A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

"What is Garrett doing?"

"What on earth is Garrett up to?"

"I don't know... I can't understand. What about you?"

"I'm not one of Joanna's followers, learning from Garrett. Well, let's do as he says; he always has a reason."

Therapists whispered to each other. Without washing hands, without wearing masks, they continued talking, with an average distance of less than a meter from the operating table. Saliva sprayed into the patient's abdominal cavity every minute, and the possibility of infection increased. +1, +1, +1...

In a past life, the circulating nurse would have sprayed them with disinfectant and kicked them out of the operating room. However, there were no circulating nurses or head nurses here. In this situation, Garrett could only turn a blind eye. He lowered his head, tried to ignore the discussions around him, and focused wholeheartedly on the surgery:

"Clamp the mesenteric artery."

"The repair of the transverse colon artery is complete."

"The repair of the right colon artery is complete."

"Open the mesenteric artery."

"The repair of the intercostal artery is complete."

"The repair of the subcostal artery is complete..."

Garrett muttered words that no one could understand. His fingers danced, directing the hands of mages to continuously move inside the abdominal cavity. Dissect, loosen, expose the vessels, clamp the damaged vessels... Then, he signaled the nearby priests to cast healing spells.

When the priests looked confused, he used mage tricks to add some color, indicating where they should cast the spells.

Even so, the workload was much less than before, and Garrett sighed silently. In his past life, after clamping the vessels, it would involve using forceps to hold tissues and a needle holder in the other hand, desperately suturing.


One healing spell, and it's done.

Not even a second.

The vessels healed perfectly, with elastic walls, and there was no need to worry about leaks or poor subsequent healing...

Each has its own advantages, divine magic is indeed beneficial.

Oh, right, in the future, there's time to conduct a comparative study on "Healing Spells and Surgical Suturing After Vessel Thrombosis."

Garrett took out a small notebook in his mind and silently noted it down. The hands of the mages swiftly dealt with all the bleeding vessels Garrett could find and clamped the major vessels around the spear shaft. Garrett finally straightened his back and let out a sigh:

"Wiping sweat."

No one paid attention...

Oh, he forgot again that this world wasn't like his previous life. The few doctors (priests) he had trained were now sent to do other things...

Garrett mourned for himself in silence. Indeed, the division of labor in his past life made sense. Besides doctors, he should train another batch of nurses. At least someone could pass instruments, wear surgical gowns, wipe sweat, and scold people. Well, let's forget about the last one for now...

He closed his eyes, concentrated, took a step back, slightly turned his head to survey the combat capabilities of everyone present. "Anthony! Mariano!"

"Here!" Two warrior priests shouted. Garrett felt a bit relieved: the combat power of warrior priests was reliable, and they were easy to use. Having observed his surgery before, received his leadership during the plague, now, they were dependable.

"You support the patient! Lie on the right side! Hold steady, no movement, absolutely no movement! Bernard!"

"I'm here!"

The barbarian stood outside the crowd and responded loudly. It was as if a thunder had exploded in the air, shaking the entire tent. The makeshift shadowless lamp hanging over the operating table flickered, almost extinguished by his shout. Garrett wiped a cold sweat, raising his voice:

"Come help!"

With a splash, the priests on the opposite side dispersed, creating a path like the Red Sea splitting before Moses. Bernard rushed over, "What's the matter?"

"Grab the broken spear! Along the direction it's inserted, don't pull in any other direction" Garrett dared not directly say "pull out." He had to mention the details first, emphasizing as much as possible:

"I'll count to three, and you pull out in that direction. Move as steadily and quickly as possible! Absolutely no swaying left or right, don't damage the surrounding things! The rest, pay attention! After pulling out the spear, release a healing spell immediately! Is everyone ready?"


"Wait a moment!"

"Wait for me to chant..."

The priests responded unevenly.

In his past life, the anesthesiologist would be on high alert, arranging a row of adrenaline and various potions in front, ready to rush up for rescue at any time. The first and second assistants would tightly grip their needle holders, prepared to step forward for suturing. However, in this world, therapists were diligently chanting, preparing to release divine magic.

The tent fell silent. The atmosphere gradually condensed, becoming tense. Apart from the priests' prayers, there was only the barbarian's panting sound in the quiet. Amidst this silence, conversations from nearby entered the tent:

"Where are they? Taken away?... Oops, in that direction, it's where little Garrett is!"

"What? Is he going to handle it directly?... Let's hurry!"

"Garrett! Don't rush to treat!"

A shout came from outside the tent. At the same time, Garrett calmly gave the command:

"One! Two!Three!"

With a swish, the spear shaft flew out, and the white light of the healing spell immediately followed. A stream of fresh blood flowed from Old Barney's abdomen, but soon, it eased under the soothing effect of the healing spell.

"Little Garrett... Ah!"

The tent suddenly lit up. Garrett looked up and saw the shining bald head of the archbishop from a distance, couldn't help but smile:

"Your Excellency, you're here!"

"Can I not come?" The bald archbishop rushed over, as if shouting, "Wait until I arrive before opening the abdomen," but found that the intern had already taken the lead. Garrett greeted him with a shout:

"Your Excellency! Perform a tranquility spell!"

Thank goodness, a high-ranking warrior priest had finally arrived, anesthesia was finally available! Although the patient had been unconscious, performing surgery without anesthesia felt weird...

Should he take the time to extract some ether? Or a similar anesthetic? Honestly, he was a bit afraid of using this plant-derived compound anesthetic that couldn't control the dosage.

Or maybe try to get some ether? What was the reaction formula for ether again?

"Little Garrett, you have to work hard!" The bald archbishop took a step, relieved. He still had time to cast a tranquility spell. It seemed that Garrett's side had no major problems... Hearing Garrett shout, he raised his staff and laughed:

"Level up quickly and try to learn tranquility spells sooner!"

A white light fell like a forest, enclosing the unconscious patient. There was a low exclamation around: the casting speed of this divine magic was almost instantaneous, even with a considerable distance and a crowd blocking, the effect was not compromised. The healing power of the bald archbishop was truly remarkable.

Unfortunately, not everyone could afford this level of skill. There was a cold snort behind the bald arch

bishop, followed by a sarcastic remark:

"How about it? Do you want to take him away to the Temple of the War God?!"


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