A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 762 Exploration

Chapter 762 Exploration

Archer explored the city until he found the Adventurers Guild and entered it only to find it empty. He walked over to the counter and told the man behind it that he wanted to sell beast corpses and was brought to a back room.

He dumped out three dozen Goblin's bodies, including Chaos Crocodiles, Shadowfangs, and Jungle Claws. The receptionist was shocked but informed Archer that they couldn't pay all the coins at once as the Guild doesn't carry that much wealth.

When Archer heard this, He understood and handed him his adventurer's card as he spoke, ''Put the coin on this when you get it, and I'll withdraw it from the guild's headquarters in Starfall City.''

The man agreed and noted his name, only for his eyes to widen in shock. Archer shushed him and informed the man was undercover. When the receptionist heard this, he nodded in agreement and handed the card back to him.

Once Archer was done selling the beast corpses at the Guild, he started exploring the city after buying some Enchanted Forest Buns, which he found impressive; he ate while looking at families walking up and down the street and talking among themselves.

Archer noticed the city was busy, and there were thousands of people roaming around. He wondered how many villages had been built since he founded Draconia. He passed by busy inns and packed taverns full of travelers and traders.

He wanted to see what Draconia's only port city was like and decided to do that after exploring the city he was in now. While strolling one of the streets in Drakonia, he heard rumors about Dragonheart City being built and its progress.

'It should be done soon,' he internally mused.

At first, he ignored it, but as more and more people talked about the city, it finally caught his interest. He went to find a place to summon his wings without hurting anyone and soon found a quiet square.

When Archer stepped inside, he summoned his wings once he stepped into a quieter part of the street. With a flap of his wings, he took off and started flying south to the capital city on the shore of the Dragonfire River.

He saw people working on all kinds of buildings, from housing to government buildings. Several stone roads ran throughout the city, and there were only foundations, but it looked like they were ready to start building.

Piles of materials are all over the place, and hundreds of workers are roaming the work camps just off the road. There were humans, elves, demi-humans, dragonkin, and dwarves working in different parts of the city.

Archer noticed several forts surrounding the city, with soldiers marching to and from. Archer was pleased that the kingdom's security was Aisha's priority and didn't slack on sorting out the army.

When getting closer, he descended to the ground and saw a group of riders rushing toward him. As they got close, they surrounded him within a few seconds and pointed a spear at him, "Who are you?" The commander demanded.

He removed his hood; the sight of his face shocked the man and soldiers, causing them to scramble off their steeds. Archer waved them off as he spoke, ''I've just seen how Dragonheart is coming along, and I must admit I'm impressed.''

The commander elaborated that hundreds of individuals arrived daily to assist in constructing the capital. He mentioned that people had been enlisted on a list to purchase apartments slated for construction on the city's outskirts.

During his previous visit to Draconia, Aisha had inquired about his vision for the capital city. He had described wanting a palace at its heart, encircled by the noble quarter and a bustling shopping district where people can buy everything they need to survive.

Beyond that, he imagined residential areas for citizens, followed by zones dedicated to manufacturing, additional retail spaces, and all essential city luxuries. Lastly, the city wall circled the city and stopped at the Dragonfire River, which would protect it against any Beast Waves.

After all that, he left the Homeguard Cavalry behind and approached the city. Archer could see clusters of workers toiling away, their movements like a well-oiled machine. He could hear the clang of hammers and the shouts of Foreman ordering workers around as they laid the foundation of the growing city's residential quarters.

Piles of stone and timber were stacked neatly along the roadsides, awaiting their turn to be molded into homes and shops. But seeing the palace foundations in the distance took Archer's breath away.

Rising majestically from the earth like a sleeping giant, the outlines of the grand structure hinted at what was yet to come. Even from afar, Archer could sense the magnitude of the palace-to-be, its looming presence commanding respect from everyone around.

He looked at the palace for a while before wandering deeper into the city as the construction sounds grew louder. Builders and other workers rushed past him, their faces smeared with sweat, and their voices mingled with the clang of metal.

