A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 810 Ten To One

Chapter 810 Ten To One

Archer placed his hand on the man's face before casting Mana Manipulation. He sent his mana into his nervous system and fried it, causing the traitor to roar in pain. But he wasn't done; he knocked the man out with a headbutt.

Once the traitor was out cold, Archer grinned before using his claws to sever the man's Achilles heels so he couldn't walk. Then, flaying his limbs caused the Bloodknights holding him to tremble in fear.

Blood splattered all over him, causing the crowd to move back in fright as Archer butchered the man until he was nothing more than a bloody mess. He stepped back before addressing the two Dragonblood Knights, ''Crucify this scum outside the city and put a sign nearby telling anyone who passes that he was the reason thousands of my soldiers died, and I won't tolerate such actions.''

After that, Archer thought, 'It's brutal, yes, but I have no choice. I have to use fear and respect to keep the soldiers in line to prevent another Cornelius situation from happening and lose more of my soldiers.'

The knights saluted before dragging the mutilated man off to an awaiting cross. Once Archer was done, he turned to the three women and motioned for them to join him, which they did with shock in their eyes.

Archer could see Kassandra looking at him, wondering why he was acting this way, but he decided to explain afterward, as this was needed to prevent further incidents; he guessed the three would understand.

That's when Demetra stepped forward. Her yellow shark eyes twinkled excitedly. ''Arch. I honestly love it.''

The blue-haired girl leaned in and whispered in a seductive voice, ''I'm so wet right now.''

Archer's eyes widened, but a charming smile appeared before he replied, ''You naughty shark, I'll deal with you later.''

She giggled, causing Aisha and Kassandra to sigh before dragging the lewd girl back. After that, Archer did the same thing to hundreds of Cornelius's top supporters, and by the time he was finished, the field outside Drakonia was littered with mutilated corpses who couldn't scream due to the gag that was shoved in their mouths.

Everyone who watched this had wide eyes full of fear and swore to all the gods they believed in that they wouldn't betray the king or the kingdom, which pleased Archer as he gazed over the crowd.

Archer turned to the shaking Cornelius with a broad smile before motioning for the soldiers to bring him forward. Once the treacherous general was in front of him, he went to work and flayed the man while he screamed in agony.

It took him over an hour to flay all his skin until his neck. The older man collapsed due to the overwhelming pain that racked his body. Archer turned to the soldiers and spoke, ''Crucify him like the others but heal him daily before smearing sugar and honey all over him. This will attract insects that will eat him alive. Do make sure he doesn't die until I give permission.''

The soldiers saluted before dragging an unconscious and mentally scarred Cornelius. After that, Archer went on to inform the crowd of the crimes but to show some mercy; he offered the surviving soldiers a pardon if they agreed to serve in the military for 50 years.

Archer released them after declaring one more thing, ''For three years, half of your wages will be given to the families of the brave men you got killed to make sure their children are well taken of. Now get out of my sight before I let Demetra eat you all.''

When he said that, the shark girl jumped forward with a big smile that revealed all her wicked teeth. She scared the soldiers senselessly, causing them to rush out of the square and into the fortress.

Once that was over, Archer got a message from the Tressym that he went to check on Fianna. What he heard caused him to panic, as the Swarm was besieging Valoria City, home to the Everrose family.

Archer didn't rush off, but he needed to plan. He knew the Swarm was rampaging all over Thrylos, so he turned to the remaining soldiers and decided to mobilize Draconia for war just as a Drakewing Outrider rushed through the gate.

The man came straight to Archer and jumped off his mount before kneeling, ''My Lord. A large armada of warships are sailing for Draconia from the north. Rumors speak of the Swarm operating the vessels and ferrying a large invasion force.''

When he heard this, his eyes widened as he asked, ''How do you know this?''

''Our Coastal Fleet engaged the Swarm Fleet in a fierce cannon dual while the admiral sent four Corvettes back to the kingdom to prepare the 1st Fleet for battle while they sacrificed themselves to give the ships time to reach us.''

