A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 94: (2)

Chapter 94: (2)

Phew Did I really do well? What if a war breaks out with the House of Armis?

Thats But you did well in dealing with the traitor, Anton said.

Mr. Anton, do I really have the qualifications of a Markain Lord? I was born outside and just entered the Markain Territory

Of course! If it werent for Lady Linda, no one could rule the Markain Territory! Have you forgotten what Lady Jerina said?

I remember If only Mother hadnt passed away from illness

Kaiyan hadnt told Lindas group one important fact.

I should keep this a secret from Linda for a while.

He hadnt mentioned that Jerina and the rest of the Markain family nobles were killed by the nobles of the Armis family. Perhaps if Linda were to find out the truth now, she wouldnt be able to handle it. Thats why he couldnt bring himself to tell the young girl.


While looking at Linda with mixed emotions, the knights who had gone outside earlier began to enter one by one.

Lady Linda Its an honor to see you!

Were glad youre back!

The knights didnt seem to have remarkable skills or numbers, but their loyalty appeared genuine.

As Kaiyan observed Lindas group conversing with the knights, he began to formulate a plan for the future.


First and foremost, it was crucial to prove through Delonce and Vyarolf that the Artemis family had attempted to kill Linda. If that didnt happen, there could indeed be a war between the two families, as Vyarolf had mentioned.

If that were to occur, the Markain family would be finished. Logically, it was impossible for the Baron family to defeat a Count family. Of course, things might be different if Kaiyan gave it his all to help, but it would be difficult in the Mareon Empire, which was not a superpower.

These incompetent fools If I think carefully, there must be a way to handle them.

What Kaiyan wanted was for the Armis family to declare their defeat and promise not to interfere with the Markain family. He wanted to leave Linda, whom he considered like a little sister, behind with peace of mind.

Kaiyan, Mr. Kaiyan

Hmm? What is it, Linda?

Unconsciously, he referred to Linda by her name, which made the knights present frown.

Oh, Mr. Kaiyan saved me several times! I allowed it, so please dont be disrespectful to him.

Well, in that case understood.

Although the knights expressions seemed dissatisfied, they reluctantly accepted Lindas statement that her life had been saved by Kaiyan.

Once the knights had withdrawn, Linda looked at Kaiyan with a sad expression and then spoke.

Thank you so much for helping. And for telling me who the traitor is Thank you so much.

Well, I promised to help.

Yes So, Mr. Kaiyan, are you leaving now?

Hmm? Why?

You Werent you planning to leave?

So thats why you were so sad.

Lindas expression had been gloomy since yesterday, and now Kaiyan understood why.

What Kaiyan first promised Linda and her group was to accompany them to the Markein Territory. And now, they had arrived at the Markein Territory. In other words, the initial commission that didnt seem like a commission had come to an end. Thats why Linda had an uneasy expression, thinking that Kaiyan might leave.

I find this job interesting. I want to see it through a bit more. Why are you uncomfortable?

Yeah! If you take on a job, you should see it through to the end, right? Kaiyan is a mercenary with principles!

Sir, Im truly grateful. Im not officially an aristocrat yet, so Im not sure how to repay you

You can repay me slowly. Theres nothing needed right now. More importantly, can you gather the administrators?

Administrators? Why?

To give a blow to the Armis Family.

**** ****

Armis Familys Territory.

From the central castle in the territory, the loud shouting of the count echoed.

What? What are you talking about? Vyarolf captured? By the Markein Knights?

That thats what Markein relayed to us through communication They said Vyarolf was trying to kill the Markein heir.

Ugh! These guys! How dare they! What have the knight bastards been doing?

Forgive us!

The Counts face turned crimson, and he threw the items in his office at the butler before plopping down in his chair, as if he had thought of something.

Haah Hoo Well, this might actually be for the better. Hamil.


Apologies to Karian, but order the men below to kill Vyarolf.

The butler called Hamil looked puzzled at the viscounts words.

K-Kill Vyarolf, you mean?

Yes, he must die while captured by Markein. That way, even if a territory war erupts, they wont be able to get the empire to interfere.

But If word gets to Karian that Vyarolf is dead

The Karian mentioned by Hamil was the viscounts younger brother and Vyarolfs father.

Moreover, Karian was a key figure in the Armis family, holding a viscounts rank and governing the northern Armis Territory. The Count was asked to kill his own brothers son.

On the contrary, its better to create that situation. If it happens that way, wont Karian take the lead and wipe out Markein Territory himself? Hehe.

But if, during this incident, Karian learns of your involvement

Hehe, we just need to keep it hidden from Karian while this incident unfolds. I plan to deal with Karian later. I cant leave the northern territory in his hands forever. So, you guys proceed with the plan as Ive instructed.

Sigh I understand

Watching Hamil leave to carry out the orders, the count smiled with satisfaction, deluding himself that everything would go according to his plan.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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