A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 714 The Mutant Demi-God

Chapter 714 The Mutant Demi-God

Archer smiled, anticipating a thrilling fight with this creature. He sensed that its strength matched his own, making it even better for him as he grew when fighting strong enemies. Before fighting, he examined the creepy-looking humanoid as he hadn't had the chance.

He noticed the thing stood eerily tall and resembled a human at first glance, which spooked him because it twitched. Yet when Archer looked closer, its forms were grotesquely mutated. The creature's elongated and twisted arms bore scars that spoke of a dark and unnatural origin.

The creature had been subjected to experimentation and mutation. Archer couldn't help but see that it had pointed ears that twitched whenever a noise was heard. They protruded from the monster's misshapen skulls, adding to its unsettling appearance.

He looked into the creature's fiery crimson eyes that burned with a fierce intelligence that belied their feral nature. Behind the hatred that flickered in those depths lay a cunning and cruel intellect.

When the creature saw him studying it, the Mutant gave him a creepy smile, allowing him to see the rows of razor-sharp teeth that lined its mouth. This didn't bother him, as he summoned his Draconic features and smirked back while scanning the beast to see what he was up against.

[Mutated High Elf]

[Level: 750]

[Rank: Sovereign Mage]

As Archer's draconic teeth manifested, he swiftly disappeared from his original position, leaving the creature startled. He reappeared behind it using Blink, launching a punch charged with Eldritch Blast.

The attack's impact against the creature's back triggered an explosion. The Mutated High Elf was sent flying, but Archer didn't stop. He started casting Plasma Missiles at it. After doing that, a dozen violet projectiles rushed forward from him and chased after the creature.

When their opponent witnessed the spells, it effortlessly blocked them, giving Archer enough time to Blink closer and deliver several punches aimed at the creature. Each strike caused miniature explosions to erupt, sending the Mutated High Elf crashing into the wall it had created.

Archer started casting Eldritch Blast, Plasma Missile, and Azur Cannons at the spot where the creature stood. As each spell hit its mark, the ground shook, and a large dust cloud billowed into the air, temporarily blocking his vision.

This gave him a brief window to glance at the nearby explosions. That's when he saw Ophelia and Jade working together to keep the stronger creature back as Samara and Gianna rushed in to attack it with their swords.

The Jaguar woman ducked under the creature's swipe before lashing out with several skilled slashes, but the blade bounced off the monster's tough skin, causing Gianna to quickly back off as it went to bite her with its gore-covered teeth.

Samara stepped forward and sent a powerful mana slash that hit it, causing the Mutant to smile while ignoring the women's attacks before casting a dark magic spell at them. When Archer saw this, he scanned the creature.

[Mutated Light Elf]

[Level: 850]

[Rank: Demi-God]

Archer saw Gianna begin casting a spell. Her sword lit up brightly as she attacked the Mutated Light Elf, making her attack even stronger. Moving quickly, she charged forward and swung her sword so hard that it boomed loudly and cut into the creature's skin.

Samara appeared behind it and plunged her sword through its chest. Nothing happened when this happened, which shocked everyone until the Mutant started laughing and sent out a wave of dark magic that sent the two women flying.

They came crashing down in the distance as more Ratlings appeared, causing Archer to Blink over to them before throwing the two women into the domain. Just as he did that, Professor Jade came crashing down when she was struck by a blast of magic that started burning her.

Archer rushed toward Jade but was intercepted by the Mutant he was fighting. The Mutant started throwing several powerful spells at him. Archer tried to dodge the attacks, but it was too late. His Anti-Maigc activated and deflected them, sending him skidding to the side.

Without hesitation, he cast Blink and materialized next to the bear woman, hurling her into the domain. Reacting instinctively, he blocked a slash from the creature's claws, the impact sending sparks flying as it met his scaled defenses.

He grunted as the attack struck him but maintained his composure. He flashed a confident smile before inhaling deeply as he unleashed a torrent of dragon fire directly at the Mutant's face, causing it to stagger backward.

Seizing the opportunity, he cast Azur Cannon and directed it at the creature's chest, sending it crashing forcefully into the ground. After doing that, he got a message informing him of his soldier's retreat back to Draconia.

Upon hearing this, he turned his gaze towards the portal where the last hundred soldiers were entering. Their departure eased his situation, prompting him to unleash a barrage of spells—

Eldritch Blasts, Plasma Missiles, Azure Cannons, and Call Lightning.

