A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 42: Tickle Monster.

Chapter 42: Tickle Monster.

The night slowly passed and at some point, Ushijima Yuki fell asleep while she was in You Xi Wang's arms, he princess carried her and put her to bed. The two girls slept side by side and You Xi Wang sat crossed legs on the floor to cultivate. He knew how much he needed to work to stop anyone from harming his closed one.

Time flew away, and the sun rose once again, lighting up the darkness with its golden rays of light. You Xi Wang opened his eyes, turning around he saw Yuki sleeping like a log which made him shake his head, but what surprised him was Celestia sitting cross-legged and trying to meditate but her nose was twitching continuously, she was imitating You Xi Wang. He approached her and she heard his footsteps and opened her eyes.

She pouted and complained, "Big brother, my mom used to sit like you, she told me that this is meditating and it can strengthen one. Why am I not feeling stronger, I tried this before too?"

You Xi Wang sat beside her and said, "HAHAHA, you will be stronger by this but not that simple, the human body needs to grow before it can become stronger. Just like a tree."

"A tree?" Celestia tilted her head to a side and questioned him.

He nodded and replied, "You take a seed, plant it in the ground, over time you nourish it with water and fertilizers. It grows into a sapling like you grew up from being a baby to a little fairy." Celestia giggled and jumped in his lap rubbing her small head on his chest.

This bond was something unexplainable, a girl tormented and left to die, who could not get herself to trust anyone was now so warm to You Xi Wang. Maybe because they both have no parents or because he gave her the much-needed hope. These two get along very well.

You Xi Wang tickled her a bit, after a few rounds of laughter the girl asked him again, "Then how long do I have to wait to grow strong?"

"Six years, when our Celes grows Twelve years old, she will be taught how to meditate and interact with the surrounding energy," he replied patiently.

The little girl counted on her fingers, "That's too long." she pouted. You Xi Wang stroked her hair, consoling her in a soft voice, "If you get great strength without understanding the value, you will exploit it. Misusing strength makes us bad guys. Tell me Celes, do you want to be a baddie?"

Celestia hastily shook her head with great strength and said, "I will do as big brother says."

He patted her head with a smile, "Good girl, now let's get ready, you and Chris are headed to your new home. You family mansion, my family, which now also yours too, okay. There my big sister and grand aunty will take care of you."

Celestia shook her head in protest, "No, I will be with big brother only." she said and tears started forming in her eyes. You Xi Wang consoled her again and said, "You want to be strong, right?" the girl nodded.

You Xi Wang continued, "Then you have to understand what that strength is, where does it come from, etcetera. To get all this knowledge you need a teacher, I am just a student who is still learning so I cannot teach you but my family can. I have a grandaunt, she will teach you. I will be back in twenty days. I promise."

This worked, Celestia agreed, but still somewhat hesitantly. You Xi Wang took her to the bathroom helped her clean up. He also nourished her body with his spiritual energy, which erased the scars on her back and made her complexion slightly pink and more adorable. He also braided her blonde hair into a French plait adding to her cuteness.

Ushijima Yuki woke up to this adorable sight. The little girl was talking about how she will never talk to You Xi Wang if he did not call her once a day while You Xi Wang kept nodding and braided her hair. Yuki woke up and walked to You Xi Wang from behind and hugged him.

Celestia saw her and smiled happily. Yuki hugged her and kissed her cheeks in return. Just then a knock was heard. You Xi Wang walked to the door. He opened and saw Emily beaming at him. She threw herself in his arms and give him a big kiss.

"Young master, I missed you. Hehe," she said after breaking from the kiss. Yuki greeted her and introduced her to Celestia. Emily instantly liked this little fairy and took her in her embrace. She got on with her job to dress her up as You Xi Wang left the room to talk with Robert who came to pick up the kids, Emily was just taking this as an excuse to meet her beloved.

You Xi Wang found Robert standing in front of Neo Paul's room. He approached him, "Robert, I have a job for you." the latter nodded, "Ask Takeshi Kinben, to contact his informants in Croma city, and gather every little detail about Ronald Colt. I want to know if Croma City Academy is also coming to the Flora sector for the assessment."

Robert replied, "As you command, Young Master."

You Xi Wang nodded and turn around as Emily was leading Celestia who was wearing a white frock, white sandals. She looked just like a little elf. She ran to You Xi Wang. The latter also picked her up in his arms and she gave him a blossoming smile.

He said, "Celes, now you go home okay. I will call you daily and will come back in twenty days okay." the girl nodded and Neo Paul also came out of his room with Chris in tow. They were both wearing sporty round neck shirts and shorts with black sports shoes. Neo fed Chris with a medicinal pill that healed his eyes. This was the wonder of Metropia. No disease can not be cured.

The group had a cheerful breakfast, after which both the children were taken to the council office and given new Identity cards. You Xi Wang asked Robert to be vigilant on the way. Emily gave You Xi Wang a kiss and boarded the car, Chris gave everyone a fist bump and thanked them for the care. Chris was to be dropped at Neo's family house as he discovered that Chris also has a beast bloodline, but it was sealed. Robert will drop him off and make sure he is being treated nicely.

Celestia looked at You Xi Wang with teary eyes as the former hugged her, You Xi Wang whispered in her ears, "Celes, be strong my little fairy or you will be tickled." he tickled her and she laughed, he kissed her cheek and helped her into the car. She waved at him while sticking out her tongue. "Bye-bye tickle monster," she said as the door closed. You Xi Wang let out a laugh and the vehicle departed, soon disappearing from their vision.

You Xi Wang turned to the group and said, "Let's go. We have limited time on our hands."

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