him.

'Why do most women I meet have massive chests? Maybe Tiamat has blessed me? But she knows I like all kinds of boobs.'

Archer shook his head and continued to watch the Meera. Her exotic beauty captivated everyone, with her large, expressive eyes framed by thick lashes and a strong bone structure that gave her face an intriguing, almost otherworldly allure.

When studying her, he thought, 'Is she a Siberian tiger? They are white.'

He stopped thinking about it and decided to ask, ''Meera.''

The tiger woman turned to him with a smile, ''Yes, My Lord?''

''Were you brought up in a snowy region?''

Meera nodded, ''Yes, it snowed most of the year except for a month in Elderbloom. Other than that, it's covered in the stuff.''

'Ahh, so she is a Siberian Tiger, well she would be if this was Earth,' Archer thought before turning his attention to the moon shining above.

He smiled as the sky was beautiful, and the canvas of stars looked stunning as there wasn't any light pollution to block them out. After a while, the three women were ready, and Kassandra jumped onto the wall.

The Kraken girl looked at him and smiled, ''You two can ride on Demetra.''

Archer nodded before she jumped off the wall and transformed into her real form just as he dived underwater. When he saw her change, it always amazed him, as it didn't make sense due to the difference in size.

Once Kassandra was in her Kraken form, her tentacle shot out and grabbed Demetra before dragging her into the water. While this was happening, Archer turned to Meera, who was looking at the scene with horror written all over her face.

He chuckled, ''You didn't know these two were titans?''

''Yes, I've heard the rumors but thought people were making them up.''

Archer laughed even harder before seeing Demetra transforming into her Demon Shark form, and when Meera saw this, her face went pale, but he reassured her, ''Don't worry, she's harmless as long as you don't harm me.''

When the tiger woman heard this, she stiffened in fear as everyone had heard of Demon Sharks that attack merchant ships and fleets full of battleships as they were a nightmare to deal with, but Archer picked her up again before Blinking to Demetra's back.

''Darling, when will you mate with me? You did it with your grandmother and forgot about me!'' Demetra sent him a message using her magic.

Archer smiled before replying, ''We can enjoy food in Drakonia when we return. Would you like to go on a date?''

Demetra got extremely happy and agreed, causing her massive body to shake in excitement before she cast the shield spell that would keep Archer and Meera safe while underwater as they dived.

As soon as they were below the surface, the white-haired older woman stayed in his arms, but he reassured her, ''You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you.''

Meera smiled when hearing this and soon settled down before asking to be let down, which Archer did. Soon after, they were swimming far below the surface where thousands of monsters roamed.

The water shimmered with a soft, supernatural glow as the four descended deeper into the ocean, carried gently on Demetra's massive back. Encased within the protective shield, they moved effortlessly through the water.

As they traveled, the underwater world unfolded in all its splendor. Mountain ranges rose from the seabed, their peaks hidden in the dark blue depths above. Strange-looking corals clung to the rocky surfaces, illuminating their path with otherworldly light.

Archer glanced at Meera, who was wide-eyed and awe-struck, her earlier fear completely forgotten. "It's incredible, isn't it?" he asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

Meera nodded, her yellow eyes reflecting the soft glow of the corals. "It's beyond anything I ever imagined," she said softly. "I never knew such beauty existed beneath the waves."

''Yes, just wait and see; things will get better,'' he said just as Demetra and Kassandra dived deeper once they saw a crack in the ground that led into a deep-sea dark and creepy-looking gorge.

When seeing this, Archer contacted the two girls, ''What is this place?''

''Just watch husband,'' Kassandra responded.

As they plunged into darkness, everything went black, prompting Meera to draw closer to Archer instinctively. Sensing her fear, Archer reached out and gently wrapped his arms around her waist, offering comfort just as she let out a startled scream.

The sudden noise made Archer jump, his heart racing as a soft pink light illuminated Demetra's back. In the eerie glow, they caught sight of a menacing figure—an anglerfish-like creature with razor-sharp teeth gleaming like swords, its eyes glowing a menacing blue.

[Abyssal Lurker]

[Rank: S+]

'Why is it so strong?' he mused.

Archer raised his hand to cast an Azur Cannon into the creepy-

looking monster, but before he could do anything, a tentacle wrapped around its body and squeezed the life out of it until it popped like a blood-filled balloon.

This caused blood to erupt like an explosion in the water before the corpse was dragged backward, and Kassandra's building-

sized eye appeared while staring at Archer full of love, which he returned by blowing her a kiss.

The Kraken Princess got excited and dashed around in the water as Demetra spoke, ''We call this the Nightmare Trench husband. Kass and I normally hunt down here, but we can't go too far down as some Nameless Things lurk in the dark.''

Archer nodded, ''Where are the Mana Crystal Mines?''

''Not far,'' Kassandra answered. ''About five minutes from here.''

[If anyone has ideas for Draconia's economy, army, and anything, let me know on Discord or comments. Thanks]

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