The mana in the air surged wildly as his attacks homed in on the two mutants, bombarding them with relentless blasts. When the weaker Mutant was struck, it emitted a piercing scream, compelling Archer to approach and sink his teeth into its shoulders.

As Archer did that, the creature howled in pain, but that's when another one appeared and struck in the ribs. However, this attack was different as some caused him to spasm. He let go of the one he was biting before Blinking out of range.

When he got some space, he touched his head and yelped as the pain radiated, and he felt like he was being stabbed. While checking his injuries, he started hearing laughing as the Demi-

God Mutant threw an injured Ophelia at his feet.

Her violet eyes looked into his before she spoke, ''Flee Archer! They are two strong.''

Archer was going to listen, but his dragon instincts kicked in and forced him to attack as he Blinked near the three creatures. He cast several Azur Cannons into the middle while punching at the Demi-God, who quickly blocked his attack.

With a grin, the Mutant delivered a powerful kick, causing Archer to feel his bones snap when it impacted. He was sent flying backward, crashing to the ground near Ophelia, who struggled to rise due to her injuries.

Blinking over to her side, Archer spoke urgently, "Tell the others I'll manage. Take care of them, Ophie," he said, reassuringly touching her shoulder before sending her to the domain.

As Ophelia vanished, Archer chuckled softly to himself, his confidence undeterred. The weaker of the two mutants leaped into the air, aiming a punch that thundered against his shield with a resounding boom. In response, Archer countered with an Eldritch Blast directed at the creature.

However, their confrontation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Demi-God outside the protective shield. It shattered the violet dome with a dark magic spell before advancing menacingly toward him, intent on delivering a fatal blow.

Reacting swiftly, he cast Blink and reappeared a safe distance away. He summoned a Void Rift above the two creatures in a decisive move, which halted their movements with its overwhelming power.

In reality, a rift tore open, and the weaker Mutant was swiftly drawn into its depths, torn apart by the chaotic forces unleashed. When witnessing its companion's demise, the Demi-

God mutant unleashed a furious roar and lashed out at him with a powerful strike.

Archer barely raised his arms in defense before being forcefully propelled across the battlefield, crashing into a cluster of rocks with a resounding impact. Gasping for breath, he struggled to his feet, only to see dozens of mutants gathering around the enraged Demi-God.

As the Demi-God pointed at him, a horde of mutants surged forward, prompting Archer to sigh in resignation. He leaped into action, preparing to face the impending onslaught as he got ready to start casting magic.

However, as he braced for the battle, a piercing screech echoed through the air, confusing everyone present. That didn't stop four mutants from lunging at him. Archer and the creatures traded slashes, bites, punches, and many other attacks.

In a twist of fate, he lost the battle. His enemies wielded a secret weapon that disrupted his mana and thwarted his regeneration abilities as the attacks built up. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to avoid their relentless assaults, narrowly dodging deadly swipes.

Archer countered with a fierce onslaught of dragon fire, hoping to turn the tide in his favor. Yet, even as flames engulfed his foes, the odds seemed stacked against him as the battle raged when more creatures joined the fight.

The air was tense as he fought valiantly against a swarm of mutants. Suddenly, a chilling presence descended. A Dark Wraith materialized from the shadows, its form shrouded in darkness and its eyes glowing with an evil energy.

He watched as the Wraith attacked the mutants with creepy claws and menacing teeth, sending them to reel with each devastating blast. This unexpected enemy caught the mutants off guard, and they scrambled to defend themselves against the onslaught.

The Demi-God mutant's fury ignited when witnessing the Dark Wraith's intervention. With a thunderous roar, it charged forward, its massive form pulsating with rage. However, the newcomer moved with uncanny speed, effortlessly evading the creature's attacks.

In a swift and calculated maneuver, the Dark Wraith enveloped the Demi-God in a shroud of shadow, temporarily immobilizing it. With a sinister gleam, the Wraith turned its attention to Archer, who was locked in a fierce battle against multiple mutants.

With a menacing hiss, it unleashed torrents of powerful dark magic at the mutants, cutting through their ranks with terrifying efficiency. Archer watched in awe and horror as the creatures fell one by one, their screams echoing through the chaos.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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