A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 692 Elara Ravensong

Chapter 692 Elara Ravensong

Archer nodded to the captain before they left the Waystation after taking a tour and headed toward Drakonia. They strolled for some time until a town appeared on the horizon. Vast expanses of fertile farmland stretched before them, rolling gently under the azure sky.

Fields of golden wheat swayed in the winter breeze, while lush meadows dotted with wildflowers added color to the landscape. The town was nestled amidst this beautiful scene, appearing as a beacon of civilization against the rustic backdrop.

Though modest, its buildings boasted a charming architectural style, with quaint cottages adorned with flowering vines and cobblestone streets winding between them. Yet, despite the tranquil ambiance, an undercurrent of tension permeated the air.

Standing sentinel around the town's perimeter were ominous figures clad in sleek, obsidian-black armor. It covered all their body except their eyes, offering perfect protection against an attacking enemy.

Their imposing presence cast a shadow over the otherwise serene scene, and their steely gazes fixed unwaveringly on the horizon. As they circled the town, their movements were precise and disciplined.

But what shocked the two girls was the number roaming the area. At the same time, another group of different-looking soldiers escorted a large group of scared-looking people toward the town.

Archer watched a confused Hemera compare the Dragon Legionnaires and the Homeguard soldiers. He could see she noticed the difference. She turned to him and asked, ''Why does your army have two types of soldiers, darling? Isn't that a waste of resources and training?''

Archer shook his head before explaining, ''Well, to some people, it would seem a waste, but to me and our kingdom, it isn't. Look at the soldiers surrounding the town. They are called Dragon Legionnaires.''

Hemera nodded and said, ''They look more vicious with that armor, and I can sense that they are stronger than the soldiers escorting the people. What races are they made up of?''

''All different races, Hem, but mostly dragonkin for now,'' he answered before continuing. ''The other soldiers you see are the Homeguard, who will stay in the kingdom guarding the walls or patrolling the land.''

Archer pointed at the soldiers in black armor and informed them, ''They are the First Draconia Legion, led by Dragon Marshals Elara Ravensong and Lucian Nightshade.''

The two girls nodded in understanding, but their moment was soon interrupted by a gorgeous redhead dragonkin woman. Her gaze was fixed on Archer with respect and attraction as she gracefully knelt before him.

Watching the scene, Hemera couldn't stifle a mischievous giggle, whispering to Kassandra, "I bet my husband would have quite the reaction to seeing her in that position, especially in a more intimate setting."

Kassandra smirked in agreement, "Oh, I can only imagine. The way she looks at him suggests she's more than willing to indulge in some naughty fantasies with him. What a naughty general."

Archer caught wind of their conversation and chuckled softly. However, his amusement faded as he noticed the sudden blush that spread across Elara's beautiful face, hinting at perhaps more provocative thoughts than he had anticipated.

The Kraken princess stepped forward, her voice low and sultry as she motioned for the woman to stand. "Tell me, do you love your king general? Would you do anything to please him?"

Archer watched Elara's blue eyes locking onto Kassandra's with unwavering determination before she replied, her voice tinged with desire, "I find him incredibly handsome, but love hasn't blossomed yet. Nevertheless, if he were to ask, I'd willingly fulfill his every desire, my queen.

He couldn't help but notice her whispered words, which only heightened his smile. Leaning close to the woman, he spoke seductively, his breath grazing her ear enticingly. "If you serve me admirably, my beautiful general, I shall reward you with anything your heart desires, and I mean anything.''

Elara's face became even redder as she imagined all kinds of scenes, but she shook her head and reported, ''Your Majesty. We've encircled the town, and no one has tried to escape. General Stormborn is still gathering the people you ordered her to and should be done within the hour.''

Archer nodded before speaking, ''Elara, can you explain to my queens the difference between your Legionnaires and Arianne's Homeguard soldiers?''

The redhead smiled before speaking, ''Of course, Your Majesty. We have set up a camp near the town entrance. I can do it there if that's okay with you.''

''Lead the way commander,'' he replied with a smile.

As the group followed the general towards the army camp, Archer found himself drawn to her commanding presence. His eyes trailed over her slender yet curvy figure, and he noted the sway of her hips with each step.

