A Chaotic World

Chapter 188: Beiqian You

Chapter 188: Beiqian You

"We will be launching a sneak attack on their backlines?"

Elder Mingxin stared hard at the map that had been sprawled out before her.

The four battalion commanders from the north were in the command tent of the camp right now, in a meeting with Marshal Xianming and around a dozen other Origin Core realm martial artists.

"That's right," Marshal Xianming nodded. "Or more specifically, we will be targeting the enemy's recovery tents!"

A war among martial artists was different from a war among non martial artists. Contrary to the latter case, the supply of food and weapons was secondary in the former. That was because most martial artists would have plenty of supplies stocked up in their own spatial rings before turning up at the battlefield.

However, one thing remained unchanged.

For the injured soldiers, there still had to be a place where medical attention could be administered, and where they could rest to recuperate.

And these recovery tents were exactly what Marshal Xianming was aiming for this time!

The main forces of both sides would clash, allowing a small group to break away and sneak past and strike from the back.

Since the reinforcements from the north had just arrived, it was unlikely for the enemy to be aware of their existence, and thus they had been selected for the job.

It was a dangerous move, but it would also be extremely rewarding if they were to succeed!

"Understood," Elder Mingxin answered resolutely. "When we will be moving out?"

The other three battalion commanders looked towards Marshal Xianming as well, all of them curious about the same matter.

"Hold on, it appears that I have neglected to mention one particular point," Marshal Xianming held up his hand, signalling for them to curb their curiosity for the moment. "This time, the operation will not involve anyone at the Origin Core realm."

"What?!" the four of them could not help but exclaim in shock.

An attack on the enemy camp without the participation of any Origin Core realm martial artist?

"But Marshal Xianming, may I know the reason for that?" Elder Mingxin tried her best not to frown as she spoke.

Seeing how hard she was trying, Marshal Xianming smiled in understanding. "This time, the assault party would have to sneak past the enemy forces and enter their camp. With their main forces engaged in battle with ours, all of their Origin Core realm martial artists would be deployed at the front line. But if they were to receive word that an Orign Core realm martial artist of our side had sneaked into their camp, there is a possibility that they would spare no effort in eliminating the individual, even if it meant abruptly recalling their Origin Core realm experts and leaving their soldiers to die."

Elder Mingxin remained silent in contemplation, having finally understood Marshal Xianming's considerations.

While it might sound good to have plenty of the enemy's soldiers left for dead, the risk involved was far too huge.

If the enemy somehow managed to take down an Origin Core realm martial artist from their side, no amount of Essence Building realm soldiers would be worth the trade. Even killing of their Essence Condensation realm officers was nothing in comparison!

"But without an Origin Core realm martial artist to lead the group, would the assault party really be able to accomplish their mission safely?" Elder Mingxin asked doubtfully.

"For that to happen, the assault party, though small in numbers, would have to extremely strong, so much so that they can crush those at the same level with ease," Marshal Xianming agreed. "Thus, we will be sending in the very elites of our Essence Condensation realm forces! Of course, we will also be preparing an extraction team for them to escape once the deed is done."

If the assault party was only comprised of those at the Essence Condensation realm and below, the enemy would place less emphasis on it, likely only sending out those of the same level to stop them.

After all, Origin Core realm martial artists were vital resources during battle.

This would in turn result in the assault party's escape being far more feasible, as opposed to having multiple Origin Core realm martial artists hot on their tails.

"Marshal, may I say something?" a middle aged looking man suddenly spoke up from the side.

"Beiqian Zuo?" Marshal Xianming turned towards him in surprise. "What do you have in mind?"

This Beiqian Zuo was at the Fourth Cycle Origin Core realm, and wore a confident smile on his face as he walked up to the marshal.

"After the many weeks of battle, I am sure the Dragon Cauldron Kingdom has started taking note of our more prominent squad leaders as well," Beiqian Zuo stated matter-of-factly. "By sending them in as the assault party, I am afraid that it could still trigger the enemy into sending Origin Core realm martial artists to eliminate them."

"What do you suggest then?" Marshal Xianming asked.

He knew very well that this Beiqian Zuo would not object to his plan before coming up with an alternative of his own.

As Marshal Xianming expected, Beiqian Zuo let out a grin, turning his attention towards Elder Mingxin. "Well, I think it is about time we allowed that famous top ranker of the Scarlet Moon Heroes Meet to handle some real responsibilities!"

With his words, everyone turned to look at Elder Mingxin, who instantly frowned in response.


This was the Second Battlefront, one of the five that were being contested in the central region.

On this morning, even before the first light dawned upon the camp, most of the soldiers were already up and about. They had long been informed that the fight would be resuming today, having rested for the past few days.

They were feeling confident and their morale was high, largely due to the large amount of reinforcements that had been sent over from the main camp.

Even as they made their way towards the enemy, their minds were occupied only with the thoughts of crushing those bastards from the Dragon Cauldron Kingdom.

Today will be the day they push back the enemy lines!

Or at least, all of them believed that to be the case.

How could they not?

In terms of sheer numbers, they had increased by more than threefold since the last battle a few days ago, and their military march was now nothing short of majestic.