Archer nodded before turning to Demetra and Kassandra, ''You girls meet me in the north while I travel with the fleet,'' he said. ''Look to the sky for my breath and join the fight when you see it.''

Both girls agreed and hugged him tightly. Archer then summoned his wings and took off, flying directly towards Golden Sands Cove. His destination was the Seafire Naval Base, the first command center established by the Draconian Navy.

When he got close, sailors boarded the warships while the Marines prepared for battle. Archer stopped above the base when he spotted a dark cloud in the distance, which he had a bad feeling had something to do with the Swarm.

As doors on the base's roofs burst open, soldiers rushed out to man strange-looking weapons. Archer had to think for a while and reminded Dagny of two specific weapons installed on the Draconian Sea Wal, military bases all over the kingdom, and warships.

They were called the Voidburst Flak and Thunderbolt Thrower. The weapons were Anti-Air designed to deal with swarms of flying monsters. When Archer saw this, he decided to land at the Naval Commander building where the Lord Admiral was stationed.

He was a grizzled old man called Barbossa who appeared in Draconia after Archer saved his merchant ship and showed his skill in all things naval, which suited the kingdom, so he was made Lord Admiral over the DRN.

The man was now ordering the Dragonfire Company to target the incoming Swarm closing in on the base. When they came within range, the weapons started firing, causing Archer's eyes to widen in shock.

Yellow-looking mana arrows started shooting out of the Thunderbolt Thrower like a never-ending machine gun. In contrast, the Voidburst Flak shot out large canisters that sliced through the air and exploded in the center of the Flying Swarm creatures.

The explosion rippled through the area and was a beautiful red color that lit up the surrounding sea. When this happens, Archer sees a monster resembling giant bats ridden by Mutant Humans.

Archer quickly scanned them.

[Nigtcrawler Bat]

[Rank B+]

The Void Shells ripped apart hundreds, and then a wave of yellow thunder arrows hit them, causing smaller explosions to light up the sky. Archer watched this in shock, but a big smile appeared.

When Barbossa saw him, the older man dropped to one knee, but Archer waved him away and told him to continue as he watched. The Lord Admiral agreed with a smile before ordering the Thunderbolt Thrower.

The arrows peppered the giant bats, causing them to plummet to the ground, where they were jumped on by Drakeguards and Dragon Marines. But just as that happened, more flying monsters.

While the battle was underway, the 1st Fleet started to depart while their anti-air weapons were firing into the Swarm. Archer decided to aid them by casting thousands of Plasma Missiles that lit up the base and sent them into the monsters heading for the ships.

When the projectiles collided with the creatures' bodies, explosions destroyed two or three more that came from behind. Archer was amazed that the nonstop explosions allowed the fleet to leave the cove without taking too much damage.

Archer watched as the ships sailed north. The Swarm was still trying to attack the base, but the monsters were wiped out thanks to even more Thunderbolt Throwers joining the fray. Once they were all done, he took off and followed behind the fleet until he reached DRN Archer's Pride.

As he got closer, Archer spotted the bridge's balcony and cast Blink to reappear there only to scare a sailor on watch. He entered the warm bridge to see Olivia talking to her second-

in-command and other officers.

When the white-haired woman saw his, she smiled before approaching him, and when she got close enough, she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and hugged him tight. Archer loved the feeling of her big boobs squashing against his chest.

The 1st Fleet Admiral whispered, "We are outnumbered ten to one, my Lord. We will lose many sailors today, but they know what they're fighting for: their families on the mainland who the Swarm want to destroy and have sworn to fight to the last."

Archer nodded in understanding as she continued, "Will you grant me one favor before the storm arrives?"

''Of course,'' he responded.

''If we survive this, can we go on a date?'' Olivia asked in a hopeful tone.

Archer was momentarily surprised but agreed, ''Yes, once we deal with the Swarm, we will go out.''

Olivia beamed before leaning forward and pecking him on the cheek, causing the sailors around to watch her with wide eyes, but all she did was walk back to her command chair and readied the crew for battle.

He watched as the ship locked down, the cannons came to life, and the Anti-Air defenses were activated.

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