Unfazed by the chaos around him, Archer navigated through the maze of scaffolding and half-built stone structures. He moved like a ghost among the living, unnoticed by the hurried workers who focused on their tasks.

A group of masons, their hands covered in mortar, darted past him, balancing heavy stones on their shoulders. Their eyes were fixed on the walls they were constructing, clueless to the lone figure who watched them.

Archer ducked under a low-hanging beam and emerged into a broad plaza, where the shopping district's foundation loomed before him like a silent sentinel. He skirted the plaza's edge, taking in the grandeur of the city-to-be with a sense of awe.

Afterward, he decided to head for the underground dwarf city to explore more of it and level up. Archer slipped into an alleyway to open a Gate and stepped through, only to be contacted by Kassandra and Lucrezia, who wanted to join.

Archer agreed instantly and opened a portal for the two girls as they stepped through. They greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and beaming smiles. He hugged the two while standing in the middle of The Town Of Hammergate.

Once the greetings were over, Kassandra asked curiously, studying her surroundings, "Where are we?"

''The Kingdom Of Ironfoot, a ruined land due to Orcs and the Forsaken,'' he answered. ''It's known as the Forsaken Wastes now, but we are raiding it for all its wealth and other valuables.''

Lucrezia started giggling while Kassandra shook her head just before Elara appeared behind them. She knelt before reporting that there hadn't been any attacks apart from three on the day he left, but everything went quiet.

Archer was baffled but nodded, so he inquired about Lucian and his scouting. Elara told him there were hundreds of towns and cities to raid, which pleased him. After that, the redheaded dragonkin woman led them to the entrance to the underground city.

When they arrived, two hundred Dragonblood Knights appeared, and their commander knelt in front of him and the girls before speaking, ''Your Majesty, My Queens. We will join you on your exploration of the underground city.''

He shook his head before reassuring them, ''I'm a Sovereign Mage, Lucrezia is a Demigod, and Kassandra is a Master Mage so that we will be fine.''

The commander looked hesitant, but Elara stepped forward, ''The king and queens will be fine, Rohan,'' she said. ''Just make sure you're ready to react to any situation.''

Rohan nodded before returning to guarding the entrance with the other knights. When that was over, Archer stepped into the darkness and started walking toward the underground city's first chamber, where its defenses were.

When they arrived, Lucrezia and Kassandra were amazed by the vast underground chamber, which was full of activity. Draconian soldiers marched past while Drakeguards stood on watch, waiting for trouble to start.

Dragon Legionnaires clad in shining black armor marched in disciplined formations, their eyes sharp and vigilant. Drakeguards patrolled the perimeter, their imposing figures casting long shadows in the dimly lit chamber.

Other soldiers with distinct armor and weaponry performed their tasks with purposeful efficiency. Archer led the way, his girls following close behind as they made their way toward the wooden gate marking the entrance to the next chamber.

Fifty soldiers stood guard, their weapons at the ready. Approaching the gate, Archer raised a hand in greeting, and the soldiers snapped to attention, recognizing their presence with a salute. Kassandra and Lucrezia exchanged nods with the guards.

When they got close, a commanding figure stepped forward. Archer noticed the man's armor was decorated with complex designs that marked him as a high-ranked commander. He looked at the newcomer, who quickly knelt with fifty other soldiers.

"Your Majesty, My Queens," the commander said with a voice full of respect. "We stand ready to serve and protect."

''Good,'' Archer said with a proud smile while looking at the two women, ''Make sure to keep on guard and bring over some more soldiers as we will probably cause trouble as we travel deeper into the city.''

"Certainly, Your Majesty," responded the Drakeguard Commander. "I will mobilize an additional one hundred soldiers and position some to cover the other side."

Archer nodded in approval. "Excellent work, Commander," he acknowledged. "And what is your name?"

"I am Gerrick Strongwind, My King," the man replied with a firm salute.

"Good to meet you, Gerrick," Archer acknowledged before they continued into the unexplored tunnel. He instructed Gerrick to allow them through upon their return.

The Drakeguard nodded in agreement before opening the gate and ushering them through.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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