In terms of individual experts, the number of Origin Core realm martial artists who had joined their battlefront from the main camp numbered in the double digits!

With such a boost to their ranks, surely they would be able to overwhelm their opponents with ease!

Unfortunately for them, the day was not about to progress as smoothly as they had imagined.

Across the vast plains, a young looking man was donned in light armour, standing atop a temporary watchtower and gazing in the direction of the advancing troops from the Scarlet Moon Army.

From his position, it would have been impossible to spot the advancing army for any non martial artists, but such a restriction naturally did not apply to him. Despite the distance, it was impossible to hide the approach of such a large number of people from his sharp senses, especially when he had already been on his guard.

"The information we received earlier is correct," he sighed. "It seems like they are truly determined to break through our defence this time."

"General Longming, please give us your orders!" his subordinates called out from behind him.

The young man known as General Longming turned around, taking a good look at the row of officers who met his gaze with resolute stares.

"We will stick to the plan," General Longming sneered. "If they want to break us, then let them try. We shall crush them where they stand! Everyone, move out!"

"Yes, General!" the row of officers answered in unison.

Their blood burned with vigour as they made their way out of their camps, ready to meet their enemy face to face in their fullest glory.

Just like the Scarlet Moon Army, their ranks had been bolstered greatly in the past few days, all in preparation for their opponent's imminent offence.

Now, the time had finally come for them to show their stuff!


A good distance away, a small group of martial artists crept up over a small hill, carefully peering over the top to take a look at the vast plains on the other side.

From their position, they could see the mighty Scarlet Moon Army positioned at the far left of the plains. At the far right, an equally imposing army stood in opposition, belonging to the Dragon Cauldron Kingdom.

The two armies stood stationary, as though both of them were waiting for their opponent to make the first move.

"I still can't believe that we are not there alongside them," Juncheng gulped nervously.

"The Dragon Cauldron Army is far stronger than before," Lu Tianzi mused. "Everything is going according to Marshal Xianming's plans."

"Naturally, Marshal Xianming is not someone who the likes of us can fathom." An unfamiliar voice came from behind him.

Lu Tianzi shot a side glance towards the owner of this voice.

Beiqian You.

Unlike the rest of them who had been sent over from the northern battlefields, this was someone who had been sent to the central battlefields since the start of the war.

Dressed in his neat battle robes, Beiqian You stood there with his arms folded, a confident grin showing on his face.

Lu Tianzi could not help but feel some respect for this Beiqian You.

Just from the latter's tone, it was obvious how much he admired Marshal Xianming. Yet he seemed to have no interest at all in peeking over the small hill to see how things were panning out on the other side.

His confidence in Marshal Xianming's plans was truly astounding!

"You should get going," Beiqian You reminded. "Otherwise, you might just end up missing the time window to act."

"You are right," Lu Tianzi got up and casually patted the dirt off his clothes. "As agreed upon before, please stay within the vicinity. We will meet you back here on the way out."

"Don't worry. You just have to make it to this point, and we will take care of the rest," Beiqian You nodded.

"All right then," Lu Tianzi turned towards Nanlan Qianxue and Nanqing Haowen who were not far away. "Shall we go then?"

Out of everyone who had been sent from the northern battlefields, their three squads had been selected for this operation to launch a sneak attack on the enemy recovery tents.

Among them, Lu Tianzi had been chosen by the higher ups due to his status as the most talented Essence Condensation realm martial artist within Scarlet Moon Kingdom. As for the other two, they had been picked by Elder Mingxin in hopes of ensuring a high level of synergy among the three squads.

Capitalising on their deep understanding of each other, Elder Mingxin was hoping that the three of them would be able to exhibit strength beyond what they could display individually, as well as have someone to rely on during this dangerous operation.

Still, this operation was not all risks and without rewards either.

Should the three of them complete this operation successfully, they would certainly be able to gain a high level of recognition, at the same time boosting the reputation of the Nine Suns Sect!

As for Beiqian You, he was the leader of the extraction team.

When the three squads retreat from the enemy camp, the extraction team would be waiting at the small hill nearby, ready to receive them and by doing so, ensure their safe escape.

In fact, if not for the fact that a large assault group could be met with a much stronger pursuit from the enemy, even this extraction team would have been sent in as well!

"Yeah, let's do this!" Nanqing Haowen brushed his hand through the long hair of the Black Maned Shadow Lion, unable to hide the anticipation in his voice.

But he could not be blamed for that.

Even the usually cold and composed Nanlan Qianxue was feeling the throbbing of excitement in her veins.

After all, what they were about to do was something incomparably dangerous. Any slip up could possibly pose a serious threat to their lives.

Yet this was also something that they had willingly signed up for when agreeing to join the war, to put their lives on the line for the sake of rewards.

This was what being a martial artist was about anyway. In order to advance along the road of cultivation, a martial artist had to be prepared to take risks to seek out fortune!

Otherwise, they would never be able to reach for the pinnacle.

Just as the three of them made up the minds to leave, the entire group felt a huge wave of energy undulations sweeping over from the other side of the hill.

Without them realising it, the battle between the main forces of both sides had begun.

Now, it was their turn to make a move!

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