Elara's armor highlighted her feminine body, the sleek lines hugging her body in all the right places. Archer couldn't help but admire the way her silhouette moved with fluidity.

However, it was the sight of her perky bubble butt that truly caught Archer's attention. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he couldn't deny the charm of Elara's perfectly sculpted rear, the curves emphasized by the tight-fitting pants she wore.

As they walked, Archer's gaze lingering on Elara, he could not tear his eyes away from the tempting sight before him. Her every movement seemed to captivate him, filling his mind with thoughts he knew he should push aside in favor of more pressing matters.

Once he pulled his gaze away from Elara, who led them into a bustling camp, Archer couldn't help but notice the reverence with which his troops regarded him. Every pair of eyes seemed to follow their movements, and as they passed, the soldiers knelt in a display of respect.

Eventually, they arrived at a large tent, clearly serving as a command center. Elara gestured for them to enter, and they took their seats around a makeshift table. The air inside was filled with the scent of parchment and candle wax, and the murmurs of conversation from outside faded into the background.

Just as the dragonkin general moved to take a seat, Archer's voice cut through the air. "Elara, come here for a moment," he called, a mischievous glint in his eye.

She turned back, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush and approached Archer's side. Before she could react, he reached out and pulled her into his lap, settling her against him with a playful smile.

The sudden intimacy caught Elara off guard, and her face flushed a deep shade of red as she struggled to regain her composure. Archer could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

Hemera and Kassandra exchanged amused glances, their eyes dancing with delight as they watched the scene unfold. Archer's impromptu gesture had surprised her, and they couldn't resist teasing their new friend about it later.

''Now, can you tell them the difference, Elara? I want my queens to understand,'' Archer said, speaking into her ear, causing the woman to shiver.

She shook her head, tried to block out the fact that she was sitting on her king's lap, and started explaining, ''The Homeguard was raised to defend the kingdom and its borders. Their job is to keep the peace, collect taxes, and guard the walls that the king built.''

Archer interrupted her, ''Call me Arch Elara. Only when it's us, though.''

''So they are a security force then?'' Kassandra questioned.

The redhead nodded in confirmation. "Indeed, the Legionnaires and other units are prepared to engage our enemies when necessary. They undergo rigorous training in various weapons and tactics. General Mohamet has been dedicatedly instructing the dragonkin since Arch saved us all those years ago."

Archer smiled when he heard that, and the two girls nodded their heads before Kassandra asked, ''How long have you been with Archer? Years?''

Elara nodded in affirmation, ''Yes. It's been four years now,'' she answered. ''My family was living in the domain but decided to come to Draconia like the rest of us so we could help the king with his new kingdom.''

Hemera was the next to ask, ''Seeing as our husband is all over you, have you met each other before?''

''Yes, we've had many interactions during the four years, but only when he wandered around the domain,'' Elara said with a small smile on her pretty face.

Kassandra's smile brightened as she spoke, ''I love a good story.''

Elara smiled before she started talking, ''Okay. Where to start?''


[Elara's POV]

Four years ago, at the age of eighteen, Elara's tribe found themselves roaming the treacherous lands of the Southlands, their existence overshadowed by the constant fear of enslavement or death.

Then, a woman named Sagana reached out to them, offering them refuge and safety within the domain. Her message carried hope and promise, for she spoke of the White Dragon's return.

With the assurance of sanctuary under his protection, Elara, her family, and her tribe entered the domain, seeking solace from the perils that plagued them. A year passed, and she was recruited into the White Dragon's Army as she didn't want to be a farmer like her family.

Now, she was standing on the training grounds of the domain that two men called Jethro and Mohamet had set up. She was surrounded by fellow dragonkin soldiers, her muscles tense as she focused on perfecting her combat skills.

Sweat glistened on her brow as she swung her sword precisely, each movement a testament to her training and perseverance. Amidst the flurry of activity, her attention was suddenly drawn to a figure approaching the training grounds.

It was a young boy, his disheveled appearance standing out amidst the disciplined soldiers. Elara watched in amazement as all the soldiers stopped what they were doing and dropped to one knee when they saw him.

This caused her to look at the boy even more, only to realize who he was.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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